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Light deprivation question


Active member
So I plan on flowering these plants I have in my greenhouse in late May early June. I was going to do it via light dep. I was wondering how much light I actually need to black out. Does it need to be pitch black? I will be using a very large, heavy duty reflective tarp that I plan on doubling up by folding over.


Active member
I had these questions too. I've been growing outdoors for over 10yrs now so I do have experience. I've done indoor off n on throughout this whole time aswell.
This is my first cycle with light dep. and you always hear it has to be pitch black to cause flowering. However when you look at outdoors, the moon and stars don't make it pitch black yet they still flower just fine. So I'm wondering if it's not so much as par light or what. Perhaps pitch black is best but can they still flower if say light leaks in the bottom of your plastic here or there, or something.


Total darkness is best, but ive always had leaks and never had any problems. I have heard even just shading them for a few hours in the evening and a few more in the morning is enough to induce flowering but personally never tried it. In theory makes sense though.


Active member
ive pulled tarp at 5pm, uncovered at 930pm.

ive also covered at 4am, uncoverd at 930 am

also done the straight overnight cover but i found less mold and other problems when i let them sit under the stars uncovered.


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
As most say, total darkness would be great, I use husky 3 mil black plastic, this is my second year with same plastic, any large holes appear I cover with gorilla tape, there are many pinholes currently in the plastic.

Had a crp load of pinholes in it last year, lol. No adverse effects, no Hermes or nothin like that. Same this year, plants appear to be fine.

With that said I'm tkin a chance with those conditions, you have to keep a close eye on um. Most plants currently in there are proven to withstand a light leak, as all my plants are subjected to intentional light leak indoors. I've always run my room like that to weed out plants that will toss nanners( I make seed quite often)

If you have known tested plants a few pin holes I don't think will cause you any problems. Just never know really.

I just ordered 40 x 100 6 mil to finish out this years BO, as I'm goin to keep the BO goin throughout the season.

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