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Little-known illness tied to smoking weed on the rise

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Just instinct. That mammalian response after you step out of a shower. Sobering. Like cold water to the face, except on my whole body. Maybe it was just having any pleasant physical sensation to keep my mind off of my vertigo. I would wake up nauseous and throw up, and try and reset my clock by showering. Some days it was reeaally effective and I would just.. go on with my day as if nothing had happened. Other days, the only time I experienced any relief was while I was walking outside, and only while I was actually walking. Some days it was so bad I would need an arm to hold while I walked. If I sat down the nausea would ensue. I was eating heavy doses of edibles to help with my insomnia, and my nausea episodes were most prevalent in the morning.

I'm not 100% the edibles I was making were from my garden, either. I didn't bother to make the connection (or at least admit it could be valid) until I found this thread a few days ago. It could have been from some sprayed outdoh. We got a bunch of the shit around that time and I wound up with a half ounce of poisonous unsmokable crumble that I cooked out into chocolate. It could have been a litany of different things, but I have experienced VERY adverse effects to even small amounts of good marijuana in the past, even after having built a daily smokers tolerance.

From what I can gather, people with naturally high cortisol levels just.. have bad trips, and aren't well suited for drugs. I've had good and bad trips on pretty much everything I have ever taken, marijuana included. It was always my take that these bad marijuana trips were just my bodies way of letting out built up stress, but it would make some sense if I were to find out that I was mildly allergic to marijuana. I can't drink or trip anymore, either. The cherokee in me just.. goes vertigo when he isn't grounded.

I haven't spoken to a doctor since I got bored of my edibles and the episodes disappeared. I will go if the symptoms come back, def. I've actually been busy all afternoon helping my buddy turn some more poisonous outdoh into some strong cookies, of which I have eaten 3, that are already making me feel not so great.


Active member
People actually rub neem oil all over their bodies?Thats pretty sick.I only use it for masturbation purposes