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looking for efficiency tips


A friend and I are researching our grow room style.

We are definitely going hydro. Either hempy style or straight coco.
This is our first grow but we have been researching extensively and do not want to do soil, so please spare the recommendations to that.

These are the pictures that got me thinking about possibly getting 600 watt HPS instead of 1000.

It seems most people that grow and want big, go 1000. When I say "big" I mean people who grow for more then just for themselves and friends.

We want to grow big. But I am trying to explain to him what I have learned are benefits to using a larger amount of smaller watt lamps.

Here's what I think:

In the beginning it might cost more to buy 3-600 W HPS instead of 2-1000 W HPS but ultimately, it will be more cost efficient in other ways.

You can start right out doing a SOG style. I mean we can just buy the clones and they have little to no time required in veg. We can fit a lot more plants in the same area. Faster harvest. More efficient use of electricity.

I do see a down side that using system that requires us to water by hand causes even more work. But ultimately when we finish with this, we will have money to invest in an automated system and also precious experience.

And we will need many clones. At first we can buy them. We also will be setting up a veg room and mothers so we can supply our own soon.

There is a budget, but it's not super tight. We also have money to live off of so there will be plenty of time to do all the manual labor since we won't have real jobs.

So what do you all think?

Is there sometimes a case that can be made for using 600 w HPS instead of 1000?


I've used 250's to 1000's. All sorts of different light spectrums. 1000's where it's at. I usually rock 2 over 8 plants (rocking 1 right now due to moving out soon). 600's do work too. A lot of people swear by them for good reason. Light spectrum, electricity cost etc... It's just a personal preference for me.

Hempy's are the shit and would be ideal for a beginner. There's a lot of systems out there though. U.C. systems on my list but right now I'm working with a waterfarm 8pack. If your going SOG then maybe an ebb system with a tray. Really basic and easy to build.

Hope this helps buddy and good luck on your build.


if your dealing with a space thats oddly shaped my tent is 4x8 so i used 2 1000 watter but if i was doing a 10 x 3 i would have went with more 600s ive just always went with the 4x4 space = 1000 watt needed when i grew with a 600 it was about 3x3 of good coverage


in the thick of it
Have you looked at vertical? We use hempy buckets under 1kw vert and output is more than it was with horizontal bulb placement.


Could you try this out scheduling a light on for 4hrs then have 2 more kick on for high noon and then back down to 1 light for the evening with results similar to 1 or 2 1k's. At flower time that's 12,000w a day for 3 600w lights(12,000w is one 1k light for 12hrs) but this would have a bright 18,000w noon day....


in the thick of it
I bet that would be efficient but what kind of lumens would you get at the peak time compared to all the other times? Also...more moving parts is more things to go wrong. Keep it simple.


Partners = Problems


Amen, to that!

Check out passive growing.. in my sig.. you can learn about "growing" almost right away
because you're not fuggin with mega nutes, ph fluctutions and zillions of other 'incidentals'
necessary for success. Coco based... $$s go further... IMO..


in the thick of it
I hate to agree with that, but I do get very aggrivated with my buddy sometimes. He's the stereo-typical stoner and I'm not. It is very nice to have somebody there to bounce ideas off of and to keep things in order in my absence. So as long as the setup doesn't require daily maintenance then partners are easier.


I was just wondering if SOG means the same thing to everyone.

Let me explain. I just watched a bunch of videos on youtube and I am yet to find anyone doing "Sea of Green" the way I understand it.

A bunch of plants that are only big bud. A lot of plants.
They were all about just shoving small plants together.

As far as the partners thing goes, I guess just wish me luck.
There are 4 of us.

Our options were either stay in Nevada *where we live now.
Grow a little in each of our places. MAYBE make money if our product is perfect and we have a little luck as far as going outside the law. *It's still illegal to sell marijuana in any way shape or form in NV even with a card to a dispensary. The most any one card holder can have at one time is one ounce usable.

Or we can pool our resources, time, and knowledge and go to California.
Grow legitimately and for profit. It's a good business decision to go. Let's just hope we don't kill each other.


I was just wondering if SOG means the same thing to everyone.

Let me explain. I just watched a bunch of videos on youtube and I am yet to find anyone doing "Sea of Green" the way I understand it.

A bunch of plants that are only big bud. A lot of plants.
They were all about just shoving small plants together.

As far as the partners thing goes, I guess just wish me luck.
There are 4 of us.

Our options were either stay in Nevada *where we live now.
Grow a little in each of our places. MAYBE make money if our product is perfect and we have a little luck as far as going outside the law. *It's still illegal to sell marijuana in any way shape or form in NV even with a card to a dispensary. The most any one card holder can have at one time is one ounce usable.

Or we can pool our resources, time, and knowledge and go to California.
Grow legitimately and for profit. It's a good business decision to go. Let's just hope we don't kill each other.

Dont know squat about SOG but!!

4 of you!? Forget the stoner qualities of some...

"Loose lips sink ships" and once you all start produceing, at least one of you will become a blabber mouth! Not good.

California is the place you want to be for legality..
Even there ya gotta worry about others hijacking your grow..
if they know about it.

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