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Lollapalooza '07



Hey Folks just thought I'd start a thread here about Lollapalooza...

Did anyone else go today? I just got back, it was awesome i thought...they had a lot of good dance type music today...perry farrell played with his new band and they totally rocked big time...daft punk closed and they were really good...

lots of hot babes and i had some hot fungus this afternoon as well, hahahahaha...i will try to take some pics tomorrow and share with u all tomorrow night...if anyone else was there please share experiences/pictures in the thread...

one thing i really liked was that i rode my bike down there and they totally checked it for free and watched it, nothing better than gettin to ride ur bike to a festival and not have to even lock it up...i don't say it often either but kudos to the cops, they were cool and didn't say squat when i was burning directly in their view...so i'm lookin forward to tomorrow, its going to be reggae/hip hop type stuff and then sunday there is some of everything...i was kind of pissed they put lupe fiasco and amy winehouse on at the same time, i'm thinking i may be the only one who feels that way lol...

nug :rasta:


stone fool
Hey Nug, I think my kids were up there today, they were excited about it. Chitown cops got a lot more to worry about than weed, hehe. You going back?


Hey Nug,

Be there tomorrow with a gang of homies....I smell a meetup perhaps? Get at me, pm or on the thread...lots of good shit currently and a great line up for the evening....




haps i'm sure they had a great time, i thought it was a very interesting group of bands, they all were kind of thrash-rock at times and then would morph into this intense dance thing...very different...i will be back tomorrow and sunday as well, should be a real good time...

edelephant chek ur pms, we should definitely burn one :canabis:



word...i actually snuck in last night, nothing like a free DAFT PUNK show...shit was ridiculous, the lights and stage setup was amazing...the most visually pleasing show ive ever seen, the music wasnt bad either haha...wish i coulda gotten into sound tribe at HOB last nite too but o well

i may be helping out at a friends vendor spot on sunday...look for a dude with a head full of lush luxurious black hair with a blue jays fitted on working at a chinese food vendor spot...i just gotta work for an hour or two and then would be happy to blaze some super silver haze with you guys :headbange


theres 2 ways of sneaking in:

1) hop the fence by the port-o-potty's...pretty tough cause its one o those real wobbly fences that (i assume) theyre using cause they wrap up easily for packing up

2) prob the route youre gonna want to take...is wait around all day long and when a lot of people are leaving the gates just try to blend in and walk right in...

i got in both ways although some of my friends got caught when we all tried hopping the fence but about 8 of us got thru just walking past everyone when a crowd was leaving, since pearl jam is the last show there should be a real good oppurtunity during their set break or right before the encore to sneak in which imo would still be worth it...good luck man!


wow i thought the sets today were awesome, i was pissed i missed satin peaches and stephen marley but i saw everyting else i wanted to see...the yeah yeah yeahs were pretty good and i thought interpol completely rocked the shit tonite...to me they are like upbeat radiohead, which makes it more appealing to me...i also thought the daft punk stage show was completely awesome, those guys wore the craziest shit and the colors were unreal, i was on the tail end of a mushroom trip and it was sweet...

tomorrow is gonna be really good i think...really looking forward to it...i'm not that into pearl jam but i'm gonna catch the first part of their show and bounce...



hey folks thought i'd drop in and say the festival was most excellent again today...i was a little disappointed in lupe fiasco's set, i thought he and the wailers should have switched time slots and stages...he's just not really strong enough imo...rhymefest was way better than lupe...

after that i was fortunate enough to go over to kidzapalooza and happen upon perry farrell doing 'whole lotta love' with a bunch of high school kids (who rocked)...then perry sang another song a little later...satellite party on friday was totally awesome and i hope i can see them sometime again...

after that we went and saw iggy pop and it was just a tremendous set...iggy had a ton of energy, and there was actually a near-riot towards the end of the set, like 200 people stormed the stage and wouldn't leave it for like 10 minutes...iggy pop maintained his chill throughout and order was restored and he rocked out for another 20 minutes after that...unfortunately he didn't play lust for life...

we saw modest mouse after that and that was kind of interesting...after that we went to see TV on the Radio and they were completely awesome...highly recommend checking them out...

finally pearl jam played and i stuck around for about and hour of that and left...i've never really liked them but lots of people really get into them...i was always way more into soundgarden...but anyway they played and i enjoyed the fact that eddie vedder was ripping on scummy BP Amoco that is dumping a bunch of shit in lake michigan...so that kind of pissed me off and i'm going to go only to citgo now i'm thinking...

i think last year's festval was stronger musically, especially with the chili peppers closing the weekend but this year was still good...i really appreciate what perry farrell has brought to the city the last few years and it was good to see lots of support for it this weekend...

i will have bunches of pictures posted tomorrow for everyone to check out, but i'm too beat to get them all done now lol...



Active member
thanks for all the advice.

We are only in Chicago for a few more days and my back pain is just unbearable, so theres no fence hoping for me. Although my nephew still went and was able to pay a security guard 15 bucks for three people, the security guard looked away and they apparently hoped over, and had a great time. ABsolutely beutiful city.

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
Gorillapalooza '14

Gorillapalooza '14
