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Light Timer Failure! Opinions please


New member
Hi guys and gals i have an issue that i would really aprreciate you opinion on.

I am the most careful of growers but now and again s**t happens as they say and ive had one of those times. I had a timer failure on my switchgear and for some reason last dark period it never went off and there for has had a full 36hrs of light. The plants are end of there 3rd week in bloom....i know the issues with light leaks and interuptions i.e stretchy plants , hermies etc but i was wondering if to necesarily expect the same..afterall it isnt technically an `interuption` like if say the plants had 5 hours of dark and then a light came on? what are peoples opinions...should i expect the stretching and hermies and hope for the best or does it just constitute a really long day

i would really appreciate your help thanks


Go back to whatever time they were set at and no worries.

You will be fine


Eugene Oregon
Yeah more light is better then no light or less light.
Just like the people above said, no worries just change it back.. to 12/12


New member
Thanks guys... ive never had this situation before, i have read and heard about the dark cycle being interupted but never left on all the time having missed a complete dark cycle and wondered how it would affect the plants. i understand that in the dark the plants hormone levels build and change, and thought that an interuption after a while of darktime would stress the plants more than if it were left on all the way through as in my case. Surely having had no darktime at all during that time the plants hormone levels will not have changed in the same way and therefore hopefully it shouldnt confuse them too much...heres hoping...thansk for your quick responses and a freindly pat on the back...you know what its like when you need fellow greenthumbs to reassure you...thanks again....more opinions please...


If you triggered them to rejuvenate your looking at a max of 3 weeks to resume healthy growth. Look out for leaf growth that looks like the leaf is severly twisting. Check for male flowers. Update this post in two weeks, interesting stuff.


New member


ok a quick update a week after my misfortune. Well i`m glad to say that all seems well...bud growth has continued and accelerated as is normal for this time and so far no twisted leaves or signes of shock . i know i`m not out of the woods yet and still have to be vigilant for male flowers but so far so good. i feel really lucky and once again wanna thank the people who replied and for the re-assurance....i will give you another update in another weeks time


If you triggered them to rejuvenate your looking at a max of 3 weeks to resume healthy growth. Look out for leaf growth that looks like the leaf is severly twisting. Check for male flowers. Update this post in two weeks, interesting stuff.

Where did you get this info from? That is completely wrong, sorry, but one interruption for 5 hours only will make minimal difference if none at all, no such setbacks have ever happened to anyone I know, and these kinds of things happen more often than you think. I never had any problems with this type of issue..where did you "find" that misinformation?
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