What's new

little bit of this, little bit of that


ICMag Donor
hold tight Viking,,, I n I be still smoke-testing dem :wink:

ya Mummia too strong mee lion, n ya Mossad,,, as my mans say 'bum-ting' (that be 'good' in him lingua) :D

ya Odalisk also switches the vibe,,,

don't give up the day job buddy... lol :biglaugh:

peace dL :joint:

"shout out to the hood where we hail from... 7@7 old-school clan,,, stand strong mee brethrens,,, we still stand strong,,, after all that's gone.... ain't nothing gonna take that away from us. peace out " dL
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ICMag Donor
Odalisk smells very nice, the vibe grows on ya,,, can taste the erb, roots, n culture :yes:
peace dLeaf :joint:

"Any scenario, been there, done that
Gone where some of y'all niggaz, couldn't come back
Been through the hottest parts of hell
Came back with a hard shell and, hard as nails
I went through it all, do it all, screw it all
Small you recall, the hard times as a juve-nile
Often misunderstood
Some joined the military, others just joined the hood..." B. Real
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ICMag Donor
the blade of the Saxon Axe

certain theorectical critics are once again "claiming" that the Saxons where the barbaric perpetraters of genocide :chin: (who wasn't?)

Rude, ruthless and un-hindged... who was it that said "History only repeats itself because we do not learn from its mistakes." (?)

peace out all


ICMag Donor
Growdoc said:
She got some legs on her...wanna see what she does

this Saxe is just starting to spread its wings... 5days+ 12/12 :D

...it's time to get funky, seems to like high temps also :crazy: :D

peace out >> :dance:
dLeaf :joint:
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Cannabis Helper
dat bitch is gonna sell her soul, quick... dig her a big hole!

i wanna taste some cheese!!!



ICMag Donor
brethren, dat be the stinkiest, stickiest, funkiest bit of cheese on the board (this day). if we were to dig a large hole for this slice it would spoil her aroma (and inner spirit) perhaps mold her gold (still damp)... no. this piece will be placed someplace safe, n dry, ready to welcome guests :dance:

perhaps someone will do a "Soma" on these self-sets oneday...

... still yet to out-grow these eek-a (have sown with 90% viability, that's all to date)

peace all
dL :joint:
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ICMag Donor
Mummia [Growdoc Seeds]

topped out, still in veg mode,,,

nice chunky nodal stems :yes:

peace dLeaf :joint:


ICMag Donor
"Oh, what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what'll you do now, my darling young one?
I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin',
I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest,
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty,
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters,
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison,
Where the executioner's face is always well hidden,
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten,
Where black is the color, where none is the number,
And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it,
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it,
Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin',
But I'll know my song well before I start singin',

And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard,
It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall."
Bob Dylan

"Poems are words that have been empowered..." Allen Ginsberg
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ICMag Donor

"Things just ain't the same for gangstas.
Times is changing, young niggas is aging,
Becoming OGs in the game and changing,
To make way for these new names and faces, but
The strangest things can happen from rappin, when
Niggas get wrapped up in image and actin,
Niggas get capped up and wrapped in plastic,
Zipped up in bags when it happens, that's it!
I've seen em come; I've watched em go,
Watched em rise, witnessed it and watched em blow.
Watched em up high, suddenly watched em grow.
Watched the lawsuits when they lost the dough.
Best friends and money: I lost them both!
Went visited niggas in the hospital!
It's all the same shit all across the globe.
I just sit back and watch the show...
[Dr. Dre]
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ICMag Donor
Saxon Axe: 14 -->18 days

40c+ temps made the internodes shoot...

these main colas will be nice pon harvest...

she just started to grow a blue hue

anyone that has this seed, is adviced to fast/force flower early if/when growing indoor or in small spaces... the Axe levels out about this hieght under-glass, but can/does grow much taller when outdoor... she is a true pashtun, which likes to display her 'large' Afghan heritage,,, lol :biglaugh:

"I've been trapped in her heart-shaped-box for weeks..."
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ICMag Donor
Saxe 19days 12/12

peace dLeaf :joint:

"Yes, ignorance is bliss,,, if we settle for nothing now,,, then we'll settle for nothing later." 'Rage Against the Machine'
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ICMag Donor
easy buddy,,, long-time no speak... :wave:

how's everything on your side of the globe?
got round to planting any fritillaries pon the headland yet?
hope everything is still green :D

peace dLeaf :joint:


everything is cool here, very cool.. winter and all.

lent my CFL grow box to a buddy and we're growing a few plants. my box, equipment, nutrients and genetics, his .. newbie skills :D doing well so far i must say.

how are you?

i haven't gotten around to it.. mate returning to SA from Britain in September.. so that's when i get them! and they'll definately be used for a niec big outdoor grow in Spring. so excited to get the package!! :yes:

been taking it easy.. was clean for 4 weeks, then i smoked one night, and now i'm clean for another 2 weeks. she is not controlling me any longer, i control her..

take care :joint:


ICMag Donor
a note on fritillary seed

a note on fritillary seed

fritillary seed is a non-profit entity dedicated to the exploration of cannabis genetics. As such fritillary seed is neither/or an objective organisation or subjective association. Rather, we like to think of fritillary seed as a progressive entity.

In the face of adversity fritillary seed is only able to continue to seek knowledge about cannabis cultivation and procreation, whilst maintaining its dedication to its existing projects with the help of like-minded growers.

In this way we do not wish or attempt to infringe upon anyone anywhere.

Our moto as ever is 'Grow Your Own'

DocLeaf :joint:
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Hey man... Hows it growing?? :wave:

Looking gravy, i must say.. :yummy:

Stay safe, stay frosty..


ICMag Donor
wat um, mee lion? :wave:

"we're doing fine on the 1 & 9 line,
on the 'L' we're doing swell,
on the no. 10 bus we fight and bust,
you know we're thorough in the boroughs cause that's a must,,,"

yeah, everything is still mustard these ends,,, Saxe at 21days (3weeks),,,

hot like fire, sweet like sugar :dance: she's doing just dandy, better than the average bear at this stage... lol
wat's happening with the 'belter' n 'milksnatcher'?

peace n bloom dude
dleaf :joint:
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ICMag Donor
dank u

dank u

dank u...

peace Growdoc :yes: la familiar :dance: sinsemillia :friends: till death do us part :joint:
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