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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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There's no solution to feeding 7 billion people, especially organics on a sustainable level. We got to this number by doing everything unsustainable and short-sighted.


if ther was actual money in feeding people,
im sure a few here would stop recycling cans & put a huge dent in feeding the world with just what americans throw out...
we have more food here then we know what to do with,hence the huge % we pay to haul as waste/trash & rise in child obesity

cuba is a fine example of what we should strive for & the following link is for those who want to be the change they wish to see in life..


I'm curious about the differences between broken oyster shells (large chunks about the size of pennies) and oyster shell flour. I would think that because of the finer texture of the flour it breaks down and yields it's benefits quicker then the larger chunks. Is this assumption correct? Is there any other reasons for using one over the other?


Darc, I just believe it impossible. We got to this number only through the green revolution and synthetic fertilizers. Organics IS amazing, but it simply can't keep up with the endless demands of seven billion humans. We need to deal with overpopulation if we want any hope of sustainability.

Frankly we're terrible at doing the right thing, so I fully expect us to run the environment into the ground, make extinct as many species as we can and keep birthing babies until we wipe most of our species out with a pandemic. I really don't like having that attitude, but it's where all the information available has led me.


Active member
I have a question. I've been using fresh aloe vera, cut from my yard (it grows like weeds here) and the rinds and leftovers I put in my compost... but here's my question. I've tried composting cactus before, and that stuff takes a looooong time to break down. I'm curious about that, like what makes it so difficult to decompose, as well as if there's anything I should be thinking about when composting aloe vera remnants?

Maybe we should consider it a pure carbon source after removing all the gel. Throw them in your leaf mould pile. They are leaves.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I completely disagree on organics not being able to feed the world. As i understand it there are huge amounts of food that are left in storage (EU butter mountains, frozen whale meat etc) that is either held back from market so the price doesnt plunge to nothing or is just unwanted/needed at the present time.

The real issue is water and is usage in agriculture and also the runoff into our waterways and oceans from nitatres and phosphates etc.

We need to look to Cuba for examples of how to feed a hungry population utilising organic practice known as organoponicos.


Organics can save way more water and environmental destruction than any GMO crop.


Too many people, not enough weed. Fruitless trip to the city. B&N didn't have Acres. I gave "Treating Yourself" a try to see if it was any better than "High Times", nope. All ads and bs, same as most magazines targeting niche markets.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Also the mainstream of farming is really starting to change their ways regarding organic practice and cut down on fertilisers, using drippers to irrigate and just being a wee bit smarter in general.

Just like Maximum Yield advertising all kind of microbes, fungi and kelp products etc

I know from my own garden the value in adding organic matter, mulch and compost and watering much, much less. Humans dont actually need that much food and water to thrive. We just need to learn to be much less wasteful and polluting and we would solve many of this worlds ills.

:smoweed: in moderation :smoke:


You'll be fine; just make sure you have "ample P", and keep it rootbound. Tsk tsk...

Edit - I almost forgot, make sure to check the pH of your runoff - you want it at 6.3, stop the N when you raise the P, and flush for the last 2 weeks. Advanced Nutrients is now making an excellent flushing agent - I won't flush without it.

Don't feel bad - we all had to start somewhere. Stick around and we'll try and teach you a thing or two.


This is the funniest thing I have seen in days. Lol Hi guys, just getting some sprouted barley tea edumaction.


Active member
I have to disagree on organics not being able to feed the world population, I see you are trying to get acres, they are the reason I believe organic nutrient dense food is the only way to feed the world.


Active member
So I went back a few pages and noticed some people are ok with frank-en foods, I feel so need to put down the peace pipe and really research what GMOs are all about. There are a couple of great resources to find out the truth about GMOs. The nongmoproject.org and of coarse Acres. Its not just the fact that Monsanto and the like are liars and thieves, or that they use much more pesticides/herbicides/fungicides then any other farming system and they use more as time goes on, or the fact that studies show after 3 generations of rats eating GMos the birth rate drops to 25% and most that are born are mutant and if given a choice farm animals will not eat the GMO food.
Don't mean to be blunt it's just that I thought we were for truth and to fight to good organic fight. I do agree there is alot to feeding 7 billion people but GMOs are not the answer, they don't work, nature prevails just look at RR Corn and Soy, farmers are right back to pulling weeds or finding some new horror ably toxic herbicide.
Knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss. -G. Orwell


I hope to be proven wrong in time. It would be a very pleasant surprise, and I'm doing my part despite my grim outlook.


I was away from my "picture computer" for a few days, so show 'n tell continues LOL

I'm humbled by this plants response to it's no-till no fuss home, not a keeper plant for me but i had it and needed to fill in some spaces.



Red Clover sprouted and grew nicely alongside these Stargazers:


I was told the other day on another forum that there is no place for mulching in indoor organics - it's a home for pests

My sativa pheno Stargazer, she's a beast



Indica pheno - but certainly a hybrid type high, lovely smoke



The rat study you are referencing is questionable at best


I feel like I am being misunderstood here... I am not defending Monsanto, I am defending golden rice which could save a million children a year in developing countries that die from vitamin A deficiency.


I'd rather not discuss this any further in this thread, as I don't want it to turn bellicose. I know it is a topic of hot debate that people feel very passionately about, and I can see both sides of the argument. I don't want to see any long term environmental damage, just the same as I don't want children to starve. When a see a conversation turn one sided, I try to understand the other side, and in this case, I am on the fence still because the stakes are so high.

Personally, I see a lot more of an issue the current state of the cannabis germplasm; between mutagen breeding, where growers use colchine on seeds to make the produce mutants, and people having wiped out 90% of the landrace strains. Then there is the pollen chucking poly hybrid breeder who has no clue what he is doing, that has completely cut the real breeders out of the market. If I want to make f1's I have to travel to 2 war torn countries and smuggle seeds back here so I could then risk federal time by having plant numbers in the triple digits, I mean, if I really want to do it right....


Darc, I just believe it impossible. We got to this number only through the green revolution and synthetic fertilizers. Organics IS amazing, but it simply can't keep up with the endless demands of seven billion humans. We need to deal with overpopulation if we want any hope of sustainability.
if those in control are almost by definition, short-term thinkers
why so much trust in a product like golden rice?GMO's,ect

will it really save million of children?.... & @ what price...the green rev promised the same & the results swindled tons of people to destroy ther land,local practices/diet & native fauna for a piece of that global economy..
shit was more about selling product then actually helping people
sustainable agriculture a oxymoron
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