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Lollypop, lollypop, lol lolly lollipop………….!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I continue to get requests for my medicated cinnamon lollypops and can no longer find it using the search function, so here it is again!

If my original post is still around and I am just not clever enough to find it, please feel free to moderate by deleting this post and directing us to the original.

A patient friend had jaw pain and coveted a lozenge, so I came up with the following lollipops, which not only did the patient fall in love with, but in field testing, it developed a strong popular following for both it’s medicinal effect, and its tasty method of ingestion.

Please note that candy making is hazardous because of the extreme 300F temperature of the mixture and its propensity to spatter in the presence of moisture and the way it sticks to the skin while burning. Wear long sleeve clothes and eye protection while using this recipe.

Note that both the cinnamon oil and the hot chili oil will burn both the skin and eyes, as well as create respiratory and sinus distress if its hot vapors are inhaled in quantity. Mix under a well ventilated hood and wash your hands after handling.

The oil bath will also react violently with water at 375F, so make sure that the vessels that you place in them are dry and keep other sources of water away from it.

Cinnamon Cannapops

2 Cup sugar
2/3 Cup honey
3/4 Cup water
1 Dram Loranne Oils Cinnamon candy oil concentrate
1 Teaspoon Loranne Hot Chili favor booster (optional to make hotter)
1 Dram BHO cannabis oil concentrate
. Powdered sugar as needed

Start by extracting the cannabis oil from trim using BHO techniques. Collect raw extract and re-dissolve in 190 proof ethanol.

Place ethanol/raw cannabis oil mixture in 240/250F oil bath and boil until bubbling ceases.

You can skip this step if you have well purged oil decarboxylated oil, but this step assists in eliminating any residual PET ether, with attendant flavor and decarboxylates the oil to make it orally active.

Add Cinnamon oil (and hot chili oil) and stir until mixed. Set aside.

Mix the sugar, honey, and water in a pot and place in an oil bath at 375F. Mix well while beginning warming and then cease stirring until the mixture reaches 300F.

Remove from oil bath and allow to cool until it reaches ~230F. Add cannabis cinnamon oil mixture and stir until mixed. Do not inhale the fumes that come off during mixing and avoid eye contact with the fumes.

Spoon mixture into prepared lollypop molds, or pour onto cookie sheet that has been lightly sprayed with Pam.

Score material in pan in ¼ grid pattern with a Pam lubricated knife as it cools.

Allow to cool until semi rigid, and then remove lollypops from the mold and coat them and the sheet lightly with powdered sugar to eliminate stickiness.

Titrate to determine dosage using ¼” scored squares.

Bon appetite! Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort………….


PS: The patient and Jolly Roger fan requesting the “hot” cinnamon Cannapops, reports that the ½ teaspoon chili oil booster was about perfect for her and I liked it as well.

In her own words, “It gave me a speech impediment from a cleft pallet, but as soon as it quits burning, I can’t keep from sticking it back in her mouth again.”

My own reaction too!



Overkill is under-rated.
i just ordered a ton of stuff to make these, lozenge molds too and lots of different flavorings. I can't wait to try your recipe! Also making QWET capsules with MCT too. ;)


Active member
id love to get a couple of them...looks delicious and yummi!

Thank you very much GW!