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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey brother che looking great in here, that C99 is just dripping with resin, damn it must be good to smell all those girls flowering away, much respect.

Peace bro


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
There's 8 pics sack0, the latest ones uploaded to my gallery. I didn't do anything differently posting wise, so perhaps it is a problem on your end? Try clearing your cache and reload, or view them in my Forum Album "Underground" .
Thanks for reading!

wow 8 pics.. Man this happened to me in another thread.. could not see some pics that everyone was commenting on.. :chin: im sure its on my end my computer has been acting funked up... Anyhow ill check yer forum albums.. great looking pics im sure.. peace n pufs.


I love when leaves curl up like that due to frostbite.. :D great work all is looking great chE... peace



Active member
Hey brother che looking great in here, that C99 is just dripping with resin, damn it must be good to smell all those girls flowering away, much respect.

Peace bro

Thanks for the kind words my friend! I love my homegrown, but I want to change this setup months ago. Finally I'll be able to get something a bit more.. efficient going on in there. Looking into my options.. I know I'm always saying that but it's happening slowly but surely.. :ying: A 1 or 2K vert flip is sounding better and better.. tents are getting cheaper :D

wow 8 pics.. Man this happened to me in another thread.. could not see some pics that everyone was commenting on.. :chin: im sure its on my end my computer has been acting funked up... Anyhow ill check yer forum albums.. great looking pics im sure.. peace n pufs.


I love when leaves curl up like that due to frostbite.. :D great work all is looking great chE... peace


Hey man glad you found them pix This run turned out nice and frosty I started the flowering under CMH and switched to 1K HPS for the rest.. with CMH still burning in the room but adjacent to these girls. It seems to pull out the crystals nicely, but HPS is where the weight is at. My favorites are the plants in between LOL


european ganja growers
whats up Che,,,just checking in on the weekly rounds...what can i say?....your C99 looks very nice,,you looking like youve got the Zombie dilled in now:tiphat:...you green thumb is up there with the best bro ,,,,props

keep it green


Active member
Hey Highlander thanks for checkin in man! I appreciate the kind words, after seeing what went down with my C99 I'm thinking i might need to look for a better pheno, i do have more seeds left. This one just isn't producing the big colas I was hoping for...
The Zombie Virus is too easy to grow, I love it. Got another little zombie tree in there now, about 3 or 4 weeks in. I'm trying to make a few Zombie Virus x True Blue Berry seeds for my collection; targeted pollination. We'll see how it turns out..



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
My C99 - and granted I only have a few phenos' experience - was never much of a cola-builder either. I see the pics in DG/Gypsy's and Mosca's listings with the huge solid colas... maybe their lines are the way to go.

Glad to hear Zombies are easy, those are gonna be in my next run! (Thanks again. ;) ) Probably gonna drop 'em around the 10th.

Zomberry? Yum.


Active member
I know what you mean about the dutchgrown, gypsy and mosca C99 colas.. I'm totally jealous haha.. I know that the genes I have hold the potential because I've seen how well it does for Rev outdoors.. that guy grows C99 trees no problem. My seeds came from him, and I have a few more i can pick through if I ever find the space..
speaking of space, I picked up a small tent the other day, going to have to decide weather to modify it to meet my basement height requirements or remove a ceiling fan in the spare bedroom and set it up in there.
Not sure what the brand is, but it's a nice well built tent. 4.5' x 4.5' x 7.5' . When I figure out where it's gonna go and get it setup I'll take a few shots. :)

I have a few Zombie Virus x Flo seeds, so the Zombie Virus x TBB wil probably be run along side those (eventually). I just love chucking pollen, even though I haven't been doing nearly as much lately..


Active member
Hahah, I hadn't thought of that! After the torture I endured at my old spot I don't think I'll be setting up any more vertically challenged grows.. my poor back has had enough! The ceiling in the old grow was 5' and it killed me working in there.. lugging water in and out, cleaning etc was a royal P.I.T.A. I'm really leaning towards the spare room.. don't really want to cut up my brand new tent lol

It can't be very hard to remove a ceiling fan..


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I'll be honest, I'm retiring my CFL cab (going to be the seedmaking chamber) solely due to height limitations. It's more for the plants' sake than mine, but I feel ya there. The thought of ~34 square feet of buds is nice though... hehe.


Active member
I've been reading up on med patient buckets the last couple days. It's something I'd like to work towards but it requires more capitol up front than I could muster at the moment.
Big chillers, lots of 1Ks, big dehu's, shit adds up quick
Last edited:


european ganja growers
sound like some intresting things to come bro...i cant wait to see what/how a Zombie come out X with some other things.......

how about useing the tent as a good old Knocking shop, hore house, for your seed makeing...

keep it green


Active member
Morning Highlander :) I got the tent up, it takes up most of the room in the spare room and I had to remove the light fixture.. but no cutting the tent poles was necessary. Got an A/C in the window, not sure on the BTU it must be about 5,000 which is quite a bit for a little 1K grow.. I hope. I'll work it out.. even if I have to replace the one I got in there now.. if this one works great! Cause it was free..

Still trying to finalize the shopping list. should I switch to ebb and flo for the new tent? I have a 40gal res, a pump, air pumps, and I'm only a 10 minute home depot trip away from wiring up my T103 board again (just need a junction box and some myrets..)
I'd have to grab a table, fittings, hoses, and medium. Short list.. I think?

I'm leaning towards a piddly 4" can fan or vortex and a Can 33 with 4" flange for scubbing duty, vented just into the room (I could run C02!) or into the attic (no C02.. but lower RH too..) . Doubtful a 1K tent needs more than that? Also Planning a 6" tube and a fan pulling straight through the air conditioned room, and unfortunately ballast in room as well. Who thinks my used half ton ac can handle this fiasco? :D If it can't I'll looking into upgrades that control RH as well as temp... the 70 pint beast I have is too much for this little room. It belongs in a mpb grow... but I'm not there yet!


european ganja growers
no hanging around then lol...
am a big believer that coco is the future,,,closest thing to hydro but with safety & low costs (no pumps ect ect) + you can reuse your coco,,...
with me being 1 of the very secret lazy grower crew hahah,,i find coco very easy/low cost = happy highlander........

i wont lie..when people start talking about buckets ,aircon,pumps ect ect,,i start to get abit lost :comfort::pointlaug...i know a wee bit about it but not much (never really looked into it)..but with the look of it you only need a few things to get up&running and if you feel your up to it then go for it:good:,,am pritty sure you rock the buckets aswell:tiphat:....

maybe i can pickup/learn i thing or to,,,allways willing to learn when it comes to growing this great plant

keep it green


Active member
It's so hard to decide sometimes highlander. There are so many options available and an empty tent is like a blank canvas. I've got until tomorrow to finalize my plans..


Active member
I'll get some pics later on tonight of the C99 at 8 weeks.. I can try to photograph the tent but I had to remove the light fixture..does not make for good photography ;) Everything was closed today, so tomorrow I can pick up some supplies and get an order in at the hydro shop for the fans etc.. gonna be a cool project! :D


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
lookin' forward to seeing your new rig in action.... as well as what zombie hybrids you throw down.. pink zombie fruit... citrus corpse...

dual light sources are the best.... working very small scale but i veg 1/2 day under cfl's than outside to the desert sun.....

the little flower box is LED, HPS.... i have a hortilux eye blue MH i'm itchin to use but i cant set up the 1k right now.....

keep kickin ass and chuck that pollen..... i hope to try it some day....



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Just peeping the show, Hope all is well i will check ya soon.. peace n pufs..
