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lighting in 5 by 5ft tent


i done my first grow useing two 600w son t plus start to finish
c99hybrid-aurea indica and akww
the temps wear to high leaf burn and stuff
this time round i am useing one 600w hps
and a 250w mh-----850w in all
much better results
but im only doinging the akww from clone only strain as its the strongest
and easyest to grow
seemed to be dialing it in
there 4 weeks in flower
i have the ventilation problem under control now
i just opened the vents at bottom
newbie blues my fault
should i step up to two 600w hps
or leave it as it is
i have a 400w ballast so i could get a 400w mh or cmh
and keep the mixed spectrum
nut sue if 850w 5by 5 is enough lighting
thanks for any advice newbie


i have 2 600w 1 400w and 1 250w
electric is an issue to two 600w is as high as i can go
would stepping up make a significant diffrece in yeild
enough to make it worth while
the akww is not a huge yeilder at best
unless outdoor its big big big
i have no experience with indoor yeilds
i put them in flower at 8inchs high
there now 1ft- 8inchs high37 in all sea of green i think
light are about 14inchs away no leaf burn healthy
from what iv read most would say two 600w
but dont fix what aint broke comes to mind
thanks for reply


Active member
Don't fix what ain't broke, sure, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve it :D

I think two 600's or a 600W hps and a 400W cmh are your best bets in that tent. It should definitely increase your yield, so long as you maintain good air circulation


thanks nadar
would you go with two 600whps or cmh hps-if it was your call
i m pretty sure i can keep temps and air flow under control
more light better yeilds seems to be the genral rule
just dident want to mess up again
thanks for your help
Having a CMH bulb is good supplemental lighting for a HPS primary light. I think that the newfound ventilation will allow for two 600s now. But I personally would run a 400 CMH and a 600 HPS for the mixed spectrum which makes for some higher quality smoke compared to an HPS only grown smoke... I am running a 1000 HPS and a 400 CMH in a space about 5' x 4.5'. The CMH definitely offsets the orangey glow. Good luck!


Speed of Dark
I have three HPS's supplementing four CMH's and a sunpulse. I personally do not use HPS as stand alone, if I have but one light it is anything but HPS, firm believer in blue light. At least some.


zeds akww

zeds akww

these wear taken at 3 weeks
with just the 250mh on

i have been reading and looking at the cmh for some time
i do like the mixed blue and red spectrum for the look it gives
will go with the 400w cmh and 600w hps
thanks again all for your help
just with so much info and diffrent peoples views
on which is better its hard fon me to choose
the two 600w hps grow would of been better
if i had the temps under control
learn from mistakes i have

thanks again


Go Vertical! Run a stacked bulb setup with the 600 up top and a 400 cmh on the bottom. Train em to the walls and watch them grow.


free centered 1000w HPS....


WS 2.jpg



at the moment money is scarce
will definatly try vertical grow next year
all lights i have are horizontal
this is only my second indoor grow so i made good with what i have
but been reading the vertical threads for a few years now
seen some amazeing results
cmh and hps
im going to buy a 400wcmh friday may get a vertical bulb and hang it some way with horizontal untill i can afford some vertical set up
need a floor fan also
70 pound is breaking bank allready
thanks for advice