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little help from a friend ???


New member
Hi All, I need a little assistance with my garden,

I'm growing in a 4 x 8 x 8 grow tent. I have (2) 600w hps for flowering.

My plants veg and grow in (5) gal felt pots.

In veg i water once or twice a week.

In flower I water 1-2 times per week.

I usually flower 36 plants at a time. Usually veg. to 18" -20" before flower.

I have had several very sucessful grows. However have had a couple of issuse in my last few grows.

I went away for a couple days and was un able to water, When I came home some of my plants were slightly discolored and wilty, I watered them right away..... But they never came back. They just continue to get worse and worse. Wilting, yellowing , and look pretty much dead.

If the plants get dry do they just die off ? How often do you water your plants ?

I'm afraid of over / under watering.

What is the ideal feeding schedule for the plants.

also, Some of the plants in my tent look amazing while others are struggeling. WHAT IS GOING ON......................................

HELP !!!!!!!

jets fool

New member
Well, assuming soil...

"How often do you water your plants" is an extremely vague question, with a few variables that determine the best answer: pot volume, medium, plant size, and light power. That considered, there are various methods to identify the ideal time to water.

You can stick your index finger roughly an inch to two inches into the soil, near the perimeter of the pot. If it feels dry, it needs water. This works well for smaller pots, commonly less than 5 gallons.

You can weigh your pot when you know it's near fully dry, and again once you've watered it with roughly 10% runoff, and monitor the difference.

But in my opinion, the best way to be able to tell when to water, is to try to understand what your plants are telling you by their appearance. Over time, if observed carefully, you will be able to tell if the plant needs water simply by its looks. It will have the blades of its leaves curled upward, and the plant may droop or lean to the side, with an overall stressed appearance.

Or, if you aren't confident with the methods described, you could always purchase a Moisture Meter.


New member
Jets, Thank you for the feedback, I Agree, I can sometimes tell what my plant is feeling just by looking at them, I have tried a moisture meter, But found it to be rather u reliable. I tried it in different types of soil with diferent moisture levels, I tried it on plants that I knew were way to dry but the meter said it was in the safe zone.......... So I returned that LOL. I guess my best bet would be experimintation, Good olde trial and error.

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