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little help


Also feel ur pots when ur lights are on I bet they are very warm. At the very least see if u can get them a littke cooler.


yes is very warm some days :) , so i water before 2 days i check now is dry what i do now? i have two plants have the same problem .maybe my problem is to the roots bad dry cycle !!


What is ur idea of dry? Its hard without being there. If u r there all the time let them wilt a little. Its not going to hurt them. I dont know how many grows u have under ur belt but push them on the dry cycle so u really know what a dry pot feels like and know how they respond i think u r going to be surprised. Its got to be ur temps that includes air temps and pot temps or overwatering. Get those things under control the best u can and then give it a few days, grows in soil do not respond overnight to corrections.


bobman im 4 day of dry u have right that suprise me and the plants is happy i wait for litle wilt , my temps is better 27-30c i have 3 airfans and the door of tent half open , thank u very much :tiphat:


You have a pest problem. Look close on the top of your soil and under the pot.
Do you see any bugs? Small like 2mm white and gray? Moving fast...
Do you have any flyers around, like fungus gnats?
Or did the broads reach Greece?

Look very good man!

Is this picture ringing bells


i have thrips 2-3 weeks i spray the leaves with neem oil the bugs disappearing for 4-5 days but they come back , maybe i have thrips to soil ?they eat my roots?


Hey astrix. I have been away for a week how are they doing. If you went nine days you were drowning them. Learning a proper dry cycle is probably the most importtant thing for a new soil grower. Anyways hope all is well with the children. Happy harvest. Let us know how it goes and update so others can learn.


hey dude sorry i forget this post , my plant stress from the heat,bugs,incorrect ph at start of flowering, all big fan leaves drooping down bad photosynthesis 10 g yield , never grow in summer again, but i have 1 sativas she going very good :tiphat:


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