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Liquid humus in place of liquid karma?


I went to the hydro store today with plans of getting liquid karma. I get there only to find out they carry the new kind with lower humus. So after some discussion with the guy who worked there I decided to try Technaflora Liquid Humus. The guy at the store told me it would work great in place of the liquid karma. The label says its 15% Humic Acid, 15%Acide Humique. Is this guy right? Will it work in place of LK or sound I use LK along with it? Anyone ever used this product?


There's a lot more to LK than the humus, especially now that they've reduced the content. I'd say if you're using a rich soil that has good microbial life, the LK as an additive should do well for you. I'm beginning to convert to hydro/coco, so looking into using straight humic acid as an additive...but ran organic soil for years and IMO straight humic as an additive is unescessary if you have a proper soil mix that is is well maintained. There's enough goodies and natural humus in those type of soil mixes.

edit: LK was really the only "additive" that I used when I did organic soil. I bellieve it really did help, and if nothing else was defintely a good insurance policy in terms of pretty much covering the spectrum of the little things that even a good soil mix may be missing or need replenished.
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i am using humic and fulvic acid in my outdoor crop. LK was too pricey.
When I look it up it says ...fermented yeast extract and kelp extract. And it's NOT organic. I use about 1tbs of humic acid per 1 gal of water. It drops the pH of my tap perfectly....also feeds the micro-kiddies. Instead of LK how about some hemp protein powder and kelp powder. Cheaper, probably better and definitely organic.


Active member
Liquid Karma ingredients:

Liquid KarmaTM contains seven (7) major groups of nutrients based on their specific effects on plant growth and development:

A. Fermented Compost Solution - prepared by exhaustive bacterial and enzymatic fermentation of fish meal, composted seabird guano, spirulina, sea kelp, and soybean meal. In order to enhance the fermentation process and obtain a product which contains the highest possible biological activity, the fermentation is carried out in different stages in the presence of humic acid, citric acid, raw sugar cane, complex carbohydrates, glucose fructose and over 72 trace elements. Fermented Compost Solution prepared in this manner is used by an increasing number of organic gardeners to obtain luxuriant vegetative growth, huge flowers and flavorful fruits and vegetables.

B. Amino Acids - Liquid Karma contains essential amino acids which are derived from casein hydrolysate and soybean protein hydrolysate. Amino acids are important plant nutrients because they serve as building blocks for structural proteins and enzymes. In addition, amino acids are also involved in the activation of transfer ribonucleic acids (t-RNAs) and DNA synthesis. The following amino acids derived from casein hydrolysate and soybean protein, are present in Liquid Karma: glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, serine, threonine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, asparagine, glutamine, lysine, arginine, histidine, cysteine, cystine, methlonine, proline, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.

C. Vitamins - All of the vitamins used in this formulation are extremely beneficial for plant growth because they function as co-factors for enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the biosynthesis of macromolecules. Liquid KarmaTM contains significant amounts of riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and all of the other B-complex vitamins obtained from fermented yeast extracts.

D. Plant Extracts - Liquid KarmaTM also contains aqueous and ethanolic extracts of etiolated wheat seedlings and Zea mays. These extracts contain high levels of the plant hormones known as auxins and cytokinins. For successful plant micropropagation (tissue culture), the crucial requirements for an auxin and cytokinin are well documented in botanical literature. An example of the beneficial effects of using Liquid KarmaTM in tissue culture is shown in Figure 1.

E. Humic Acid - In addition to the ingredients indicated above, Liquid Karma contains optimal levels of humic acid derived from leonardite. This substance is known to stimulate the growth of roots, shoots and flowers, by maintaining the proper osmotic concentration in cells.

F. Seaweed Extract - Liquid KarmaTM also contains a high proportion of seaweed extract obtained from North Atlantic Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum). Kelp extract contains metabolically active carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, minerals such as cobalt, strontium and iodine, and growth substances that are known to be beneficial for plant growth.

G. Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are included in Liquid KarmaTM because they are the direct or indirect precursors of virtually every metabolite. Their precense provides the added burst of energy required to assimilate and metabolize all of the other wonderful ingredients present in Liquid KarmaTM.

The seven nutrient groups used in the formation of Liquid KarmaTM act synergistically to produce optimal plant growth.

......I guess Liquid Karma lowered their amounts of "humic acids"......really i think this is a good idea, since many growers overdose on humic and fulvic acids (fulvic is the most bio-active of the humic acids)......my guess is that the high humic acid content was causing pH fluctuations in hydroponic and DWC environments, but someone would have to call a Botanicare representative to find out the actual situation.....

there's so much stuff in Liquid Karma that it makes it impossible to isolate which ingredient is doing what.....that can be frustrating to us scientific-minded people, but the flip side is having to buy 10 different bottles of individual ingredients.......

i have always had good results from this product......

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


**AWD** Aficianado
Well they are not the same at all, they will work equally well though.

Remember that humci acid will help build and maintain soil health an activity but still requires a healthy soil mix to get plant to term.

LiquidKarma on the other hand is meant to compliment PBPro's all in fertilizer line which is why it is much more complete that regular liquid humus.

Honestly if you use worm casting and or compost in your soil mix the liquid humus will work fine, rocky made a wicked point about kelp, it is chock full of micros and vitamins and will help bridge the gap.


LK is not organic? Why is it used in a lot of organic teas? Either way I went and bought a bottle. I am going to use the liquid humus with it, the liquid humus does a great job of buffering the ph of my mix.
I was also looking at AN's Nirvana. I think its AN's version of LK and they claim it is organic. If it is and LK is not I may give it a run. I have heard a lot of good things about AN. I use there sensyzim and it kicks ass.
You guys where all right..I stopped using LK on some of my clones and low and behold they started have defs. I think it was a K def but not sure, whatever it was though when I bought the LK and gave them a good dose, they perked right up. LK is no joke.

Lots of good info on LK in this thread thanks everyone.
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