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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Gone but NOT forgotten...
You are very adept at portraying accurate descriptions by means of simple text. That's a feat not easily achieved by many. Great job at sharing descriptions properly. Thanks due!

Hey Mr Seandawg,

It wasn't always this way...I thank cannabis and prison.

You had better learn to fucking talk right,respectful,and 'get it' in the joint or you're gonna have some serious problems.

I watched tough guys come in playing the 'I'm crazy' card only to drop the crazy card 1 week later due to the fact that serious life threatening physical harm would come from the fellers that have to live with his dumb ass.
The smart ones change real quick....the lost causes go to Max or live in the hole for the rest of their lives.
Fuck around fuck around.......the best humans learn to deal with all types of people and explain things in a creative way. Words still have power I would hope...Yet I'm far from a perfect example,there's clearly some still capable of getting my goat....with the bravery of being out of range that is.

Cannabis cracked my mind wide open,and the experience of incarceration where I realized that the common education level of the typical United States citizen is that of a 7th grader so grin and bear it....these were my life's most valuable lessons.

The general population of grazing sheeple seldom use skills presented to us in 6th grade past the 12th grade experience. Most people get stuck in a monotonous dead end job where all they had learned in school doesn't mean a gawd damned thing anymore. They have kids,bills,and failing health to deal with....those basic education skills are replaced by the skill of changing shitty diapers and making meth for some...or on a better note 'the daily grind' for those who are educated but can't do anything about it..

Cannabis has been my savior...my way....my life. My exit from Babylon and my way to exist in Babylon all in the same token.

It takes all types...


Hey Mr Seandawg,

It wasn't always this way...I thank cannabis and prison.

You had better learn to fucking talk right,respectful,and 'get it' in the joint or you're gonna have some serious problems.

I watched tough guys come in playing the 'I'm crazy' card only to drop the crazy card 1 week later due to the fact that serious life threatening physical harm would come from the fellers that have to live with his dumb ass.
The smart ones change real quick....the lost causes go to Max or live in the hole for the rest of their lives.
Fuck around fuck around.......the best humans learn to deal with all types of people and explain things in a creative way. Words still have power I would hope...Yet I'm far from a perfect example,there's clearly some still capable of getting my goat....with the bravery of being out of range that is.

Cannabis cracked my mind wide open,and the experience of incarceration where I realized that the common education level of the typical United States citizen is that of a 7th grader so grin and bear it....these were my life's most valuable lessons.

The general population of grazing sheeple seldom use skills presented to us in 6th grade past the 12th grade experience. Most people get stuck in a monotonous job where all they had learned in school doesn't mean a gawd damned thing anymore. They have kids,bills,and failing health to deal with....those basic education skills are replaced by the skill of changing shitty diapers and making meth for some...or on a better note 'the daily grind' for those who are educated but can't do anything about it..

Cannabis has been my savior...my way....my life. My exit from Babylon and my way to exist in Babylon all in the same token.

It takes all types...

Your speech is almost poetic my friend. Some of my closest friends, and the most brilliant business men have honed their skill in prison. Where as others continue to smash their head into the wall of life with "the wrong drugs".

It's a breath of fresh air to hear an articulate, eclectic, and simply competent man in an area where you wouldn't expect it.

I view prison as what human kind would be like in its most primal form. Down the the necessities. Strip away anything unnecessary in our society because it's useless there. Like a human zoo. The big take the "alpha male" role and the smart hone their intelligence to manipulate them lol. Easier said than done though.

Im glad to be invited to your thread, and mahalo nui for having me.



Gone but NOT forgotten...
Your speech is almost poetic my friend. Some of my closest friends, and the most brilliant business men have honed their skill in prison. Where as others continue to smash their head into the wall of life with "the wrong drugs".

It's a breath of fresh air to hear an articulate, eclectic, and simply competent man in an area where you wouldn't expect it.

I view prison as what human kind would be like in its most primal form. Down the the necessities. Strip away anything unnecessary in our society because it's useless there. Like a human zoo. The big take the "alpha male" role and the smart hone their intelligence to manipulate them lol. Easier said than done though.

Im glad to be invited to your thread, and mahalo nui for having me.


Thanks man,but you do know that I'm fucking high right...I feel like a loop job sometimes after a full blown organic 'lifetime cannabis growers oppression anti-authoritarian rant'.



Thanks man,but you do know that I'm fucking high right...I feel like a loop job sometimes after a full blown organic 'lifetime cannabis growers oppression anti-authoritarian rant'.


No prob man! I think crazy rants are prerequisite traits to becoming a organic ganja grower. Ranting is one of my best qualities btw, it doesn't always make sense to some but thats because they cant make sense of anything in the first place.

I went off on an explosive rant just last night when a friend of mine started talking hydro. Safe to say, he'll never use swear words like that around me anymore lol.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I think I've got some of those in my worm farm now. I guess they came in on some leaves. Cool.
Flower thrips come in on the same materials...I'd be making sure. The soil type stay in the soil....and around the bottom of the pots drainage holes...considering you will be using this material for growing herb.

They may be blind springtails...there are many types of these soil insect. The white ones being blind,moving slowly,and feeding on decomposing organic matter in the soil....which is also good other than your hunters may create a sudden imbalance.

Look close and observe the behavior..predators move quickly more times than not. Try to observe long enough to witness feeding...what are they eating?


Look close and observe the behavior..predators move quickly more times than not. Try to observe long enough to witness feeding...what are they eating?

I just noticed them this morning when I was feeding the worms and they were moving thru the soil quickly. The worms are in the grow room so they stay nice and toasty for the winter...and who knows maybe provide a little extra CO2 for the girls :)...when I can get back in during lights on, I'll spend a little time looking.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Thrips are extremely tiny. If they are slightly larger...like one could sit on your thumbnail and its length would stretch across half the width of your nail, they could be Rove beetles which are also good. Rove beetles arch their tail end up like a scorpion.


Thrips look amazingly similar but smaller from what I can tell



See Gas, you got me hooked on another bug...as if I didn't have enough to do all day eh?


How long are we guessing this tea lasts once ready - as is?

Be very careful about fermentation which means alcohol.

At < $.01 per gallon just feed plants around your home. Or freeze it in ice-cube trays and pop out what you need for the next application perhaps.

I have first-hand experience with a fermented biological tea that I let sit for too long - Lavender and 1 foliar applicaiton and I destroyed an entire cycle about 5 weeks into flower.

"Ain't worth the risk" - IMHO



Gone but NOT forgotten...
Thrips are extremely tiny. If they are slightly larger...like one could sit on your thumbnail and its length would stretch across half the width of your nail, they could be Rove beetles which are also good. Rove beetles arch their tail end up like a scorpion.


Thrips look amazingly similar but smaller from what I can tell



See Gas, you got me hooked on another bug...as if I didn't have enough to do all day eh?

These are the advantages of continually adding new materials of a wide diversity my friend.

Flower thrips move fast as well...they are actually quite adept at ducking out of the way when you get near. The adults jump behind stems and hide out vertically between the folds of the new leaf veins and stems...and they don't move until they think you are gone...which is QUITE a while actually.

This makes me wonder why they are so fast to hide....obviously they have predators and just perhaps have evolved to recognize human presence as a threat and react eh?


This makes me wonder why they are so fast to hide....obviously they have predators and just perhaps have evolved to recognize human presence as a threat and react eh?

I think just about everything has evolved to recognize human presence as a threat. Lol (funny for us, not for them).
Sorry - did that have something to do with Milorganite that I missed?

Anyone else have any thoughts on or experience with Milorganite?

Here is what is drawing me to it:
1. Cost. Totally.
2. Uber-environmental sustainability. I can see from reading this thread that we have top quality people here who really and truly care about improving the situation on our planet at the present time. I have no idea whether what I - and I strongly suspect I'm not the only one here - am trying to do here, by growing living, microbe-rich, balanced soil, not just in my med garden but out in my yard or window-sill or whereever else I can, learning about composting, about vermi-composting, about bokashi composting, about being careful when I collect outdoor quality topsoil, and many other things, and ultimately educating others about all those things and many more, is actually turning this ship around, but I feel that it must be and I'm drawn to it. Or else it's the propaganda and brainwashing that's triggering that attraction and sensation. And so putting my attention/thought focus on this product which is actually taking steps (however small) towards solving a huge problem is important to me.
3. As was said so eloquently in the very recent history of this thread, the plant is communicating this to me. In my experience, either it will work well, or I have something significant to learn from the attempt. Of course, that could be said about every single decision we make - that whatever decision we make, was made because it was the right one, or because we needed to learn from the mistake.

Sorry to get all "meaning of life"-y

Sorry QQ, I just now noticed this response. This thread moves silly fast.

My point is that fish are already testing positive for anti-depressants. I doubt it was from people dumping pricey pharmaceuticals into the waterway. Seems like Milwaukee's Best would be the same thing, only faster.

"Floculated microbes" sounds too vague. I imagine it would be like bokashied shit at best. Even their website only recommends it for applications like golf courses and baseball fields. Not exactly a heart warming endorsement...

1. of course it's cheap
2. no further comments
3. Are you sure that plant wouldn't show you the same love with some other source?


Active member
you would have to have a very tiny penis to do a worm but being winter the cold might help you out there lol


I've heard of people using bales of hay to insulate a worm bin to keep them happy and productive throughout winter. Personally I don't have a climate that would present problems like that to me, so its just a thought.
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