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Li Ching-Yuen


h^2 O

"(died May 6, 1933) was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor. He claimed to be born in 1736, while disputed records suggest 1677. Both alleged lifespans of 197 and 256 years"

"in 1930, Professor Wu Chung-chieh of the University of Chengdu discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827, congratulating one Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday, and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877"

"One of his disciples, the Taiji Quan Master Da Liu told of Master Li's story: at 130 years old Master Li encountered an older hermit, over 500 years old, in the mountains who taught him Baguazhang and a set of Qigong with breathing instructions, movements training coordinated with specific sounds, and dietary recommendations."



Active member
yup, i dont doubt it, internal alchemy is common in the daoist arts,and so is trying to become immortal, and the to become worshpied as gods.
ive heard a story im not sure if it was a book or you tube,about a hermitt ,that encountered a man and asked him his age ,the hermitt said im 67 and went on his way.
then he walked into a shop and asked the keeper how old the hermitt was and and said he was told 67,the keeper told him hes been saying that since i was 5 and im in my 50's now.


thank you for posting,feel free to check out my traditional martial arts thread,it does have the warm up to the shaolin qigong on pg4 . (sports section).

h^2 O

And there's proof?

yeah man, check out the wiki link...there's plenty of citations at the bottom. I think there's Chinese records which support his age...I know one was like an imperial happy birthday congratulating him on turning 200 years old.
His balls must be on the FLOOR dude.
He outlived like 14 wives too. That's bad ass. Doubt he could get an erection after 100 though. But who knows.


Active member
of course there isnt. :)

but, ... personally i think the human body might live alot longer than we do now.

i think lot of illnesses are born of the mind and fear. (wrong thinking creates improper balance f.e in body posture, affecting organs through tightened muscles, constant strain on the system)

got a tightening in your shoulders? probably caused by some thought that needs unwinding from your brain.

but that tightening might be masking other muscles straining (you just notice the shoulders cause they are the strongest symptom and closest to your head)

its all connected, grimace and your anus tightens lol.

depressed people often have stomach problems for example, but in the stomach is a sorta second "brain" and a seat of emotions (not all)

all connected..

i wonder if society was happy, good and carefree, wether lifespans wouldnt lengthen by quite a bit.


Active member
chinese imperial records, though they were obsessed with records, they were also obsessed with controlling all those people.

probably suited the emperor to say that china had 200 year old people. (look at us, how great we are! now be happy and make some silkpillows for me)


Active member
they know they are eternal,matter is not created or destroyed mearly transfered,and this man has mastered the nessesary steps in order to be needed by the universe and also self maintenence of the vessle,the only thing that could have made him (pass on) is like a car accident or somthin.

this is true medicine.

what we have now is horrible life styles of suffering,and pettiness,merley sustained by medications that presumabley extend life,they do somtimes but reduce the quality of life substantialy.
thats the result of " modern" science.


Senior Member
That's bad ass. Doubt he could get an erection after 100 though. But who knows.

well the wiki link says that he had over 200 decedents...so id say unless he was knocking up 5 or 10 a year from 15 to 60 years old, his cock probably worked fine till he died. the stories say basically that he aged very little and looked like a middle aged man for most of his life...his unit probably was the same... i for one totally believe it, and i don't think people will ever reach it unless they lived deep in the woods like the hermits in the article, so far from corporate poisons and chemicals laced in everything we eat and wear, floating through the air we breath and toxifying lakes and streams...not to mention they lived on a diet of nothing but herbs and mushrooms with extremely high antioxidant levels...the Chinese know a LOT about natural remedies, which are almost always infinitely more effective than pharmaceuticals, but these billionaires spend incredible amounts of money to brainwash the public into thinking if it's not in pill form it's just hokus pokus...

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
An old hermit over 500 years old, WTF. I'm a bit of a hermit but don't want to live that long. Folklore I would say.


Active member
hmm, yeah, depends on the scenery though, plenty of places where it would suck to live a single year.

dunno, nothing that says that the human body cant live forever.
or that long at least.

actually seems like a lot of old people just die out of boredom.

body become crap, nothing to do (all they ever did was job and eat and shit and fuck if they were lucky, cant do that anymore)

you could probably extend your life 50 years, with some nice hobbies and happiness.

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