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Libeccio's extractions



last batches...

last batches...

a couple of pics from my last oil and ice batches...
first i wanted to say how happy i am that i've started dabbing! ;) it is really the best way to consume this kind of products, expecially oil (still haven't tried with ice... do you think it works?). i bought some cheap equipment: a small G-Lock bubbler, a simple tinatium nail, a happy daddy titanium dabber, and a torch/lighter.
dabbing is fun! :D it is really another thing... with one hit you feel medicated for hours... i am really enjoying it. i didn't like bongs before because i don't like to light up with the lighter and inhale at the same time... (i can taste the lighter's gas or the taste of matches or the taste of burnt wood) but this method is perfect for me. here is still very uncommon, we'll see if people realize how cool dabbing is. :)

gfxbb oil (with this batch i'm doing a comparision beetween natural evaporation and double-boil evaporation i always use. this one is the double-boil evaporated, the other one is still evaporating...). nice and strong. sweet taste but not the taste of the herb it comes from (i am doing the comparision to see if the natural evaporation holds more terpenes - i think it does- and how much more). the high is a concentrated gfxbb high: nice strong balanced indica/sativa buzz.

this is ice from moondog and psicodelicia. i think i found the best way i can make ice with my equipment. this time i put even the bags in the freezer for 2 days and i used like 3 kg of ice (2 x 1,5 lt of frozen bottles of water). big pieces of ice remained in the bag like an hour after the extraction and the water stayed at a very low temp for the whole time. the yeld was very good... i used not more than 4-5 grams of trim (with some popcorns... ). the smell is great! it's the 2 plants' smells concentrated and combined... i love ice so much for this reason. ;-) still haven't tried it...


QWET: natural evaporation vs. double-boil evaporation

QWET: natural evaporation vs. double-boil evaporation

hey fellows!
recently i did a test for my beloved QWET: from the same batch, i mean the same alcohol filtred, i let half evaporate with the usual double-boil technique and the other half with natural evaporation (i placed a screen on the dish to avoid dust and other contaminants).

here's the natural evaporated one, notice the contaminants and those bubbles which i suspect are trapped alcohol... what do you think? it took 4-5 days for complete evaporation.

and here's the double-boil evaporated one. it's much cleaner as you can see, and the process only took a couple of hours.

i tested these multiple times :) with my new bubbler & titanium nail. the really nice thing about oil is the effect: a tiny hit and i'm in orbit! the flavour is very delicate, kinda sweet honeish licorice, which i love, but it looks like this extraction loses a lot of original terpenes. for the flavours i do ice (or dry-sift when i get good at it ;-)). i couldn't notice a big difference beetween the 2, flavour-wise or effect-wise... conclusion: i think i will go for the double-boiled one because it's much more practical, i'm doing this stuff in the kitchen and i don't like to have everything smelling of alcohol for 4-7 days :). it's important that the double-boiling process is not aggressive. ;-) ciao!


ice balls!

ice balls!

hey fellows,
i've just done a nice ice extraction, i wanna show you the result. :)
comes from some mid-low quality outdoor trim: i gave some of my clones to a close friend's balcony operation and he came with some nice flowers and a bag of trim. i say mid-low quality because there were bigger leaves in the mix, so first of all i tried to take those bigger leaves away.
reminder: i use a very simple setup with 2 secret smoke bags (190 and 45 micron), a 12 lt bucket, a blender and lots of ice in big pieces (2 1,5 lt frozen bottles).
the result, after a couple of days drying. from right to left: first round, third and second rounds (with the same water filtered again thru the 45 micron bag).

since it was a nice yeld for my standards i decided to work it with hands. clean dry hands. i immediately fell in love with the result: ice balls! gnammy! :) in the black box is first round, center is second, right is third

after a couple of days resting, the trim donor passed by and almost cryed when i handed him half of first round's balls. :) here's my smiling black box. :) after 2 days the colour looks better and they taste heavenly!

i smoke this in my bubbler: tastes of pine resin, woods, springtime. :) balsamic aroma and also sweet. the effect is very relaxing and on the narcotic side which is good since my oil wakes me up! :) cheers, Lib.



Man, I made QWET for the first time this past week, and I think maybe I went waaay to long on infusion. Slight units error maybe.

Anyway, good show.


hey man, thanks for dropping by. :) qwet is easy and fun. next time try to do several small batches... you can also try different infusion times... like one round 30 seconds, another 1 minute and a thrid one of 2 minutes, with the same starting material. filter with a kitchen strainer and then with a coffee or lab filter... if you have a freezer you can filter with the coffee filter inside the freezer, i think you get a cleaner product. ;) cheers!


more Oil! just tell me if i'm getting annoying... :)

more Oil! just tell me if i'm getting annoying... :)

hey friends,
i confess dabbing has become a nice habit for me. i'm getting into it and i am more and more enjoying flavours and high... so i really don't want to finish my oil! :D
i am using the bubbler w/dome + titanium nail, to enjoy my ice as well... it's of course less practical, gotta be careful not to loose pieces inside the bubbler and it leaves ash-like residues in the nail. i'm a dab-noob, so any insight is appreciated on this... shouldn't i dab my ice and why? ;)
dabbing oil is perfect, so i just made myself some more, from lavender's trim and a couple of flowers of gfxbb... it lasts forever if you dab it! :woohoo: also, having decided i prefer the double-boiling evaporation, i am trying to get better at it... i just did a test of this batch and it tastes real nice. we'll see how it cures ;-)


Well-known member
Nice pics. Makes me want some bubble. I havent done an extraction in a while and need to run some again.


Nice pics. Makes me want some bubble. I havent done an extraction in a while and need to run some again.

thanks man! :) yeah, make yourself some ice, i really love it! ;) i hope i can increase my flower production in the near future, so i can make better ice using trim and flowers. ;) ciao! L.

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