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LIFE in prison for arson!?!

LIFE in prison for arson!?!

  • Hell yeah it is, Life for serial arson?

    Votes: 32 55.2%
  • Hell no, perfect sentence, let em rot in jail for life.

    Votes: 26 44.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Freezer if you were a juror would you give someone life for burning down someones property? what the property was should have no correlation to jailtime, For the sake that they were all churches they should bring a psychologist into the case, not just have a jury of probably god fearing folk sentence the people. They have obvious mental disorders they the jury themselves dont know anything about.

Forget religion, forget the hundreds that could've been killed, forget the fires we don't know about. Do serial crimes, do serial time.

Life = 40 to 60 years. Divide by 10 fires... 4 years isn't cruel or unusual, if anything it's light.


Well-known member
I know a couple of arsonists in Texas who are burning whole countries down and i bet we won't see them in jail soon... yeah, i'm talking Bush family :moon:


Active member
Everyone, THANK you for your comment and opinons, there is so much, i did not see or consider before.

Thanks pistil, stoner, greensub, rick

I dont agree with that Hempkat, But if someone is a shitty shot brother and doesnt kill the person even tho he intended. IT IS JUST attempted murder, not murder and in no way is it right or justified. none of their actions are.

Freezer I change my mind. The punishment is commensurate in that 4 years per crime times ten and life is 40-60. Im just disillusioned with the fact that nobody was hurt.

WOW ZZ didnt know about this.
"What I can't understand is the 60+ people in the USA serving Life Sentences for Marijuana related charges only..."

HEY AND WIERD BUDDY! one question for you... Is it as dark up there in your ass where you keep your head?

lol ur dad seems like a cool guy. i dont doubt you heard that coming from him alot as a child.

provide something valid to this thread for everyone to discuss instead of just SHIT TALKING and attacking me saying im pro rape and murder. Im glad to see that your head isnt the only thing youve pulled out of your ass.

You dont know a damn thing about me brother so keep me out of ur mouth if your going to try to make me out into something im not, Thank you.

peace, love and respect.


Freedom Fighter
Freezer I change my mind. The punishment is commensurate in that 4 years per crime times ten and life is 40-60. Im just disillusioned with the fact that nobody was hurt.

Bro...that nobody was killed...was just luck--
If they are fucked up enough to do this multiple times...I think it was 10...then they are indeed, "Faulty Units"...and should be taken out of society--
What if we all went around burning down everything we disagree with??
Is "Life" a little harsh?? Maybe--
Unless they kill someone, and you happen to be their Mother/Father/Brother/Sister/Child/Friend--
I absolutely disagree with giving a Life Sentence out for a Victimless Crime...but Arson is only Victimless...if they are lucky--
It is the same as doing a Burglary...if it is after 10:00 PM...it is 1st Degree....and considered a Violent Crime, since the odds of someone being home, and violence happening is greatly enhanced--
I think Churches and Organized Religion is the greatest Evil ever known to man...but I ain't gonna sneak around at night...and burn one down, just to show how "Bad" i am--
I will speak out...to their face...like a Man--:tiphat:


Active member
I agree KMK with you completely. They werent intentionally trying to hurt people and it is very lucky and grateful no one was hurt. Faulty unit is an understatement they need imprisonment and psychiatric help which they probably will not get. Everything makes sense to me now with freezers input and with yours. I was unaware that it is first degree after ten PM, that makes perfect sense that they got increased sentences for doing this evil at night. Thanks for clearing the air without flaming me.

Im just trying to wrap my mind around this cause Ive just never heard of something like this with such a sentence. I usually watch Investigation discovery and the criminal shows and people do sick morbid malicious things to others and they get off with mere months and years.Watching those shows you can easily see how sentencing for similar crimes is drastically different in different states.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Bro...that nobody was killed...was just luck--

Luck? It borders on miraculous.

That said, it did make me think for a minute. Prison for profit exists. Sentencing judges have been found to be stockholders. Texas has been known to dole out harsh sentences. Then I did the math.

We need to be careful with what might have happened. But, what did happen, at the very least, is 100 firefighters or more were forced into hell to wage war with death.

Society needs to protect itself. The only other viable options I see are lobotomy and execution. Harsh as life may be, given the crime, I've no problem with society taking the cheapest option.


Freedom Fighter
I agree KMK with you completely. They werent intentionally trying to hurt people and it is very lucky and grateful no one was hurt. Faulty unit is an understatement they need imprisonment and psychiatric help which they probably will not get. Everything makes sense to me now with freezers input and with yours. I was unaware that it is first degree after ten PM, that makes perfect sense that they got increased sentences for doing this evil at night. Thanks for clearing the air without flaming me.

Im just trying to wrap my mind around this cause Ive just never heard of something like this with such a sentence. I usually watch Investigation discovery and the criminal shows and people do sick morbid malicious things to others and they get off with mere months and years.Watching those shows you can easily see how sentencing for similar crimes is drastically different in different states.

Bro, don't even get me started on the unfairness of Sentencing!!
I done 3, 2 year sentences for fucking Shoplifting!! I was put in some of the worst prisons in Cali for it--
I have a friend doing 25 to Life...for stealing from a Grocery store...under the "3 Strikes" law...but Child Molesters routinely get 16 months for diddling little girls, and fucking them up for life!!
I do not stand behind the Law...but I do see the severe consequences of burning buildings--
Much Love bro...Life is hard...but understanding our fucked up Legal System is harder!!


Freedom Fighter
Luck? It borders on miraculous.

That said, it did make me think for a minute. Prison for profit exists. Sentencing judges have been found to be stockholders. Texas has been known to dole out harsh sentences. Then I did the math.

We need to be careful with what might have happened. But, what did happen, at the very least, is 100 firefighters or more were forced into hell to wage war with death.

Society needs to protect itself. The only other viable options I see are lobotomy and execution. Harsh as life may be, given the crime, I've no problem with society taking the cheapest option.

Bro, I used to be Pro Death Penalty...until...and I believe it is Texas...has the highest rate of overturned Sentences due to DNA testing--
I still believe, if someone is caught straight up...like that fuck in Arizona for instance...just fucking kill him!!
But if there is a shred of doubt...I believe there should be no expense spared...to make sure the Guilty, are in fact Guilty--:tiphat:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Bro, I used to be Pro Death Penalty...until...

Me too, until the Supreme Court ruled states are allowed to execute innocent people as long as the trial was "fair". If innocence doesn't get you out of the chair, then society should not be allowed to have a chair.

While you can't give back years for false imprisonment, you can at least release. Can't take back an execution. Besides, cold as it may sound, life imprisonment is cheaper to fund than execution.


Man, burning would be a shitty way to die... I was in the military once, did a tour in afghanistan. Some of my fellow marines got blown up with ieds and I remember the stench smell of burnt flesh. I can only imagine getting burnt to death....


Active member
So much of this shit scares me. I mean I would never commit any crimes with imprisonment as the penalty, I was always a goody two shoes, all my friends steal and many the majority have experienced jail, I refuse to be there and never thought i could get caught up in the legal system. But this economy and life out here can be hard and i could be found just like anyone else effected, stealing food to survive.

I dont want to be put in a box for trying to survive and stealing as a dead end last resort because there are no resources for homeless or hungry out to get a hot meal without going through so much bs to get it, but thats a different story.


I hold El Roacho's
The Poll Ask - Hell yeah it is, Life for serial arson? Which means repeatedly More then once and fuck ya If I ever seen any low down vato trying to burn a house or barn or car I would tie the mfk'er by his balls to the highest tree I could find and let the heat bake his ass!!

This is something we all fear as not one of us would want to see our familia or friends houses burn to the ground or the place we worship our lord jesus in and bond as a community.

I fear being trapped in any place with large crowds in building and always look for fire doors and exits because of this as not one of you would ever want to be in a place and have no way out and burn to death or die by suffocating from the thick smoke and the aftermath of seeing small children or elderly bodies Chard and skin pealed and bubbled and yes your eye's also burn and pop It's not a very nice thought.

I say put the sick mtfk'er in a cage in lock down so he never gets the chance to try and destroy anyone's future or familia again.

Life is something we strive to enjoy and we all know our goverments believe were criminals for growing and smoking but we are not hurting anyone so we are against any jail time but for those who believe the prison sentence is to harsh well would we want to see a molester who rapped children out of jail or a serial killer only get 5 to 10 for killing 3 woman college students HELL NO!!

Arsonist has a mental disease and needs to get help and get caged as serial means he will never stop!!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
just throw that bastard in prison let him get anal raped enough so his ass is on fire.. Maybe then he will realize what getting burned feels like :D.... Then let a dood from the butt pirate gang come over and finish him off with a similar scene from american me.. So we dont have to pay for the fire starter to be locked up.. this should happen to all child molestors first, followed by the arsonists and rapists.. couldnt find the other scene i wanted to post..




Active member
Lol sacko and roach.

Reminds me of blood in blood out. "want a cheesebugga? stole it from a basehead" lol

Equality and justice for all doesnt work. I was told something once that forever burned into my head. Since everyone is getting so vivid with descriptions of charred corpses.


I live in santa ana, california,there are over 100 street gangs here, stupid little kids who are taken advantage by the "ogs" in the gangs.

My good friends brothers (3, two are in pelican bay, murder and attempted) were all in gangs and all in and out of jail. One of the brothers got out of pelican bay a few years ago, hes a born again right wing god fearing bible loving, harvest crusade attending christian. But his story before that aint so nice. He with my goood buddy and his younger bro, were driving to some dudes house right after they older brother shot up, with a lead pipe so they can "teach the dude a lesson" they got pulled over local, cop knew he was a gang member and to him to pelican bay, thats why he was there last before getting out and turning his life around.

About 4 kids, two i knew personal (little tagger knuckleheads) and two i didnt know all got shot dead by other kids (one killing at a playground after school in front of little children,guy walks up to 14 yr old, blasts him in the head and walks away free, all four killings have no suspect) in the condos my friend lived in, which was my second home.

Being a little knucklehead, me and my friends would tag a bit too, but not to be part of a gang or crew. Just to be stupid little defiant idiots and ruin property. We would always talk about the gangs, tagging crews and such because we knew good people, confused, stupid and involved, we had some friends involved and not bad people. We feared for their lives.

In one convo shortly after my buddys bro got arrested for the concealed weapon DUI charges, he talked about some payback his brother(now christian) and a few other gang members from their gang alleyxboys did to a rival gangmember for that gang shooting on of their members. I remember the story got brought up as we were talking about gangs and driving by the exact location it happened. Outside of a mcdonalds in a very busy area.

My friend pointed out a parking spot and said his brother had told him that he and a few gang members when a rival members house, took him of the home before brutalizing him nearly to death, then dousing him with gasoline and torching his live body in the back of a white van right in front of the mcdonalds. The way my friend told me(who has no gang affiliation) was just heartless, he seemed not even affected.

Just hearing about it even if it was fake got my mind going and going. I was really disturbed by it, the nature of it and the way i was told. Everytime i drive by that mcdonalds i think of that story and if it was true, I have no reason to believe otherwise, The gangs here are sick. I just cant believe how christian and religious he is now. He basically forced my buddy to go to the harvest crusade and feeling bad i went to keep him company, So fucking bored and angry at the stupidity, i walked from angels stadium to disneyland, just for the fuck of it. I truly hope it was something made up, but deep down I doubt that. There are sick people here in this city.

justice for victims is unjust,I now many murdered aquintances and faces whom the police never bother to find anyone resonsible, because they are just gangs or degenerates. Well the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers who did nothing wrong deserve justice, even if the victim does not. This is why i say fuck the police.because if its not in their best interest, its not an issue, There should not be predjudice in justice. Everyone in this country is equal, gangbanger or not

Peace and love guys.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I know a couple of arsonists in Texas who are burning whole countries down and i bet we won't see them in jail soon... yeah, i'm talking Bush family :moon:

Whole countries? How about Iran? Can we get your arsonist aquaintences to go burn Iran down? :D


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I dont agree with that Hempkat, But if someone is a shitty shot brother and doesnt kill the person even tho he intended. IT IS JUST attempted murder, not murder and in no way is it right or justified.

Well true, if someone shoots at someone and misses it is just attempted murder but there aren't seperate charges for that. At least not that I'm aware of. My point though is that just because nobody was hurt or injured it doesn't make the crime less serious. As someone pointed out that was just luck that nobody was hurt. I mean I doubt the arsonists went in the churches first and made sure nobody was inside before they set them. Perhaps that's why they did them at night but I'm betting the time was chosen more to help them get away with what they were doing without being seen.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Im just trying to wrap my mind around this cause Ive just never heard of something like this with such a sentence. I usually watch Investigation discovery and the criminal shows and people do sick morbid malicious things to others and they get off with mere months and years.Watching those shows you can easily see how sentencing for similar crimes is drastically different in different states.

It's probably best for your long term sanity to not try to make too much sense out of the justice system in America. Speaking of life sentences you might have heard a story that popped up in the news this past week. There were two sisters released from jail so that one sister could donate her kidney to the other. They were both serving life sentences for a theft where the value of what they stole was like $11. The reason they were able to get life though is because there was a gun involved.


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