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Light/Dark Cycle- When to harvest


New member
quick question, i remember reading that it is best to harvest half way thru the dark cycle... is this true?

what are everyones opinions on the time to harvest?

thanks for any input...


Custom User Title
I think it's agreed on that at the end of the dark cycle is the best time, I know some growers give them a 24+ hour dark period before harvest.
According to West Coast Leaf, the thc levels are highest in the morning, so you should harvest then.

Thats what I read, and I guess it makes sense because the early morning is typically when all the bugs, and birds, and animals wake up to eat. The resin is the plant's defense, so so perhaps it evolved to be stronger when it's most likely to be eaten...

Just a theory..

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
My lights come on at seven. I like to get up , go have a meal and then start harvesting.
So I guess I'm a morning harvester.


huh,stronger in the am. i have heard that light deteriorates thc so harvesting after darkness makes since to me.


From what I've read, harvest time has nothing to do with THC (though I cant say its not true.) High Times and other mags say to harvest at the end of the dark period, right before your lights turn on, and that its best to not let the plants see light on harvest day unless its been cut from its roots. In the photosynthesis process, nutrients are moving during the day, and getting stored in the roots at night. By harvesting late in the dark period, you give your plants the chance to clear out all their nutriends from the buds. This method is still helpful even after flushing, as plants will always have some sort of nutrients in them.


Active member
Yeti1 said:
From what I've read, harvest time has nothing to do with THC (though I cant say its not true.) High Times and other mags say to harvest at the end of the dark period, right before your lights turn on, and that its best to not let the plants see light on harvest day unless its been cut from its roots. In the photosynthesis process, nutrients are moving during the day, and getting stored in the roots at night. By harvesting late in the dark period, you give your plants the chance to clear out all their nutriends from the buds. This method is still helpful even after flushing, as plants will always have some sort of nutrients in them.
This is absolutely true!! Use a green lite to see and cut away. The taste is better and it will dry more evenly. Then 70/f-55%hum, when dry enough for "jarring" do a close trim and proceed as usual.


Whether you can tell a difference or not, the science behind it is all there. I flush my plants to get rid of foul tasting nutes, so I dont want to skip another step that might allow me to still taste them. Harvesting in the day surely wont ruin your crop, but if you cant be around when your lights turn on, I'd rather extend my dark period a few extra hours til I had a chance to chop em