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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Alright so I was mixing up some soil today and decided to throw in a few bags of gardner & bloome worm castings that I had lying around (called Worm-Gro) for humus content. The EWC in my bins is about a month or so from being harvestable...so had to turn to alternative measures. I don't necessarily have the $$ right now to go buy EWC from a hydro shop (Natures Solution is the best stuff I can find and it is wayyy too expensive). BUT...After opening one of these bags and dumping out the contents I am pretty damn skeptical about if I should keep adding more lol. The "castings" looked like sand, small sticks, and some dirt. The mix was really dry too. Very different from the rich black coffee-ground looking stuff I get from Natures Solution or my own bins.

Now I know that humus content is probably the most important aspect when creating soils, so my question is: should I return the few bags of Worm-Gro I have and eat rice for the rest of the week in order to get myself some good humus??? Unfortunately there aren't any local vermicompost people...at least on craigslist I can't find much. Closest one is about an hour away. Worth the drive? Lets say I am planning on making a soil modeling CC's mix and then applying botanical teas etc. If my worm castings are only "decent" and not stellar is this going to drastically effect my results? would love some input from the great minds here :)

now back to page 116 to continue my reading of this thread from the beginning lol...just had to chime in real quick cause I got humus on my mind...



Not asking but here are some regional products you may be able to find and consider using:

Coast of Maine - based, interestingly enough, in Maine. They add lobster shells (Calcium Carbonate & Chitin) to their compost. They offer potting soil mixes as well as bagged compost. Their distribution is not limited to New England so check their list of retailers. Very high-quality

BuffaLoam - based in Colorado and I know one person in the Midwest who buys this at a regular hardware store. Check their web site and I think you'll be pleased with their operation and it too is very high quality.

Malibu Biodynamic Compost - out of California this is legitimate biodynamic compost. I use this as part of the total humus percentage along with fish compost and my EWC. This is also a very high quality.

Worm Power - Upstate New York and is the largest vermicompost operation in North America - over 100 million worms (their estimate). They have a fairly wide distribution network as well. You can find videos on this operation at YouTube.

Ain't much but there you go!



I can get Bu's Blend but it's spendy. Would you use this over locally sourced freshly screened EWC? Cause I might just drive that hour...dude says he can give me up to 100 quarts at $1 a quart. seems like decent-ish pricing for high quality fresh EWC to me, what does your rip-off meter say?



Check my arithmetic and see if I'm off:

100 quarts = 25 gallons = 3.5 (sort of) c.f. for $100.00 = $28.60 per c.f.

That's what mediocre castings cost and more. For a C Note? And then you're set until you have your own castings?

I'd hit it...

That's a better deal for your money than this gunk......



but shes so hot? how can i go wrong when its a push for my kush? don't know if I trust you anymore CC....

on a real note though I will hit that. got a massive electric bill to pay later this month but I'll make it work somehow...gotta have that humus. not gonna skimp on that one. emailing dude as we speak


Since Jersey Shores has been discontinued perhaps Mikey could come up with a label for a new bottle of water featuring Snookie!

Who doesn't lust after fat-bottomed mouthy Jersey chicks?


line up the N-P-K measurements with her body measurements and you're on to somethin

34-28-50...with numbers like that it must be gold! :blowbubbles:

the guido growers dream!


It's great when a self-proclaimed hotie with a big set of tooters has a big mouth & a face to protect them - like Snookie for example
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Haha so I'll take that as a no that adding alfalfa,kelp,barley tea, or straight molasses won't cause a higher number of males or herms in unsexed or unstable gene if given in flower? The guy who came up with the hypothesis actually seemed like an alright fellow on another organic forum.

I'm not trying to air this dude out or anything but I dug up and found what was actually said just to give an idea..

"OK so heres the deal as far as "I" see it, and this is a "personal" opinion based on A LOT of growin/breeding.

All MJ plants are controlled by a HORMONE. Sugars and sweeteners and nectars and all the startch/sugar stuff is very dangerous.

here is why, all sugar based energy/food sorces which contain these sugars will activate hormones very quickly, a human eats nectar or molasses and it almost imediatley releases Insulin in the body, Insulin is a hormone, and in plant life these hormones that get activated by the sugars are associated with growth and reproduction.
now as an organic grower your soil is grade A shit I know this from your journal. This means that the plant already has everything it needs for growth....so what does it use the extra hormone production for? Yup REPRODUCTION!!!

some time our effectiveness is our weak link, you got them to flower like a mofo...cool you ask for more....cool....but now ya got more. Its hard for a lot of us to get our minds around this but we are not and can not promote BUD GROWTH!! its impossible...what we do is encourage the plant to get sexually active, now when the plant is budding nicely and is right in line with its genetic potential, the extra hormones gotta do something..so expect the ones who are borderline stressed to go hermie a bit..

there is no better hormone activater than sugar additives, if you dump a very strong mix of nectar on them right now and again in 5 days that plant will produce a million femmed seeds...Female seeds really...the best kind.

there could be different factors and this may not even be relevant to your grow, but I see it happen all the time, go water only for the rest of its life, treat the others as you have been and I will bet dollars to donuts that you get the best yield from the herm.

my opinion: just stop with everything at week 4-5 in flower and I mean EVERYTHING!! you have conditioned that soil for how long now? what could it possiby need?
at this point I always go straight water with NO exceptions. and the buds blow up and start protecting themself from the future, which means trichs...."

I believe what was added to the other guys soil was raw agave nectar that supposedly caused the hermie issues..


:) I like how everyone slows down the postings at night so I can catch up. Stop adding pages to the thread!!!! Killin me lol...only on page 143! gotta chug along...trim, read, smoke, trim, read, smoke. rinse and repeat. I kid, but seriously this thread is deep

Chocked full of info though - IMO better than most books I have read. Makes "TLO" by the Rev seem like a f*ing joke lol...bought that book about a month ago and was very disappointed when I read it. Nothing that I hadn't learned from CC already...so I passed it along to a friend who is in desperate need of some organic knowledge (grows "organic" bud but insists that flushing with Clearex is necessary for better taste. some people......) he also gifted me some cuts that broke out with PM, and now f*ing mites. Good dude, but I'm not very satisfied with the "gift". Luckily everything he gave me is in my bathroom quarantine chamber lol, and the plants are getting culled tonight, but still it has me paranoid like no other.

Never had mites before...so they are a bit intimidating. Hit em with some spinosad just for shits and gigs, and then changed clothes and sprayed all the ladies in my veg room with a neem/protekt mixture per CC's ratios. Luckily I can only find living adults on one plant, and it is a very stressed unhealthy cut of deadhead OG (lol) which was cut wayy too late in flower and is having a gnarly time reverting. Still, as a precaution, culling all the plants in quarantine in a few hours because none of them are of true value to me..mostly throwaways or extra clones that I feel too bad to kill lol.

Just bottled a homemade batch of EM using rice wash and milk, added 1tsp of molasses and it is in the fridge in an old glass bottle. what should I start using this on? I know its good in the soil (1 to 20 dilution and then 1tbs of the dilute to 1 gal h2o) as well as digestive benefits, but can it be used as a foliar feed? should i feed some to my worms? obviously it would integrate well with bokashi...but seems like overkill right? because the Bokashi grain is effectively inoculated with EM if I am not mistaken.

Any help would be appreciated :) always learning and trying to clarify concepts that I think I am grasping lol. so much science on here - learning FAR more than I do in my college courses it is laughable...makes me feel like I should be paying CC, GC and all the others contributing to this magical thread :) Priceless info here....for real. Thanks y'all


OL, that's total bunk. Absolute and total, dismiss it from your mind. Sugar sources put into the soil only serve as a food source for the herd. The plant does not take it up directly and release hormones as a result. It has no effect on flavour, smell, high, sex of plant or sex of seed. That's one of the craziest stories I've heard yet. Up there with MSG and KoolAid.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hey Cann yeah theres only 371 pages and over 150,000 views! :smoke:

You might want to be careful with that glass bottle with the molasses. Very unlikely but just make sure the lid isnt too tight or you might get an exploded bottle and big mess to clean up. Also you dont need the sugar if storing in the fridge it will still last for months. Sugar if leaving at room temp.

You can use it on everything and anything. It is good for foliar or soil drench. Alsoif you have a stinky pig pen or maybe some cat piss stink? This stuff will actually start to digest and takeover eliminating or vastly reducing the smell. Pig pens would take a bit more volume of course :smoke:

Any plants affected with mites get gooped. Sticky stuff sold online or hydro/gardening shops, vaseline would probably work. The mites get stuck and cant migrate to other areas and any eggs in the soil that hatch suffer the same fate. Just beware this make your plants stems vulnerable to attack from rats. Happened to me not that long ago. 2 awesome plants that were mothers got 'ring barked' and they died about a week later.



There is not a single scintilla of science in anything he posted - not one. Is this person obsessed over Calcium to the point where professional help is required? Even if it is just for a couple of days at the county home

I hope this person is getting help from the county or state to cover his rent (Section 8) and some food stamps so he can buy a bag of Funyuns when needed because it appears that he isn't smart enough to pour beer out of a boot - or even urine......


Is this his grow site by any chance?

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"ain't fit to pour piss out of a boot with instructions written on the heel!"


Active member

Haha so I'll take that as a no that adding alfalfa,kelp,barley tea, or straight molasses won't cause a higher number of males or herms in unsexed or unstable gene if given in flower? The guy who came up with the hypothesis actually seemed like an alright fellow on another organic forum.

I'm not trying to air this dude out or anything but I dug up and found what was actually said just to give an idea..

"OK so heres the deal as far as "I" see it, and this is a "personal" opinion based on A LOT of growin/breeding.

All MJ plants are controlled by a HORMONE. Sugars and sweeteners and nectars and all the startch/sugar stuff is very dangerous.

here is why, all sugar based energy/food sorces which contain these sugars will activate hormones very quickly, a human eats nectar or molasses and it almost imediatley releases Insulin in the body, Insulin is a hormone, and in plant life these hormones that get activated by the sugars are associated with growth and reproduction.
now as an organic grower your soil is grade A shit I know this from your journal. This means that the plant already has everything it needs for growth....so what does it use the extra hormone production for? Yup REPRODUCTION!!!

some time our effectiveness is our weak link, you got them to flower like a mofo...cool you ask for more....cool....but now ya got more. Its hard for a lot of us to get our minds around this but we are not and can not promote BUD GROWTH!! its impossible...what we do is encourage the plant to get sexually active, now when the plant is budding nicely and is right in line with its genetic potential, the extra hormones gotta do something..so expect the ones who are borderline stressed to go hermie a bit..

there is no better hormone activater than sugar additives, if you dump a very strong mix of nectar on them right now and again in 5 days that plant will produce a million femmed seeds...Female seeds really...the best kind.

there could be different factors and this may not even be relevant to your grow, but I see it happen all the time, go water only for the rest of its life, treat the others as you have been and I will bet dollars to donuts that you get the best yield from the herm.

my opinion: just stop with everything at week 4-5 in flower and I mean EVERYTHING!! you have conditioned that soil for how long now? what could it possiby need?
at this point I always go straight water with NO exceptions. and the buds blow up and start protecting themself from the future, which means trichs...."

I believe what was added to the other guys soil was raw agave nectar that supposedly caused the hermie issues..

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