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life and times of 32 coco slabs/top 44


Hmmmm, I wouldn't risk losing anything if possible to kill mthe mites with a dunk, just in case there is anything there that doesn't pop up again... but that just me... Mites suck donkey dick so I understand u not wanting them to tag along for any future grows though... didn't realize u had more pips there.... I suppose u could get to test those top44 x cj/sd while u were at it if u pop more pips.... may well find a quick keeper in there?


you know i think what you said about the flower time with from seed plants compared to their clones is correct. seen this on a number of grows. that's why i wouldn't really count flowering time against them, till i do 1 clone of each for comparison. i'm sure 2 weeks could be saved if not more when flowering a clone of these. specially when you consider how small they were when i switched to 12/12. i believe they kept growing and stretching much more then they would have if they had had a nice and long veg phase.

you are right about the mites, they can be killed, specially on small clones. i can use really strong dose of vertimec to kill everything off. they will be moms after all. even though i have another 33 of the seeds, i really don't want to risk not finding these kinda smells again. after i smoke them i can always decide which to keep, or if i need to pop more seeds and search further. so far every one of the phenos is smelling and looking dank. so i'd hope it wouldn't be too hard to find more keepers, they are after all as you said top quality genetics on both sides. even if the actual pheno i got of CJ wasn't one of the best ones, it still has all the genetic info of it's ancestry. i am looking at them nearly every day thinking whether it's too early for a test bud or not, lol.


Teehee u've opened a can of worms GM :D

I like the idea of going with what you have as they looks really nice mate. Especially the structure on no.2 for SoG purposes, if that turns out to smoke well then yippeee :woohoo: good times bro, as you highlight they will finish quicker when grown from clone. If you could knock 10 days of the bloom time I am pretty sure that would be finished in 9 weeks from the looks of things now.... Maybe sooner?

I'm very interested to see what you come up with from the top44 cross


i wonder how much influence the male has on seeds. those top 44 sure need some magic added to make it more worthwhile. they have stayed very small compared to the seedlings. the three lower branches i seeded are looking about ready to cut, seed pods are very swollen. that's why i wonder how much the male sd x cj will bring to the cross? but i do intend to test them asap, specially as i am thinking of using one of the males from that top44 x sd/cj to cross with my out door Frisian dew femenized to get seeds for next out door season.


first testers of sd x cj

first testers of sd x cj

yesterday was day 55 of 12/12 and i just couldn't resist taking a early sample from pheno 1 and 2. it's drying now trimed on the branch, in a few days i will try them. buds were still white so it's just a very early sample.

been working on a veg box in the last day. it's 100cm by 92cm, it will run with a 200 watt cfl and no more then 8 mums. planing to run the plants in pots of coco, so i can move them around and take them out to trim them for clones or size. recirculating drip fed irrigation will help keep them happy even if i can't look in on them all the time. plan to extract the air into the room as there will be a flowering box too in the same place and that will ave an over sized filter which will make sure the room stays fresh smelling. i'm still deciding if the door should be solid wood or a curtain fixed with velcro? for the veg box. the flowering box will be solid wood all around. it will be 210 by 110, with 2 x 600 watts, and again run with coco, also in pots, recirculating and drippers. when i get further along i'll post a thread about the new set up.

peace out


Harvest time

Harvest time

well as expected the harvest looks quite meager, but should keep me going for a while.


i can't find my tripod anywhere at the moment, so pls excuse the crumby close ups



here we have one of the lower branches of top 44 that i fertilzed with the 2 sd x cj males i liked the most.






the 5 SDxCJ ladies are still standing, the test bud of pheno 1 was already pretty good.

the only bummer is the mites which are now attacking with a vengeance and all i can do is hoover them off at this point.


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Looks like a good haul to me man, maybe not a record breaker but will definitely stratch the itch ay bro ;)


No Longer a Human Watering Can
This is such a great grow...It looks like a nice little haul . Top44 is a favorite of mine !!! keep it up cant wait to see your next round.


This is such a great grow...It looks like a nice little haul . Top44 is a favorite of mine !!! keep it up cant wait to see your next round.

thanks man, but to be honest i don't think it will end up yielding very much gpw wise. the quality should be ok as i gave them a full 8 weeks, but definitively not a show case grow. maybe your top 44 is better as this one is just an nice average skunky smoke. i wont be keeping the genes. will see what the cross brings in the future :)

~Shhh~ said:
Looks like a good haul to me man, maybe not a record breaker but will definitely stratch the itch ay bro

nice of you to say so, but i have doubts that i will get more then 300 per lamp or so. which is quite lame considering what i have managed before now. but i do believe these top 44 genetics wouldn't yield much more even under the best of circumstances. it will be fun to see what the seeds do? i'm particularly interested as it will show me what, and how much influence the males have.

the worst thing is that i couldn't fight the mites on the sd x cj because the t44 were in their end phase and now they are also putting me to shame lol. in one way i don't want to even post some of these pics, so embarrassing..... but i am all about complete and honest documentation, so here goes....

Day 55 of 12/12 sd x cj

pheno 1 as far as i remember right now :)





pheno 5





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Those fucking mites man, what a PITA they can really be! Looks like it's hoover time ay? suck them little bastards into one of those bagless hovers with some mite killer inside in case they escape!

Apart from the downer on the mites the buds themselves look pretty good man.


yeah man the hoover is all that is left at this point :)

surprisingly the topped pheno 2 plant was already quite tasty on day 54 of 12/12 when i took a small sample of pheno 1 and 2 and pheno 2 was already really enjoyable to smoke. so i will probably chop pheno 2 in the next days, she has been getting plain water for a while now. pheno 1 will be next started her on plain water yesterday. pheno 3 will be after that, then probably 4 and 5 together will have to watch the trichomes.


lookn good mate. Those crosses look amazing. can't wait to get some tables of my own going! If you have mites in the future try raising the c02 level wicked high(if you have tanks or a genny) That will kill those bastards without harming your smoke...just don't be around when you bomb the room


lookn good mate. Those crosses look amazing. can't wait to get some tables of my own going! If you have mites in the future try raising the c02 level wicked high(if you have tanks or a genny) That will kill those bastards without harming your smoke...just don't be around when you bomb the room

Greetz Wasabi,

i don't add co2, have been too lazy to change my set up system to add co2 so far. i'm sure i'd love it once i tried it, specially if you can nuke the mites with it lol.

i like tables a lot as you don't have to worry about any draining problems or accidents. it's bullet proof if your tank is sitting under the drain of the table. even if the timer breaks and runs the pump 24/7 the table will keep the water contained and running back to the tank.


Active member
Looks the bizz m8 pitty to hear about the mites, not see you about in along time hope all is good your ways ga.take iteasy and stay safe.


Dammmmnnnn!!! It's only Hashishin... what's good my breadbin :) Haven't seen u about in a while bro... Nice to see the old school crew still knocking about


Hey gm, I wish I was there to sample some of that mites n all :D lol... Can't wait till rez releases the next batch of Sour Diesel IBL. I am fiending for some


Hey Hashishin bro, great to see you dropping by mate. it's been too long man. yeah mites are being a pain as always :) it will be nice starting up fresh in a new setup. been fighting pm or mites now for the last 3 runs lol.

the clone trade in switz has gone badly down the drain imo, was a time you could order from a nice selection of pest free and healthy genetics in stores, now those that do clones are all doing top44/victory or power plant with powdery mildew sickness, for some strange reason.

well i'm just hitting my first spliff of the new run of top44 and it's not at all bad, still incredibly fresh, had to chop the bud up on a board with a knife, but quite potent and even quite tasty. seems maybe the pm did effect the taste last round after all. as it seems better. mind you time will tell. the amount is pretty pathetic looking so far, it would need to be very compact to surprise me weight wise. anyway doing the over night sweat in a sealed box now.

~Shhh~ mate, ain't it great to see Hashishin, i wish we could all smoke some up together too.

as they are ripening it's becoming very clear that pheno 3 will be similar to the cj pheno i ended up with. to be honest it wasn't really a lucky pheno imo, not compared to the CJ i've smoked before. it does still have some flavor to the trichs, but no longer that typical SD smell i seemed to be getting off all of them before. as the original CJ, so too this cross pheno 3 is making massive weight.

what is becoming interesting is pheno 4, it's the least mite damaged, but it's also still mostly white, funnily enough even though the pistil hairs are all still white the calyxes are swelling up and covering up with trichs nice. she was right on the edge and didn't get as much light as her sisters, but even so she is very sativa looking, incredibly airy fox tailing buds.

pheno 5 is also really starting to kick out that resin, i have a feeling she is still so far from ripe that the mites might really cause her not to even show her full potential. not 100% sure what to do, but as she is the only one left in her own pot, i might well try showering her down, trying to rinse the mites off. on the other hand hoovering them every day seems to work too, to keep them from getting the over hand. if i left them they would cone up those colas with nets and cause them to suffocate. guessing pheno 5 will be another sd'ish pheno.

will try take some pics again tomorrow, every time i touch them now for any reason i'm over whelmed with those lovely pungent smells, i can still smell it on my fingers now.

peace :joint:


Traktor driver
I really should check out the coco forummore often :moon:

Nicely documented mate, as always. Is that mite spray readily available? :chin:


yeah its not hard to get for me, but it's not very permanent as a solution. as you can see lol. i am interested to check out the hotbox which vaporizes sulfur which is supposed to keep pests out as well as being harmless to people and pets.


Traktor driver
I think my best bet is to disinfect everything after this grows done. I never have more than maybe 8 ladys in flower, there's not that many plants to take care of. :chin:


Active member
Ga can you not get hold of a mite killer called avid in your country?.If you can try and get you temps down so its real cold as they dont like the cold.

That will slow them down abit . Top 44 that i one strain i do like i know alot of folks dont rate it much but if u you find the right one it can be a really nice quick yeilding fruity strain not that strong though i i am sure top is a cross of a old possytronics strain called viking i could be wrong though.Sssh not sure who you are lol but hello all the same ,i take it you was on og at ome time .I just got given aload of old high times mag and one of them is abut nevil ie the king of cannabis and his castle its got his story in its from 1985. And a a couple of old mags caleld homgrown and some other from the late 1970.

I tell you what some of the old at looking buds in them sure look top draw stuff. If i can sort out a scanner i will post up the mags..