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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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While on my way home from my class today I was thinking, we've gone beyond organic and I think we should distinguish our self from the rest of the pack who think they know what organic is. OMRI don't mean SHIT!!!
Seeing as we carry on what is happening in the fruit/veg/forage/grazing sectors of this type of bio-intensive/microbe driven agriculture, how about we adopt the name to....

Biological Pharmers

We are using biology to release our minerals from rock dusts on demand from the plant, not humans. All we are here to do is keep up the micro life and address any deficiencies that may arise through foilar applications of nutrients to help the plant in time of extreme growth and stimulate the plant to reach it's full energy potential, store fats then exude the excess through the root system to feed the microbes ad stimulate them into breaking down more rock dust/mineral nutrient to feed the plant the most available form of only the nutrients they called for is exact ratio they require.

Biological farming/nutrient Dense farming in a nutshell. Way more complex with enzyme systems and enzyme co-factors. Heres something to chew on 60 different trace minerals are enzyme co-factors, and without them Plants can never make the long chain amino acids, lipids or TERPENES in any concentration to defend itself for dis-ease or pest attack. So you are left with a sick plant.

We are on the cusp of something grand lets all keep up the good fight for healthy meds and food.
As for the nameing Idea, Im going with it, I don't want to be confused with some of the SHIT "organic" herb that is out there.

Sorry for the ramble I have so muck new and really really exciting info in my head. Wish you all could have been there for that.


why not just true/real organic versus poser organic omri-stuff it it worries you so much :D ? there's all kinds of biological, biodynamic this and that wordplays out there already.


When cannabis becomes legal and it is viewed as just another food crop and then it would be subject to the same 'rules of engagement' that every other crop falls under, that will be the end of the grow store malarkey and it will be the demise of OMRI - as worthless as it is now that would only increase several fold.

As far as 'certified organic cannabis' and what that would entail long before a grower bought a seed or picked-up a clone - like how it works in the real world? You couldn't write comedy this good.

"Be careful what you wish for"


Active member
I understand but that is in the standard agriculture systems not in the Myth driven MMJ industry. Just saying part of spreading knowledge is differentiating the good from the bad and sometimes words help.
So. you go to a store and you 3 choices Conventional, organic, and biological/nutrient dense and there is a small description of the benefits of each. Conventional = Chem nuets and pesticides and fungicides, MAJOR impact on environment and UNHEALTHY, organic =bottled nuets decent terpene development ok flavor profile ok smell ok storage minimal health risks minor impact on environment, Biological = Complex terpene development no dis-ease control due to healthy plants minimal to no impact on environment no health risks due to proper plant/soil management and holistic approach.

What would you chose and next time you know there is a difference and it is some thing people can ask for when the are looking for true quality. I would like to forward this idea past the handful here.
My state is just gearing up for med so it is kinda a open pallet, I'm excited.
I believe in transparency and distinction. I believe this is a way to achieve this.

Just Sayin'



having seen organic, conventional and hydroponic greenhouses locally it's not just that black and white. really tasty hydro grown chili peppers here.

national certifed organic is not the end of it all, of course it's better in some ways. some of the methods of this very thread wouldn't get a pass. just ask microbe man


Active member
When cannabis becomes legal and it is viewed as just another food crop and then it would be subject to the same 'rules of engagement' that every other crop falls under, that will be the end of the grow store malarkey and it will be the demise of OMRI - as worthless as it is now that would only increase several fold.

As far as 'certified organic cannabis' and what that would entail long before a grower bought a seed or picked-up a clone - like how it works in the real world? You couldn't write comedy this good.

"Be careful what you wish for"

The grow store malarkey is just the same shit they are feeding to conventional farmers.
Certification problem #1 -They only certify the process, what you can or can't add and nothing to do with end result.

Now that organics are everywhere the quality on most is some times worst then the conventional stuff. Its a dicey game. as far a food goes i know if someone told me they had nutrient dense food grown properly i would pay a premium for such and and anyone who cares enough and is informed would to. There needs to be better distinctions in the MMJ world and the food world and the food world has a lead.


Active member
having seen organic, conventional and hydroponic greenhouses locally it's not just that black and white. really tasty hydro grown chili peppers here.

national certifed organic is not the end of it all, of course it's better in some ways. some of the methods of this very thread wouldn't get a pass. just ask microbe man

Who said pass any standards the distinction is through information and for those who are ready to say fuck the government and change their paradigm of thinking by learning what real MMJ and/or food is.



Active member
unthing- if i sounded like a dick, unintentional, the internet net is bad for showing the wrong emotions and im kinda new at this internet communication thing. sorry bud.



no worries, i didn't see anything offending. sometimes i wonder how my tone is in certain situations as this is not my first language.


Certification problem #1 -They only certify the process, what you can or can't add and nothing to do with end result
I'm not quite following everything you're saying so I may be misinterpreting this one as well.

If it is your understanding that a commodity grown on a certified organic farm is no longer subject to evaluation or testing then that is inaccurate.

Every produce house, grocery store warehouse/distribution center, food processors have QA staff and every city of any size has a USDA office and their staff's one and only job is running around to the different operations to verify whether or not a product meets the codified standard that exists for each and every commodity. That's before the state rules come into play.

This applies to crops grown organically, transitionally or conventionally. This is why you don't want to shop at stores that have 'really good prices' because if a consignee refuses a load and they have 72 hours to finalize that, then the load is now a 'kick-over load' and stores which are price driven take these loads because they're always 1/2 the cost based on the original invoice.

Choosing carefully where we buy our food is probably a good idea......buying local helps. Pretty difficult to get a load of fresh strawberries from Salinas to New York City without issues - and that's before it goes through a couple of warehouses before it shows up at the store down the street.

"The only thing Americans really fear is inconvenience"



I forgot to mention that the DIY stores sell lava rock in 1 c.f. bags for something like $4.50 which is the same price for pumice at the farm stores. It's just larger pieces but you can fix that with a large hammer if you want.

At the landscape supply yards here they sell a paint bucket full for $2.00 - bring your own bucket and shovel - self serve so you can mix red, black and white lava rock if you're so inclined.



Active member
CC I completely agree. What I am saying is i don't exactly know what their standards are for accepting or refusing food. but what i do know it has nothing to do with nutritional quality or taste which is a indicator of quality. Food should be medicine not toxic or nutrient devoid.
I try to shop as local and organic as possible, I am very lucky to live in a very food aware area but still when I go to wholepaycheck or the local co-op I buy from the local farms i know have good practices because that relates to quality.

The guys who just provided a wealth of knowledge on all things biological are not certified but grow the best tasting nutrient dense food around, hands down. They follow all the rules but don't because of the reason I stated. No quality control. Why go through the paper work when word of mouth well informed people, worried about their health and the world buy all their produce at top dollar.

All i was trying to say way I ran our of my herb, maybe not bottle free but with underlying knowledge of minerals and foliars so good herb. I have been to all my friends who say they got the "funk" and grow "organically" is really just kinda gross.
Not being able to catch a buzz Doesn't help with my anger at shitty "organic growers"


ps- cc if they is anything i said that i can clear up i will.
I feel there needs to be a distinction.


A new batch of soil I have sitting, about two weeks in atm. 25 gal 1:1:1 Pumice/SPM/[Vermi]Compost the usual ammendment goodies. A cover crop of barley, rye, vetch, wheat, and dutch white clover. My Idea being to get a root system developed in there before the cannabis goes in hopefully producing a more complete soil food web.


Once I put this mix together I always use Aloe and some soap to help keep everything emulsified...

Thanks MHG,

I pretty much use that Protekt to Neem Oil ratio, but I have yet to try adding some Aloe in the same application. I'll also consider using the soap, though I'm a little skeptical of doing this.

If you growers in this forum could steal one amendment/ingredient from CC's storage space, what would it be?

I'd go for the horse chestnut powder.

I also think I've answered my own question regarding the difference between a neem cake tea foliar and a neem oil tea foliar. Both are probably effective, but since the extraction process separates some ingredients from the raw neem seed, each would have unique benefits. Therefore both should be applied. Someone correct me on this or verify please?
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