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Looking For A Simple Soil Recipe, Dont Want To Buy 42 Things....


Active member
1 bag FF Ocean Forest
1 bag FF Light Warrior
1 bag FF Happy Frog
However much perlite you like to add in your mix

Mix & go............doesn't get more simpler then that!!!

Bunz :D


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8/42 items...

Lc's soil mix number 1- i suggest build your own. far less chance for bugs.

5 parts plain peat
3 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
1 cup or 2 tablespoons per gallon powdered dolomite lime
1 part= 1 gallon

alaskan fish emulsion 5-1-1
neptunes harvest liquid seaweed 0-0-1
neptunes harvest fish and seaweed 2-3-1
neptunes harvest fish 2-4-1

early veg-
1/2 tablespoon fish 5-1-1
1/2 tablespoon seaweed
1 gallon clean water. no chlorine.

1 tablespoon fish 5-1-1
1 tablespoon seaweed
1 gallon water
every second or third watering.

early flower-
1 tablespoon fish and seaweed 2-3-1
1 gallon water.
around every watering.

mid-late flower-
1 tablespoon fish 2-4-1
1 gallon water
every watering.

these are base measurements. more or less depending on strain.
really basic and easy. good results.

by the way if any of you are into house plants. especially pothos... this soil mixture and the veg feeding will grow some killer pothos fyi.


Active member
I've found that, for me anyway, the simplest soil recipe for moms is the
LC#2 mix top dressed with some EWC.

Even easier is just "Roots Organic" soil augmented with dolomite lime and top dressed with EWC. I do this when I'm lazy or too busy.

I'm pretty much done with animal shit myself (though there is a bit in the roots organic).

Both can take whatever nutes you wish to use.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Kinda what BagseedSamurai said,

LINK, get some FREE (or super cheap) compost :yes: Or check Google for free compost in your area, thats from a search in the bay area.
Even better start making your own.

Find quality Earth worm castings. Even better start making your own.

Mix 70/30. Add perlite or some other such substance (rice hulls/lava rock). Add plants :tiphat:
If you can find enough vegan friends (probably not hard in cali) then you can have them shit you 15 gallons. I suspect it will take about 100 vegans. Remember you don't have to flush organics, LITERALLY.


50% soil, 20% pumice/perlite, 20% worm castings, 10% cow manure. never any nute deficiencies seen in it when pot is at least 3gallon.


Hiya KB,

I was thinking, maybe you could outsource the 15 gallons of soil that you need.

You grow some nice stuffs, and you might be disappointed with just throwing some cow manure and peat moss together. there's a lot of work involved in making quality organic soils. The impromptu soil may not perform as well as many posted soil recipes.

If you had an associate who grows organic style , maybe a trade for an elite clone for some elite soil. Or, some quality beans for just enough quality ingredients to make enough for your needs. That way, your able to enjoy the proper benefits w/o wasting anything you don't need.


I use just FFOF with about 25-35% #4 perlite added to it for my mothers. In 5 or 7 gallon containers they usually last about 6 - 8 months at a time. I will only have to water for about the first 3 to 4 weeks and then just a regular feed-water-water-feed schedule and have had no problems with any strains other than true Tahoe OG she is very picky about what she wants to eat which I have yet to truly figure out :D hope this helps


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i run 50gal smartpots. promix hp with 25% EWC 30lb bag $15 espoma garden tone 5-5-5 $6 maybe mix some more perlite in and thats all i mix bro i let her bake for a day or 2 then shes ready to be planted in.

then i just brew my own teas real cheap man and real easy with only a few basic ingredients. comes out to about $20-$30 in nutes per 50gal smartpot each run


Active member
i run 50gal smartpots. promix hp with 25% EWC 30lb bag $15 espoma garden tone 5-5-5 $6 maybe mix some more perlite in and thats all i mix bro i let her bake for a day or 2 then shes ready to be planted in.

then i just brew my own teas real cheap man and real easy with only a few basic ingredients. comes out to about $20-$30 in nutes per 50gal smartpot each run

Can you share your tea recipe for both veg & flower?

Thanks partner,



"don't want to buy shit tons of products to grow these though and don't want to cook the soil...."

Find some mature composted manure and or compost, mix in some rock dusts (Azomite/Rock Phos/Greensand/lime/glacial rock/that sort of thing)

Plant......no cooking required.....

be real careful with composted manure indoors. i got some to make vermicompost and within 2 weeks i had an insect explosion of biblical proportion
be real careful with composted manure indoors. i got some to make vermicompost and within 2 weeks i had an insect explosion of biblical proportion

I am betting you purchased this "composted" manure, right? I don't want someone to be scared of compost because someone else said it will could cause an infestation. Making your own is always far better.


yep it was dehydrated manure from home depot, but according to my local agriculture extension agent that i spoke to, over 2000 species of fly larvae can be found in manure. who would have thought that bugs and fly would be attracted to shit??? so i don't think the issue is store bought versus local farm fresh, but the fact that manure has bugs. maybe regular compost is safer, but i'm not taking the risk of bringing any indoors.


Bugs are everywhere......if your garden gets overtaken by any sort of pests something is out of whack with your methods................I see many different pests in my garden, and I do not shy away from using manure and compost.........but since I focus on plant health, instead of playing army guy with problems..........no species of pest has a chance to build a family and be a menace..........

I'm not sure if anyone will ever catch on to what I'm saying here......I keep saying it over and over again........focusing on "battling".....or "going to war"....with bugs and problems, takes your attention away from the most important thing......plant health.....good strong plants never have issues with bugs, believe me, bug problems is trying to tell you something.....don't go to war with the messenger.....

plant positive........not pest negative.......pull your wallet out of the asshole of "pest solutions" forever........