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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Is that video a joke? I didn't watch the whole thing but skipped through watching several 10 second segments


When I watched it I looked on half scornfully, half humourously. And then in the last minutes of the clip my opinion of this grower changed for the better. At bottom he is liberating people from the "tree man" (LOL) and promoting self sufficiency through ROLS.

As far as his occult juice goes...I'll forgive him for his taste in music :biggrin:

Oh but I digress. I'll leave off topic posts to the initiated from now on...:thinking:


When I watched it I looked on half scornfully, half humourously. And then in the last minutes of the clip my opinion of this grower changed for the better. At bottom he is liberating people from the "tree man" (LOL) and promoting self sufficiency through ROLS.

As far as his occult juice goes...I'll forgive him for his taste in music :biggrin:

Oh but I digress. I'll leave off topic posts to the initiated from now on...:thinking:

The science of the piss lol


I am kind of addicted to the show Moonshiners. I see way more of myself in those ol boys than is comfortable.

Episode 6 season 2 they are germinating some barley seeds...a lot of barley seeds. Worth watching that episode just for the burlap method.


I use the Tropf Blumat watering cones which cannot take any organic material in the reservoir or even liquid Silica. I apply a 'tea' in and around the cones about 1x per week that includes aloe vera juice.


Wow that's disheartening.I just ordered a ton of these, one of the main purposes being to have more time to brew tasty concoctions rather than hand feeding my closely positioned pots. Not even liquid Silica? This I have to see for myself, as this stuff is applied at 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gallon - if the blumats are sensitive to these concentrations then...

Anyway I guess I have no choice but to be lazy. LOL!

OH BTW. FUNKING AWESOME THREAD! And since I have very little to offer you guys from my own experiences, the karma shall be gifted to those I encounter later on, or anyone looking for a helping hand. Threads like this come seldom enough. It's like the rennaisance of soil building here LOL! - A few kindred spirits colliding by chance as it were and sparking a phenomenon with consequences even they couldn't have imagined! Well, ok, maybe not quite a revolution, but this is about the grass roots, is it not? The get-down-n-dirty that all movements require.

Back to page 247. I'm almost there!

Bless you all...


Well it seems as if we are still here, but really who is to say when we move on? Its an awesome gift to be here in this life full of interesting things to learn; such as the awesome power of enzymes, I love those sprouted brews:) Its interesting; apocalypse actually means revelation or unveiling and doesn't really seem to be the huge cataclysm its made out to be. Im totally down with this explanation, lets get enlightened and not worry about the fireballs of doom! This thread is a good place to look for information and searching minds, thats for sure!
Back to those sprouts; I really appreciate your tip on this one CC, Ive done one so far a and the results were spectacular! The 'praying' effect was definitely noticeable and the plants experienced a nice jump in growth over the next few days. That first one was wheat and I currently have two cups of sprouted rye submerged in water for the fermentation process. I am going through the process of trying samples of different grains from the bulk section in stores such as whole foods to test their viability; the sprout ratio on the barley
I tried was not good at all ( I tried that before the wheat) but the rye is spot on and at a little over a $1lb is fairly affordable. I have also been poking around online for other options and so far www.sunorganicfarm.com is the best Ive found, its worth a look
i think.
YS- Im curious about the burlap method you mentioned; I dont have access to TV and I havent been able to find another way to watch the episode of moonshiners to see what the deal is so I can only speculate. Could it involve using a burlap sack to sprout the seeds in? I use a fine mesh cloth bag to soak and sprout mine; I think it does make it easier since the bag allows the seeds to receive a good bit of air, plus I just dip the bag in a container of water and swish it around a bit to rinse and then hang it up.
Alrighty, thats it for tonight; peace and love good people:)


Wow that's disheartening.I just ordered a ton of these, one of the main purposes being to have more time to brew tasty concoctions rather than hand feeding my closely positioned pots. Not even liquid Silica? This I have to see for myself, as this stuff is applied at 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gallon - if the blumats are sensitive to these concentrations then...

With the blumats, you'd have to prolly refill your reservoirs at least once a week depending on how large you go. You can simply hand feed your teas at that time...


Since this thread is just as much about philosophy as it is about growing...

From The One Straw Revolution

"And so one may ask why this truth has not spread. I think that one of
the reasons is that the world has become so specialized that it has
become impossible for people to grasp anything in its entirety."

Remember noobs (myself included), it is not about what 'quick fix' is gonna get your leaves greener or eliminate whatever pest you have an issue with atm. That's the pharmaceutiful, largely symptom based, deficit model approach (found a few threads over). Much like yourself, it's not a machine with cogs that can be replaced on the fly. There is room for modification, but transition with respect to small and large, and always, always, treat it as a living, breathing, single and multifarious thing.

Thanks MM!


I'll try to (better) explain my comments about organic material in the reservoir, whatever that might be. This could be a situation on my end that wouldn't apply in your gardens.

I bought the 12 piece kit and I only grow 4 plants so I figured that since I have 'em by Gawd I'm going to use them so each plant has 3 cones so that the amount of water going through a single emitter isn't all that much with that many cones per container.

As small as the emitter hose's ID, having a solution with live whatever now have the potential to go anaerobic since the goal is to not have any air bubbles between the reservoir and the end of the tube from the cone.

So that's the 'why'

RE: Barley Seeds

Even a large store like Whole Foods probably isn't going to sell much unprocessed barley seeds. It does fill out the bulk food section which is a good marketing angle. But most people that are going to use Barley in a recipe will go for the traditional Pearl Barley which has had the hull and bran removed (milled) and that is what it takes to make a Barley seed sprout.

At home brew stores they sell raw Barley seed which has not been milled. Some brewers like to make their own Barley malt so these stores sell a lot of Barley seed (2 Row is what you want to buy) and it will be very inexpensive, i.e. between $.50 - $.75 per lb. With this seed you should see over 95% germination rate and most of that will be within 36 hours or so and by 48 hours you should be close to the maximum you're going to get in that group.

On using this or any tea that you want to apply to the soil and if those containers have the Tropf Blutmat cones set-up and working, you load the solution in a sprayer and hit the soil in and around the cones, i.e. no need to remove them. I hit each #7 or #10 with a gallon of whatever and I usually apply 1/2 that and move on to the next plant and on the 2nd round I get up to the 1 gallon mark.

Other grass seeds are malted besides barley seed for the same reasons, flavor and enzymes - there's wheat malt, rye malt, oat malt, corn malt and probably others used in different cultures around the world. Malting is a very old process.


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ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
just thought i would add that 'malting' barley {for those who dont know} is a process of sprouting the barley; using heat to terminate the sprouting @ the right time; then screening off the soft mass leaving the cracked spent barley seed as 'malt'


just thought i would add that 'malting' barley {for those who dont know} is a process of sprouting the barley; using heat to terminate the sprouting @ the right time; then screening off the soft mass leaving the cracked spent barley seed as 'malt'
Thank you - I almost made it sound like one would want to malt these sprouted grains and that was not my intent.

Just explaining how malted grains are used. Scotch Whiskey - barley malt or Rye Whiskey - rye malt, etc.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
yeah i see where you could be malting your barley though and use the sprout wash as a by-product of the malting process

OMG i just realized; my flashlight has a dead bulb; no gas for my generator and there's still a good 1/2 hour it could happen
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