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London Burning... :(

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The riots were sparked by the shooting of this man. The reason they are spreading is because this rotten global edifice is falling apart. Expect more of this. Lots more.

The proletariat is rising. From Greece, UK, through other parts of Europe, to the Middle East. Income disparity is too high. Tyranny too well ingrained. The system implodes and the proletariat rises against the establishment. The poor people who have been burned out of their homes and business is tragic.

When people have nothing else to lose, they lose it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
its true, these aren't riots, they are people standing up against for what is right,
The man was shot dead by cops, im not sure on the full story, but it was unjust,

Now that the PUBLIC the people the law is there to protect are standing up for this nonsense we call our world,

The police kettle them into a square with all their riot gear on, dont let them out, and slowly move on in,
Now they expect people to stay calm while they close in fully armed,
Hell no, the people are gonna squeeze back and try to break out of the kettle the police have them in, sad thing is as soon as you try to break out of the kettle, the police take that as aggravated assault and start swinging with their battons fully armored up,

Now if you were in the middle of a kettle for standing up against unjust laws, and police starting swinging battons at those infront and around you and pushing you closer and closer together, your gonna fight back, human instinct, do or die,
Rather suffocate in a crowd squeezed in or live.

The mainstream media makes it out to be massive unprovoked riots....

Flame me as much as you want, thats MY OPINION, and many others who are sick to death of this slave world we live in.,
the public stand up for their right, and the sheep read the mainstream media and go OH a bunch of asshats destroying our city again....

Please dont turn my comment into a sore jaw debate, its merely an opinion and im free to have one,

Good day to you all and keep the positive spirits up :D

Peace Afro.

Actually it started out as people standing up against injustice but now it has degraded to opportunists taking advantage of the chaos. All that's going on now will only serve to make people think the people from this neighborhood deserve the same kind of treatment Mark Duggan got.

Yeah sure it's tough, unemployment is high, Social Service programs are strained and underfunded and what little is there is being cut back. None of that justifies this sort of thing. The people of Egypt had/have it far worse and yet they were able to have peaceful protests, without violence, destruction and looting.


You can have an opinion but you can't have your own facts.

The facts are the piece of shit pulled out a gun and shot the cop, and the cop has a bullet lodged in the radio where the radio save his life.

It was a bullet fired by the police that was lodged in the police radio
Serving a warrant the man got out of the cab with his gun blazing. Nothing wrong with that where you come from.

He didn't get out with his gun blazing he was still in the cab..... its also believed only 2 shots were fired.. both by the police.... try sticking to facts and not what you have made up!

that to me is an execution...

Ps. in the past the police have done many stupid things including shooting a man carrying a table leg....

Green lung

Active member
All that's going on now will only serve to make people think the people from this neighborhood deserve the same kind of treatment Mark Duggan got.

Mark duggan got the treatment he deserved, He pulled out a gun and shot a cop..............He's dead now good riddance.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Oh is that the whole story? lol

No there's also the part about how he shot a police officer who managed to survive because the bullet hit his radio but later on when they did a ballistics check they found the bullet was fired from one of the other police officers. Then there is the conflicting stories of police who say the man was a "gangster" vs Friends, Family and neighbors who say he was a good, honest, hardworking family man who loved his children. Guess who I believe, and don't worry I can already see who you believe. Then there was the report that he fired at police first and yet the only gun recovered from the vehicle was under the seat and tied up in a sock (clearly having not been used to shoot at police.)

Shall I go on or do you want to just keep buying into the lies the police are spreading to justify thier crimes?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Serving a warrant the man got out of the cab with his gun blazing. Nothing wrong with that where you come from.

The gun was in a sock under the car seat, no bullets found fired from it and some reports say they pulled the man out, threw him on the ground, and shot him execution style. Since when do stoners buy the police version of a story like it's gossple?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Mark duggan got the treatment he deserved, He pulled out a gun and shot a cop..............He's dead now good riddance.

Ah the ignorance of the gullible. I guess you believe it too when the cops say that marijuana is a horrible drug that ruins peoples lives?

Green lung

Active member
The gun was in a sock under the car seat, no bullets found fired from it and some reports say they pulled the man out, threw him on the ground, and shot him execution style. Since when do stoners buy the police version of a story like it's gossple?

What is a "good, honest, harworking, family man that loves his children" doing in England with a pistol in a sock?.........What did he do for a living?


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
So many people talking out of their own asses...quite impressive!
The dead man did not pulled any gun out. FACT
The death of the man did not cause the riots. FACT
And i did not know that there were so many cops smoking pot and using this forum.
This is the only explanation i can find for so many comments supporting a stronger and more violent intervention from the police forces. Sad self righteous bastards in my humble opinion.


Get the army out and put an end to this bullshit. Why don't the police have weapons and use them?
Dushes & Dipshits with GUNS is probably not a good idea. Its rare I read nor hear about an officer doing something worth while,esp when they are armed & trigger happy.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What is a "good, honest, harworking, family man that loves his children" doing in England with a pistol in a sock?.........What did he do for a living?

The way I hear it he was in a cab, so maybe the gun belonged to the cab driver? Lot's of cabbies are victims of crime so I can easily see a cabbie having a gun, even in England. Anyway nothing I've seen has yet connected the gun to him but even if it was his, just having a gun is no reason for police to shoot him, especially when it was in a sock not being used, the obvious point which has eluded you.

h^2 O

I was watching footage of Tottenheim? I think it's called. Not sure if that's a suburb of London or what. There's a lot on LiveLeak. You can see one little dude pushing a shopping cart full of food and stuff while everyone else is just standing around watching the fire. If you've seen the videos on Liveleak you would be horrified...looks like they firebomed whole city blocks. The one I didn't understand was trying to break into a carpet store.


The riots were sparked by the shooting of this man. The reason they are spreading is because this rotten global edifice is falling apart. Expect more of this. Lots more.

The proletariat is rising. From Greece, UK, through other parts of Europe, to the Middle East. Income disparity is too high. Tyranny too well ingrained. The system implodes and the proletariat rises against the establishment. The poor people who have been burned out of their homes and business is tragic.

When people have nothing else to lose, they lose it.
Do you have a link to some entreating articles pertaining to the situation over there?:wave: Just looking for some early morning news.:thank you:



The looting and burning seems to be automatic now whenever/wherever genuine protests happen, so of course leo/bobby will crack more heads - it's an escalating spiral.

I'm not a big fan of balaclava clad thugs, masked rock throwers and hooded vandals.

Most times leo/bobby won't go after the above type perps, because they will most probably fight back, and that will hurt. They descend on harmless women and men, shield raised baton extended, and start swinging...

Sometimes the victims fight back


Good luck, England - I hope you make it through this soon...
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