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Lightly seeded bud more potent?

i ask this in the coco thread cause it seems that peeps that grow in soiless generally have more know how or experience, its just an opinon but has anybody ever tested this, i mean does a little pollenation bring out someting in the smoke?


Active member
i ask this in the coco thread cause it seems that peeps that grow in soiless generally have more know how or experience, its just an opinon but has anybody ever tested this, i mean does a little pollenation bring out someting in the smoke?

pretty sure youll get better answers from the advanced forum or maybe even breeders:). but this is certainly not the right forum.

fwiw no.


Nope, no-way. When a plant is devoloping seeds the plant shifts it energy into seed development. Sorry. Im sure you wont be able to notice the difference. But i can promise they wont be more potent. One advantage is more seed for your collection


Yeah, they are right. Seeds mean slightly lower potency but it's not going to ruin the bud. If you've ever smoked low/mid grade thats on the street, that has seeds and is low potency and unpleasant to smoke...it's that way not because of the seeds but mostly the genetics, way it was grown, or the age of the dried buds. Basically as long as you grow it right and have good genetics, a few seeds won't ruin it, it will still turn out very good.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
I am pretty sure that DJ Short said something about this, saying seeded bud may actually have more in it. There is a little info in the thread: DJ's Class

Edit: I also think Sam the Skunkman didn't agree.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
never noticed a dif to be honest between seeded weed and non in my experience

I can say that a bud with seed maybe a little better cuz the plant tries to protect the seed and bulk out

but the answer is nobody knows because nobody has ever properly tested

the whole it's less potent cuz energy is taken to produce seeds is a myth

like tomatoes taste a little worse cuz they have seed. just a myth peeps.


Active member
One thing you will get for sure is SEEDS! And you can save 'em and share'em. I always make few on each plant, then sampling is done over the next few months. You find your keepers that way!


Active member
after smoking heavily seeded to lightly seeded bud all weekend long, i have to chime in and say no

for dj maybe it hit him harder, or maybe he noticed it moreso, it sounded like he doesn't actually smoke a whole bunch so maybe he notices the nuances a bit more than i do. just didn't hit me nearly as hard as the same plants non seeded have in the past

mine were only about 1/3 coco in the mix so maybe i just don't know what's up or down though ;)