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look at this seedling

its yellowing though its still a seedling
i know seedlings have their own nutrients to start with so a soft soil with no nutes for the start is good
but is that that my seedlings start to use up all the N it needs,
this is just my average plant that has this prob
i have some that are really have pale yelloew color from bottom going up and its still in its seedling stage. :(
and some even doesnt grow with them too..


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could also be nute lockout due to incorrect pH

(assuming you have prepared and have nutrients on hand, ph testing supplies, etc.)

in your situation..

1.) water soil, collect runoff and test pH.
2.) correct pH if necessary. if not, skip to 3
3.) check soil - use a tried and tested soil such as ffof, or even coco mediums, miracle grow/retail off the shelf brands have a tendency to either lockout nutes, not provide enough nutes, not provide the correct nutes, etc.

if pH is correct, and the soil/medium is decent, then i'd go with using a mild dose of some grow formula.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Overwatered. Needs a lighter, more drainable mix if you're going to continue with that watering style. I'd repot.


Active member
Too much water and or waterlogged soil...AND a really shitty container! Get it out of that see-through cup.
for the soil i mixed 70% seedling soil + 30% perlite
I use water from a container that I let sit for few days before using it.


for the soil i mixed 70% seedling soil + 30% perlite
I use water from a container that I let sit for few days before using it.

Hi Growsativa...
Boy, the responses have been all over the map. Your soil mix should be ok, but if you're keeping it too damp...that can certainly be a problem. You do have holes in the bottom?

So you've done good by not feeding and watching the little plant. When it starts to use up it's stored nutrients...then it's time to start feeding like Hazy said. And the yellowing that you're seeing is your cue. Go real easy 1/4 strength to start. But wait till the pot dries a bit before doing so.

Your tap water could be very hard. Are your ice cubes really cloudy?
i have to observe those cubes. I have fed with 1/4 strength for those who needed it then when drie4d, i will up it up a bit. they still look yellowish to white though but the leaves are still there. hope they make it.. Thanks for all the generous responses. ill be updating with this situation of mine