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Life without Gravity.

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mad librettist

Active member
More like saying oranges aren't good food because I eat grapefruit and have never had an orange. All you have is an opinion.
When using KELPAK according to Them, it is heavily diluted. The same as Gravity. Sounds like the same shit. Pay Peter or pay Paul. What's the difference?
Is the extract the same as KELPAC?

except I have had plenty of oranges and grapefruits, and I can easily predict which oranges and grapefruits at the store will be the sweetest, with pretty good accuracy.

It's because I know about these things. Not as much as CC, but some.


except I have had plenty of oranges and grapefruits, and I can easily predict which oranges and grapefruits at the store will be the sweetest, with pretty good accuracy.

It's because I know about these things. Not as much as CC, but some.

How about a mango? Every time I grab one at the house and try to cut it, it's as hard as a diamond. Is there somewhere I can send the wife for produce selection lessons?
From Someone who JUST Switched over this year( I'm an Outdoor only kinda guy) from a Non Organic nutrient system to a living soil organic system i can tell you from my personal experince that the plants that im flowering for my spring harvest are only three weeks an some change into flowering and are bigger in size an have more budding sites and the buds they have are more dense than the sister clones of the exact same strain taken the same time with all four different strains. The Person i got the clones from is the one im comparing too, He's been growing these exact cuts for three years indoor an out, he use's a Bottled line along with the product "Gravity" you speak of. Both of our Gardens get 8+ hours Direct light, all plants in both gardens are topped an LST'd, and in 15 gal pots.. the difference's are soil choice an what we feed them... He Used a Soil Called BM6 an use's the Entire line of Humbolt or whatever it is.. I Made my own soil an use only AACT's.. He spent close to a G getting his nutes for the entire outdoor season, i've spent less than 250 that includes the bottle of liquid Karma i have an two bottles of earth juice ( for my lazy days) an all my soil amedments (an Tea ingredients).. with this experince so soon in my first attempt I will NEVER go back to Normal Bottled Nutes.. EVERYTHING worth using in the Hydro Shop You Can replicate at home. You Put this Thread in the ORGANIC SOIL section for a reason.. you wanted to hear what people using REAL organics had to to say.. You've Heard from more than Enough Reputable individuals saying DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY.. they say it for a reason.. They've seen first hand how amazing the results are from using Nature to feed Nature.. did you expect people in this forum to complement you on using that bottle? they've told you Exactly what to do to replace it..so listen or dont but at least respect the people you've asked.


You did condone his antics which were nothing but distracting from the thread. I came to find an alternative, not to be ridiculed for using commercial products. I doubt any of you are so far off the grid you don't buy into some commercial hype category and those who might be...Teach me something or move along.

I did not condone his antics......it is just the way he posts his answers. I know, I know it is hard to take for some if they are not used to his posting manner.

As far as me.......I used tons of bottled nutrients over the years.....hell I even used that Fox Farm shit. I just prefer low cost home made. In the OFC thread we were trying to make LK a few years ago. And in doing so I picked up Aloe vera and yucca extracts as part of my tea making by accident. It actually worked better for me.

CC meant no harm.....really.



VF your saying aloe vera an yucca can replace liquid karma? that sounds delightful.. i have both growing on site..

I am not saying it replaces it just that by trying to duplicate it I picked up using Aloe and Yucca extracts while making teas. I even contacted the Uni Texas and tried to get spirulina cultures also. If you read the labels on most things you can make your own custom versions.

But there is nothing wrong with using a bottled nutrient if it works for you. As for me I like to experiment .....I always used to say I have killed more plants than most have grown. lol



VF your saying aloe vera an yucca can replace liquid karma? that sounds delightful.. i have both growing on site..

Lucky you - seriously.

I started buying aloe vera extract and using it weekly with fulvic acid and seaweed extract from ASL. Both the seaweed extract and fulvic acid contain the very same rooting compounds that you pay big money for rooting compounds at garden centers. Compounds like IAA, IBA, Salicylic acid, et al.

Both yucca extract and aloe vera contain high levels of saponins. Besides the benefit to the plant directly, these saponins are what makes shampoo foam. Toothpaste. Soap. Detergent. Soft drinks. Medicine. Industrial cleaning.

Because they 'foam' they're used as surfactant for foliar sprays and when applied to the soil the term magically changes to wetting agent. A distinction without a difference.

Both aloe vera and yucca extract are noted in "Teaming With Microbes" as being the preferred fungi food. Whether that is true or not can best be answered by MicrobeMan. I'm not making the claim just citing what is in the book.

Aloe vera gel (the stuff that you get when you cut a leaf off and push and squeeze) is a perfect rooting 'gel' all on its own. Adding some seaweed extract, humic and/or fulvic acid and some liquid silica and you could reinvent the wheel.

Except for one problem with aloe vera - it contains benzoic acid which begins to ferment within several minutes once exposed to the atmosphere. Figure out a way to arrest that process and you could be the next grow store millionaire!

Or at the very least you'll have a rooting process that is unrivaled, IMHO.


mad librettist

Active member
come to think of it, in that thread about DE as a rooting medium, I think that particular bed of DE had been wet down with dilute seaweed extract, but not before those cuts went in.

Maybe it's part of the answer?

Next round, CC, Ill try with the aloe vera gel. Got a nice aloe plant started here.


Active member
I did not condone his antics......it is just the way he posts his answers. I know, I know it is hard to take for some if they are not used to his posting manner.

As far as me.......I used tons of bottled nutrients over the years.....hell I even used that Fox Farm shit. I just prefer low cost home made. In the OFC thread we were trying to make LK a few years ago. And in doing so I picked up Aloe vera and yucca extracts as part of my tea making by accident. It actually worked better for me.

CC meant no harm.....really.

I'm all for cocky. Just back it up. I go to this thread to check new replies and all I get is bottles are evil. It might as well be another nice grow dude post. I'm looking for answers, not fluff. There is enough in the other threads.
You talk of yucca extract. I get yucca out of my backyard. I'm not going to tell you not to buy it just because what I have is better. It is an evil industry taking advantage of something or another but that has nothing to do with it working or not.
Are you saying you think aloe vera and yucca are a direct replacement for kelp? I just started using some dried aloe. As I noted I use yucca quite a bit. Dark tea pretty much every watering. I think it does a lot of what kelp is claimed to do yet I can still tweak it a bit more with unmentionable products. Do you use kelp as well?


I think it does a lot of what kelp is claimed to do yet I can still tweak it a bit more with unmentionable products. Do you use kelp as well?

Unmentionable products? You mean you have secrets that nobody here has ever thought of before? Maybe you need to start bottling nutes, if you've got secrets like that. You could be a millionaire in days!


I'm all for cocky. Just back it up. I go to this thread to check new replies and all I get is bottles are evil. It might as well be another nice grow dude post. I'm looking for answers, not fluff. There is enough in the other threads.
You talk of yucca extract. I get yucca out of my backyard. I'm not going to tell you not to buy it just because what I have is better. It is an evil industry taking advantage of something or another but that has nothing to do with it working or not.
Are you saying you think aloe vera and yucca are a direct replacement for kelp? I just started using some dried aloe. As I noted I use yucca quite a bit. Dark tea pretty much every watering. I think it does a lot of what kelp is claimed to do yet I can still tweak it a bit more with unmentionable products. Do you use kelp as well?

yes I use kelp and alfalfa. I like to spray both. Sometimes together and sometimes separate. And I use mostly the yucca extract.

Have you ever noticed when you add it to a tea already brewing (EWC and molasses) that the bio mass at the top or the bucket seems to smooth out? Maybe it is just me.



Active member
I start with the yucca.

Maybe add a little molasses to it.
That is the base for my tea.Then I add EWC, or whatnot is then added sometimes mixing in some flower or compost tea but the bio mass is smoothed out from the git go. The tea will last a couple of days. Half composted, termite infested yucca will bring it's own bio mass along with it as well. It seems to inhibit the bad juju while influencing the good.



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Active member
Thus I asked if you had a comment. You're too smart to act stupid.
The tea with yucca does not spoil as quickly as without the yucca. Now with all your expertise you can tear that fact apart.



Emeral Triangle
Fortuna, CA 95540

Product Name:

Humboldt County's Own Gravity Flower Hardener 0-.1-0

Here's the analysis submitted by Emerald Triangle to the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) - 0.1000%

1/10th of 1%.

And it is a Phosphate-Containing Fertilizer Material

Pretty expensive source of Phosphoric Acid but YMMV


Holy cadmium Batman!

Wow. Whatever that sh!t is, it will never get near my medicine!!!!
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