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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Gone but NOT forgotten...
Here's an oddball...

Durban Poison x BMR ....a different phenotype than my keeper. This one yields massive dense flowers...only problem...massive dense flowers.......all these phenotype had to be pulled early due to daily attacks of botrytis.




I haven't posted this before but I'm going to give you financial freedom for less than $2.00 - plus the fuel to get to an Asian market.

Turmeric is a rhizosphere and is a nutrient powerhouse but that's not the reason to use it. If you take fresh turmeric root and grate it and add that to a quart of water, let it sit you'll have a magical tea. This stuff stains everything and I mean everything. Dilute it down and spray your plants about a week before harvest and you'll end up with a reddish-yellow color from the staining qualities.

If nothing else this will expand the naming options!!!!!

"Orange Sunshine Kush" has a marketable ring to it, eh?



Gone but NOT forgotten...

I haven't posted this before but I'm going to give you financial freedom for less than $2.00 - plus the fuel to get to an Asian market.

Turmeric is a rhizosphere and is a nutrient powerhouse but that's not the reason to use it. If you take fresh turmeric root and grate it and add that to a quart of water, let it sit you'll have a magical tea. This stuff stains everything and I mean everything. Dilute it down and spray your plants about a week before harvest and you'll end up with a reddish-yellow color from the staining qualities.

If nothing else this will expand the naming options!!!!!

"Orange Sunshine Kush" has a marketable ring to it, eh?


hhhmmmmm...I like where you're going with this. ..and of course regardless of it's real name it will get a street name.....Turmeric Kush man...dude....

Wonder what the taste would be...diluted enough proly nuthin...

Move over Acapulco Gold.....we have a new brain child for the modern age.


The Mad Monk
...looks like my personal choice/quest to source original and older pre-seed bank industry genetics has paid off,but do not thank me..thank Coot...I'm just a catalyst and visionary sculptor in these realms. Knowing the history of the types has definitely helped me manifest these combinations.

Indeed. I think it's important that there exists not only those who have allowed such a quest to be fruitful, such as Coot and others like him, as there are those who see the quest as fruitful. To venture off the beaten path is not common, especially today.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
You may not vote on any more threads today


K+ everyone....all this BS'ng here in this thread is the real deal...real people doing real gardening and keeping it entertaining in the meantime.
Turmeric...interesting, does it help with the botrytis at all?

And would there be any benefit adding sharp gritty small rocks to a soil mix like bonsai growers do? I believe they use them to make roots split and multiply..?


Turmeric compounds

Contains both fungicide as well as pesticide compounds. BUT keep this in mind, the original use of this root was as a dye which it's still used today in India & China. The medicinal use came a few centuries later.

Turmeric was one of the Holy Plants delineated in the early Mahabharata & later the Ayurvedic writings.

Thats an amazing plant, I just googled it and I might try to drink a tea made from it they say it's good for the liver..they also warn that it can stain the shit out of your teeth too and to brush your teeth right after and your toothbrush will get stained also..amazing


Turmeric is what gives many curries the specific yellow color. It is a plant that is often recommended by health advocates like Dr. Andrew Weil particularly for Type II Diabetes

In India the turmeric plant was used to dye cloth for the masses for religious festivals. Saffron was reserved for coloring the robes worn by the Buddhist monks across the sub-continent, China, etc.



I use it in my cooking also...based on the supposed health benefits.

I don't have type 2 diabetes, but anything that lowers the insulin response in humans has got to be a wonderful thing.


Hey Cootz....could you comment on some of the things you see in most soil mixes that aren't in yours?

For example...why no alfalfa? why no soft rock phosphate?


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Gawd I love yellow curry...hell yeah.

YS...one of the reasons I don't use SRP is it takes a while through mineralization to benefit as much as fish bone can in a living soil. I have used it before..this very ROLS was started with some SRP in it..some 3 1/2 years ago or so.....and then the whole radioactive thing.

I use hard rock phosphate in outdoor veggie gardens...I guess I view an outdoor bed of soil differently,as far as time and mineralization go.


Hey Cootz....could you comment on some of the things you see in most soil mixes that aren't in yours?

For example...why no alfalfa? why no soft rock phosphate?

I do use alfalfa meal for making teas and then the material is then run through worm bins which is what I also do with kelp & neem meals. Even after making a tea approximately 50% of 'the stuff' remains so it's not worthless by any means.

I put a lot of effort into my vermicomposting deal giving me pretty amazing humus starting by using the best manure that I can find or compost (like the organic fish compost from Washington), comfrey, yarrow, horsetail ferns (when available) and stinging nettles (when available), organic fish meal, flaxseed meal, glacial or basalt rock dust, etc.



Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Nice to see we are all on the same wavelength :D

I started making golden milk this week is turmeric (cooked out into a thick paste) mixed with hot milk (i use organic rice milk), some honey and a good oil (sesame). I was hesitant at first thinking it would taste like medicine but its delicious!

I take it for joint pain (especially when its cold and wet or i been doing lots of digging etc) and as mentioned a liver tonic (i suspect mine needs a hand)

Lets not forget its a powerful anti-cancer agent also.

Next up: Golden bhang! Replace the sesame oil with THC and i reckon would be a winner!




Active member
I visited a different nursery today. local and their house is on the same property. On a river and some good stuff.

I found huge piles of fresh compost, Lava rocks that look perfect in all sizes. Perlite and other cool stuff like organic chicken shit in natural slow release coating... canadian sphagnum peat moss for 10-12 dollars per 3.5 cubic foot bails.

I also ordered a bottle of EM-1 because I'm curious.

I found out the Neem meal I ordered was on back order and I decided to cancel and refund... then found some fresh supply at Dyna-Grow. Hopefully I can get some ordered tomorrow.

I am so ready to get this all mixed and composting, It's really funny how excited I am about soil... who would have thought.
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