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Lookin for info: Growing plants upside down


So someone I know was talking about growing plants upside down--saying they would grow better (which I believe) and more potent because of all the nutrients flowing into the plant (which I'm not so sure on). I don't know if these claims were his speculation or whether he read them somewhere, but I'm very interested.
It's that time of the season where the flowering plants are about to come down and be replaced with new plants to veg. I'm really curious and likely will do an experiment growing them upside down, but would love to hear input first on the legitimacy of those claims.


New member
wow, never even thought of that. i know tomato plants do well upside down. if you decide to grow upside down, i'm definitely stickin around to see the pics! :rasta:


How do you water it upside down? How do you keep the soil from falling? I guess you would prop up a container with a hole drilled in the bottom. Transplant to that hole and water from the top. Run off wont work correctly then. Logistically this may be hard to do.

In theory it may work, how much better I have no idea. The roots may get confused also.


Yea I've read I would need to train the plant to grow downwards. Also water dripping down the plant would be a problem that can be fixed by only having drainage holes connected to tubing that perhaps water the plants down below (at least it's space efficient). Another idea would be having the pot suspended but upright hence not confusing the roots, and tying the plant downwards.

I should have browsed around more I didn't need to make this post (sorry). But it seems like nobody has done more than speculated and since it would be space efficient I think I'll give it a try comin up after I can get some clones so I can control the variables of the comparison of a standard plant, plant grown totally upside down, and a plant upside down with a upright bucket/roots.


Non Conformist
Not tryin ta be a stick in the mud,but

Not tryin ta be a stick in the mud,but

I don't think it will make much difference. The plant will function has it always does. Plants have no problems pulling nutes up in them, and because the osmonic pressure would be the same right side up or upside down I don't think it will matter. This is jus my opinion, but, I'm always open minded to learning new things and would like ta see it done. Good luck! BC


i dont think is impossible since they r doin it with tomatoes ,do not underestimate the versatility of cannabis will b lookin forward 2 pics if u decide 2 go forward with your grow :headbange