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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Active member
Just bought the AG Gypsum, Powdered Oyster Shell and Bentonite for my mix on ebay... gotta love free shipping on the heavy stuff.

Now, all that is left is my aeration amendment.

I was going to go with Rice Hulls, but there aren't any locally.

I can have them shipped... and may still do that... But I was thinking about lava rock at home depot... it just seems so covered in red stuff


Active member
You might consider adding some carbon. Ive been adding spent carbon from my carbon filters to my soil. Microbe condos.


You might consider adding some carbon. Ive been adding spent carbon from my carbon filters to my soil. Microbe condos.

Wouldn't all the "space" in the USED carbon condos be occupied by stuff? i mean the first use was as a filter so wouldn't it be filled? carbon from your aquarium filter would be good for this use i surmise.


Active member
I would surmise that also, and while the carbon surface may have adsorbed a lot of stinky molecules, there's still an ocean's worth of space available in the nooks and crannies for bacteria to hide and thrive. Also, the adsorbed molecules will release / be removed as conditions change.


I just noticed prop 37 failed. No matter how you feel about gmo that is some sad shit...course none of the rest of us even got it to the ballot.


Just bought the AG Gypsum, Powdered Oyster Shell and Bentonite for my mix on ebay... gotta love free shipping on the heavy stuff.

Now, all that is left is my aeration amendment.

I was going to go with Rice Hulls, but there aren't any locally.

I can have them shipped... and may still do that... But I was thinking about lava rock at home depot... it just seems so covered in red stuff

I was special ordering 50# rice hulls from the home brew store, $30 but it would take up to 6 weeks to arrive :/ so i went ahead and ordered from i think groworganic.com and it's labeled organic so that's cool, $50 delivered, two days...

I've been supplementing the red lava rocks from home depot, but the stores around here the rocks are quite large and a lot of dust, i've been mixing the lava rocks with pumice and rice hulls as my source of aeration.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yeah they were the pick of the crop for sure! :smoke:

That was 09. Since then i have recycled almost all of my mediums back into either compost or usually just back into a fresh batch of soil/coco blend.

Its awesome to see the flecks of char all through mixes that i havent added any fresh char too for couple years.

I have started making more (wood scraps,twigs,leaves etc) in a biscuit tin with nice tight lid. This is left overnight in a hot firebox with the air-vents closed when i go to bed. In the morning there's a nice tin half fill with shiny, perfect char. :D

After a couple weeks of this there's plenty char for my spring plantings and for mixing into my compost.

I crush it up in a strong plastic bag by pounding with a brick.

Then piss on it until completely saturated. A wee bit of kelp and fish emulsion is usually what i add also.

If you dont have a fireplace etc its just as easy outdoors somewhere or even with a mini rocket stove type made out of tin cans if youy were unlucky enough to live in a city apartment.



I just noticed prop 37 failed. No matter how you feel about gmo that is some sad shit...course none of the rest of us even got it to the ballot.
we in age of plutocracy
Prop. 37 opponents, largely from industry and agriculture, raised over $45 million while the Vote Yes campaign, which was largely backed by consumer groups and the organic industry, raised about $6.7 million.


This is a source with no endorsement whatsoever: BuyActivatedCharcoal.com and they sell several types of activated charcoal for a number of applications including air filters, aquarium, etc.

They have a biochar product line (their own) called Charcoal Gardens Biochar and they even have one biochar mix that includes Mycorrhizae so they're trying to be players. Or scammers.

caveat emptor


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I actually bought those big bags of real wood charcoal from dumb ass Whole Foods and smashed it with a brick for a few hours....it worked. Lots of char material...not exactly the cheap route.


I could be mistaken but I seem to remember others posting their experience with using what you bought, Gas

Hardwood Charcoal is what you want - the type used by BBQ masters like myself. Lots of brands but reading the label is mandatory. Hardwood - that's the key word.

I've always wonder about using mesquite but never have. Probably wouldn't.


I just noticed prop 37 failed. No matter how you feel about gmo that is some sad shit...course none of the rest of us even got it to the ballot.
Yosemite Sam

California voters sent Democratic super-majorities to both legislative houses in California meaning that they can pass legislation without a single Repuba-Bubba, RWW, Birther, Tea Bagger, etc. even showing up. Then you've got Jerry Brown as the Governor who brings his own unique style to running the governor's office.

If you look at the measures passed by the voters in that state, it was a mixed bag but no one could look at the numbers and the breadth of the measures that passed vs. those that failed and conclude that this is a 'center-right' state. The People's Republic of California now joins The People's Republic of Oregon - no Republican won a statewide office in Oregon. Again. Stick a fork in 'em.

The measure may have lost but it can be passed which would take money and the money is available from national and international groups.

There are a couple of other factors that will come into play in January relative to the organic certification agencies in Oregon and California.


Thanks coot, does it make a difference on the quality of biochar if different materials are used? Say one took bamboo with leaves ran it through a chipper and put into stove to make biochar vs. just using tree branches ran through chipper to make biochar... Would one be more superior end product than other or no difference as long as charred??

Nice simple and sustainable method silver surfer


Active member
CC, I bought a big bag of their coconut carbon a couple years ago. Seems great.

Organic Learner, if it's actual charcoal, then it's pure carbon. Everything has been burnt off in low O2. The only difference would be the structure.

Anyone feel free to step in and clarify that.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I could be mistaken but I seem to remember others posting their experience with using what you bought, Gas

Hardwood Charcoal is what you want - the type used by BBQ masters like myself. Lots of brands but reading the label is mandatory. Hardwood - that's the key word.

I've always wonder about using mesquite but never have. Probably wouldn't.
I have remained skeptical of mesquite as well...the oils seem questionable for use in soil mixes.

After I smashed the char I soaked it in a blend of EWC,fish hydrolysate,and bat guano for two weeks...mmmmmm yummy!
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