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Anyone else using linux here?

I've been using JUST linux since 2001... and i don't look back... Linux is so easy to use nowdays... and programming under windows it's a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!


gramsci.antonio said:
Anyone else using linux here?

I've been using JUST linux since 2001... and i don't look back... Linux is so easy to use nowdays... and programming under windows it's a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!

Windows has more than 90% of the market share - I quite like programming for it ...


Active member
PhenoMenal said:
Windows has more than 90% of the market share - I quite like programming for it ...

i have to say that i don't program for mass stream... but just for myself and my coworkers: i program mathematical/physical algoritms for research...
I know java, c, c++ and matlab but i can't use any of them for graphics... always from line command...

The memory/cpu handling of linux is like thousand times better... and you notice it when an algoritm on linux take 3 hours... on windows take days...

moreover vista fuck with the memory a lot...

it's quite funny to find that a 7 days computation fucked up because vista can't keep its hands off the memory...


dont worry, you wont find me saying too many complimentary things about Vista ;)
I encourage all Vista users to upgrade to XP ... 8)


Linux here. I spent the last 2 weeks installing different distros as well as BSD to try and find one I really like(I do this a couple times a year..). I've got to say that so far I really like Zenwalk. Based on Slackware...xfce window manager...it's fast...very fast. Memory usage is about 65-70Mb on startup after Xfce has loaded. The only thing that beat that was FreeBSD running Xfce. I was at about 60 Mb RAM usage(I'm sure blackbox/fluxbox would knock that down at least 10-15 megs). It's funny...Ophcrack, a popular Windows hash cracker uses a Linux live CD(running fluxbox) to crack Windows hashes.

I usually keep it simple on the desktop, but I finally broke down and decided to install compiz and awn. My old lady says "it looks like a Mac". I say "Yeah...but I'm using less than 200 Mb RAM." Saving up to get a new mboard w/ a core2quad and a couple Gb RAM for FreeBSD. Figured FreeBSD+Xfce+Compiz = power, stability, fun, and function. Only programming I do nowdays is just a little php/sql. No time for any of that hardcore computer stuff anymore with a 2 year old running around.


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gmb said:
Linux here. I spent the last 2 weeks installing different distros as well as BSD to try and find one I really like(I do this a couple times a year..). I've got to say that so far I really like Zenwalk. Based on Slackware...xfce window manager...it's fast...very fast. Memory usage is about 65-70Mb on startup after Xfce has loaded. The only thing that beat that was FreeBSD running Xfce. I was at about 60 Mb RAM usage(I'm sure blackbox/fluxbox would knock that down at least 10-15 megs). It's funny...Ophcrack, a popular Windows hash cracker uses a Linux live CD(running fluxbox) to crack Windows hashes.

I usually keep it simple on the desktop, but I finally broke down and decided to install compiz and awn. My old lady says "it looks like a Mac". I say "Yeah...but I'm using less than 200 Mb RAM." Saving up to get a new mboard w/ a core2quad and a couple Gb RAM for FreeBSDì

and saving a lot of cash.

Try ubuntu, it's quite nice.

I use debian for work purpose, and ubuntu in the freetime :)


Another aspect of Windows having 90%+ marketshare is that the vast majority of programs out there are for Windows, which is to the advantage of anyone using Windows. Whether Linux is a superior OS or not (and in my eyes it is in many ways), it still doesn't have anywhere near as many programs on offer to consumers as Windows does, so consumers will always find it a bit of a stepping stone as long as thats the case


Vista is just as stable as NT and almost as stable as Linux... xp is decent, but if you are going to use an old as.s operating system, why arent using guys using windows 2000?

Its like windows xp, without the nice girly look.

/used unix back when have you kids didnt know what the internet was.

Direct X 9 will really get you far guys... I haven't looked into it lately because well I have been using my computer for is shit a 486 could accomplish just fine so I don't really care, actually I take that back, if my extra pata drive didnt crap out a few weeks ago, i would actually go back to xp pro, just cause i found the cd, its patched with sp2, and vista only issue I have is with the way it handles wifi, and i haven't found a driver or way around this that works well, vista just sucks with wifi I think and a desktop. But i only have one sata drive that isnt partitioned because I am retarded... or was too stoned that night to remember to partition a 200 gig drive, who the fuck does such a thing?


Eitherway, vista isnt that bad, my computer is hardly "vista compatible", yet I got this no problem.



Vista is pants, bloatware to the max, microsoft do it deliberately to drive the need for folks to upgrade their PCs every couple of years.

Linux is excellent, Ubuntu or Debian beign my preferred distros, I can setup Ubuntu, Apache, Mysql, PHP. Python, Zope and Plone and have a fully working web server with a CMS inside 2 hours, try doing that with a microsoft solution!

I still use Ubuntu on my laptops but for my main desktop I've switched to vmware and opensolaris, I still use a Sun Ultra 60 with dual 450mhz 64 bit Sparcs and 16 gigs of RAM as my household server and see no reason whatsoever to ever use windows apart from Photoshop and Civilisation IV but I can run those on XP in a container under opensolaris so I'm happy.

Virtualisation will change everything in the next few years, as many different OSes as you like on the same machine, I have 6 different virtual machines on my desktop machine so I have Unix, Linux, Windows and MacOS at my disposal and can add more as I please.

Derorli Panza

New member
I have been using Kubuntu for 3 months now. Am pretty happy with it. I am not the most knowledgeable person around; I had some small difficulties initially setting things up so my IM would work, and so that I could get youtube videos to play properly. I installed Wine so I could play DIablo 2 with no problem. However if I were a big pc gamer I would have to stick with windows.

I really enjoy not getting those windows update pop-ups every time I boot the pc. The once in awhile somehow the updates would run themselves and I'd get a message informing me that my pc was going to reboot in X minutes unless I hit a button to cancel, and it would pop up again wanting to reboot a few minutes later.

I do not miss Microsoft Office, however it would be nice if OpenOffice gets around to having an equally extensive template gallery.

Does anyone know of a good website that teaches you how to give commands in a terminal? all that sudo apt get stuff? That confuses the hell out of me. I hate not knowing how to manually install a program, trying to find that program in my Adept Installer program, failing to find it, and then having to do without until the Adept Installer program gets around to having the program listed.


on my main machine i use mandriva , same on the laptop . On my little mule/webserver (an old pc , no screen no keyboard and mouse, no X, i SSH in via lan) i use slackware, stable as a rock.

the only reason i keep a winxp copy on my hdd is gaming, the only thing that linux really cant substitute , wine is not complete and cedega neither.
I use XP for most of my functions, but I own a copy of Backtrack 2. It was my first linux OS ever, and I got it because I wanted to play with wi-fi a little. The GUI isnt as bad as I thought it was, but it still relies heavily on command prompts which I am not very well versed in. Is there a release thats functions like windows, or are they all pretty much run from the command prompt line?


I won't use IE - Firefox for me, Outlook is pants, Thunderbird is much better, I prefer Openoffice to MS Office, all the other tools I use are available for Linux so if they release Linux versions of Photoshop and Civ 4 I'll ditch windows altogether.


Active member
Ganja Pasha said:
if they release Linux versions of Photoshop and Civ 4 I'll ditch windows altogether.

I haven't tried Civ 4 yet, but I found 3 to be complete crap. The best one so far is Civ II in my opinion, though I'll check out 4 eventually.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
I like sabayon linux but I mostly use Ubuntu nowadays. I started with redhat 5.2 then suse then slackware. I really liked slackware for many years and I still enjoy slackware based distros. I would choose freebsd or openbsd for maximum security if I was to install a server.

I miss the old days when we were exploiting different vulnerabilities to r00t b0xes hehehe

Afterall, they don't call me l33t for nothing :D hehe


The only thing that I'm not too keen about on Slack and slack based distros(like Zenwalk that I'm using now) is the rc.wireless stuff. I don't really see a problem with just using rc.inet1 for wireless, but I guess they wanted to add another feature(this is the iwconfig stuff. I prefer just using ifconfig). I dig ubuntu and all its versions, but not enough to wait the extra second or 2 for stuff to load. If I had a faster machine, I'd just go with Ubuntu or PC BSD. The other thing that I really like about BSD is that it doesn't come out with updates every other week. Sure, there are patches here and there, but mostly for other softwares. No need to upgrade the kernel or anything, unless you consider reconfiguring and recompiling the kernel upgrading. I don't do any gaming, but I'd love to get a Linux port of Bodog poker software. I'm not too keen on using Wine, and I'm not looking into VM until I get something faster. Either way, I use linux because of the configurability, speed, stability, and security. I don't have a problem using Windows, and it's not "inferior"..it's just not for me anymore. Windows is actually problably MORE complicated than Linux if you were to start, without ever having used a computer, with one OS and try to switch to the other. I just can't wait to upgrade this box and see a 15 second cold boot time from "off" to icmag.

Oh...and another thing I like about Zenwalk is "Iceweasel" and "Icedove", which are basically Open Source versions of Firefox and Thunderbird, respectively. I tried Firefox 3, but I wasn't too impressed.
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