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long time lurker new member

hello all been lurking the forums here exclusively for over a year now and finally got around to making an account here:). I am a legal medical patient in the state I reside so as soon as I get my 25 posts ima start a journal good day all!


, The Ghost of
Welcome! Is it safe to assume that you have Crohns? A very good friend of mine has it and has had 2 surgeries so far. Its a tough road to travel. I wish you well.


Hello CfC, lurked for years also but took the plunge a few weeks ago and very happy for the decision. You'll get those 25 post in no time at all.

thanks all for the welcome wishes really making a new guy feel welcome :)
Wildgrow yes I do suffer from chrons disease its a very sucky thing to live with. my well wishes go out to your friend.


Active member
Welcome to the forums!!!! :woohoo: :jump:

Check out Dr. Jay's Medical Forum for specific threads.....nice to meet ya!!!! :woohoo:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Active member
My bro used to swear by this bottle of like Micronutrients or something along those lines he would get at a health foods store. Had a moon n stars on it I believe, its been a LOONG time since I saw it lol. He would take it and lay down for a lil bit. after a while the dude would jump up and tell me how much better he felt after taking it. Makes sense since I believe IBS and Chrons interfere w/the body's nute uptake, correct? Anyway. I'll go on a mission and try and find it again locally. Wouldn't mind gettin some myself just for shits and giggles lol. How long since your diagnosis? If I may ask...IBS isn't fun shit lol. Hardee har har right?
thanks oejack9

norcal ive tried supplements b4 a lot of them gave me nausea but am down to try anything .I was 15 when I was diagnosed and im 30 now so been dealing with it for awhile. Its not fun but that's life :)


Your welcome and you're not alone here...I deal with a nasty case of Symertical Psoriatic arthritis and I'm on the hunt for natural and effective pain management and anti nausea meds....the stuff they give me at the docs is toxic and make my belly hate me.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have Psoriatic arthritis too. Its on my head it's not easy to treat with all my hair in the way. I had to shave my head. I take Zofran for my stomach troubles but it does not always work.


Hi Hammer...I feel your pain I really right I'm having a flare up it's in both ear's running down my spine and on one ankle....I'm being taking off the methotrexate and being put on injections of monoclonal antibodies...the side effects are supposed to be more intense....and yeah zofran is a 50/50 kind of thing....I'm dropping weight like crazy from 225 down to 207 in 6 weeks...it's getting depressing.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I need to start losing again. Im up and down. When I get super sick I will lose wieght over the 2 weeks that im ill. hope you feel better soon..