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Looking for dark room louvers experience

Looking for dark room louvers experience

I know they block light. I know where to get them, what size’s that are available, what they cost, etc…
But my question is do they restrict air flow? Would they work as a passive intake?
How do they block light and not restrict air?
Would you recommend them?

Any experience, tips or suggestions, all welcome.


Yes they restrict airflow by a lot.

There was a thread recently where someone took one apart, based on the measurements of a few ventilation peeps around I here I believe the agreed upon estimate was, an 8x8 dark room vent gives 10 or 11 square inches of free air flow.

Recommending them is totally based on your cubic feet of your grow.


ICMag Donor
But my question is do they restrict air flow? Would they work as a passive intake?
Yes airflow is restricted. I would guess approximately +/-60%.
I use them as passive intakes and they work great. I have a large exhaust fan for my space which keeps the negative pressure up, and the fresh air coming in.

How do they block light and not restrict air?
They work like blinds. The louvers are placed one in front of the other in a staggered formation so there is no direct path for the light to pass thru. Like a maze. The light is unable to make the turns necessary to get thru the grill. The air has no problem passing thru

Would you recommend them?
Yes. I have many times. Made a thread about it somewhere....

Any experience, tips or suggestions, all welcome.

You must have some good negative pressure to use these. With good negative pressure you can stand right in front of them and smell nothing. The air is just rushing into the grow room. Without negative pressure you will have air escaping thru the louvres. Along with odors.

If you have excellent neg pressure, you can use more than one to increase the air intake. 4 8x8 louvres installed in a square will give you a 16x16 opening.

Using this method, I can hold an inscence stick in front of my door and watch the smoke rush in.



My box is in a room that I do not turn lights on unless bloom light
is on, so it is relativly dark in there anyway..

Piece of panda film (white side in) stapled over (or duck taped)
the intake on the inside and exhaust hole on the outside. Fan comes on incoming air pushes panda up, goes off flaps down.. Not perfect but effective. Restriction is smaller than louvers.
Less expencive too.