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Lights off for last 24-48hrs


Dude, don't boil your roots. If you boil the roots the plant is dead... period. Right then and there.
As far as the extended dark cycle thing goes, it's whatever. You can if you want but truthfully it doesn't matter. Trust me. I've done it both ways. Just chop at the beginning of the light cycle as plants use the energy stored from the light cycle in the dark cycle. So why waste energy that won't be used is the only reason to chop after a dark cycle. Get it. Got it. Good.

What the hell Rock? Tell someone to boil their plants roots. Come on
The first few grows i did, i never did this. I haven't grown in awhile, though i am starting again soon but my last grow (Blockhead) i put the lights out for 48 hours before the chop, and they did seem to get more purple in them. Though, i had low temps which i think was the main reason for the purpling. They were getting really purple towards the end of flowering, but i gotta say the last few days with the lights off they got noticeably more purple in just that 48 hours. The trich production was great as it was, so it was hard to tell if turning the lights off made a difference in that area.

I mean it certainly can't hurt the plants and i usually i personally like the triches to get a few days to mature with the lights out anyways. Weather it helps or not i don't know for sure, i'm no scientist lol. But here is one of my blockheads during the last few days with the lights off:


Dried Blockhead:


Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"So, in the end nobody really knows if this theory does anything at all. " This is what makes this site tedious for some of us. Did you read my post? If so, duplicate my test and lets be scientific. Not sure about 'root boiling' (have tried it of course, just not in a way that left me satisfied as to the results), but I believe the Rock has stated the results of his light tests as well.....


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
A local friend just tried this method with a control. Same cutting, same NFT system, one with the two day dark, the other without. We couldn't tell any difference, but his plants were pretty healthy. Maybe it would work better on stressed, or less than perfectly healthy plants?

I will say that moving plants further away from the light as they get more advanced in flowering DOES improve taste and quality for sure, and maybe yield too.

Interesting result to the test Mr. Greengenes, I cannot really see how it would do anything dramatic either.

Raising [and halving] your lights for the last week/10 days is something I do agree with however, I even started a thread on it a while ago... the plant has produced, structurally, all they calyxes she ever will, all you are doing is waiting for them to fattten up, the THC, taste and potency to get to Max, Naturally she would be in fading light as the year ends and like Mr. Greengenes I believe lower temps help develop fragrances /or higher temps can or do damage the odour, taste and potency.


I think BOG is a big proponent of this method. I think you're meant to put the plants into the dark for 48 hours and make sure the medium (eg soil) is dry. The theory is that the plant senses the end is near and pumps out more trichs as a last ditch resort...

I've tried it but I don't have a way to compare if it actually makes a difference. That said, I don't think its doing any harm...


New member
about moving your lights furthur away during the later stages(final week or two) of flowering. It was in Skunk Mag dude by the name of "the rev" had this to say " When a plant is too close to an HPS light during flowering, it can express flavor only within ranges of citrus and hash-and nothing else. However, if you increase the distance from the light, you can express a wide range of flavors. Everything from exotic fruit (such as apricot) and mint, to blueberry and blackberry,can be achieved. These all really come out if you keep your light distance two feet or more for the final two weeks of flowering." Ive never done this...thinking about it when I get pulley systems on my lights set up


New member
Mr. Green I will have to try this myself..........and prolly 10 to 100 times to get a scientific result....there are too many different variables that we as growers have to deal with. You can teach another person to grow exactly like you same nutes, soil, RO, strains,light, equipment, etc.. in the end that person will do it his/her way no matter what. So in the end their are too many variables....man!!


about moving your lights furthur away during the later stages(final week or two) of flowering. It was in Skunk Mag dude by the name of "the rev" had this to say " When a plant is too close to an HPS light during flowering, it can express flavor only within ranges of citrus and hash-and nothing else. However, if you increase the distance from the light, you can express a wide range of flavors. Everything from exotic fruit (such as apricot) and mint, to blueberry and blackberry,can be achieved. These all really come out if you keep your light distance two feet or more for the final two weeks of flowering." Ive never done this...thinking about it when I get pulley systems on my lights set up

Do you have a link for this? I've heard something like this before, having lights higher up is beneficial for some reason or other. How exactly terps are effected by light intensity is something I'd like to look into!


We are Farmers
I am just talking out my ass here so bear with me but when I first read about giving them 24-48 hours of dark before chop the purpose was to have the plant eat as much of the chlorophyll as possible and that part does make sense to me.


The trichomes get kind of beat up from the intensity of the light during the day. They recover and produce at night. So, the way I see it is, let them recover and produce for a solid 36 hours. It's def not going to hurt anything.