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Light Interuption


I have two rooms and started to flower them the same day. Two weeks into flowering I noticed one of the timers was not switching of at the same time as the rest. I have no clue how long this was going on it could have been a few days or the whole two weeks. Some of my plants already have the nug forrmation but most have long white pistils. The plants in my other room where evrything has been going well look great they have fully developed into nugs but the room with the timer problem has not changed since i noticed it a week and a half ago. The room with the timer problem looks weird the plants and tops look like lettuce instead of weed. Some have long white pistils but haven't formed into nugs others have some weird formation that is difficult to explain will try to post some photos. Just wanted to hear any suggestions on what can I do!!! Any info would be greatly appreciated.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
fix the timer or buy a new one.. i had this happen to me before... the plants should be OK... they are just going to be delayed... if they started at 12 hours dark then went to more then 12 hours then you are going to put them back to 12 hours, they should be fine... it all depnds on the strain you have and how hermie prone they are if stressed...

just give them 24 hours of darkness then stick them on the 12/12 pattern again and u should be good to go!

if the tops are fuckd up, then cut them off at the nodes, and you should be good...
Yeah just put in the work and fix the problem. I've had irregular weather mess up an outdoor grow but plants went to to normal progress after a few days once the weather pattern went back to normal.

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