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L’extraction de la résine de l’eau froide



la vache !! excelent ces foto et vla la taille de la boulette !!!!! http://www.icmag.com/ic/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=790599#
c vraiment appetissant est ce que l'ont pourrait avoir plus de detail sur ton process pâcke je voit bien ke yya des bubble bag .. mais a koi servent les gros appreil blanc ? refroidir leau ???
et pkoi tu utilise un hacheur a viande ???
et aussi combien de bubble hash pour combien de matiere ??? et surtout si c des bud ou des feuilles de manucure ? ?

en tout cas gratz ca rigole po le bubble hash chez toi ;)

En effet, impressionnant!

Des détails supplémentaires sont les bienvenues!

L'appareil blanc, c'est l'équivalent d'un bubbleator, pour éviter l'utilisation d'un mixeur pour l'extraction de la résine via glaçon.

Pour ce qui est du hachoir, j'imagine que c'est pour éviter toutes formation de bulle d'air, donc la moisissure de l'intérieur, mais j'en suis pas sur...

Je n'ose imaginer la quantité de manucure pour une boulette pareille, magnifique d'ailleurs.

Bon dimanche


Active member
English please...

English please...

Sorry, I do not speak very good French. But I will be happy to answer any questions in English, or Spanish that you have.




Active member
incroyable son truc.. me doutais que bhangman serait dans le coin .. :)

mais je crois que le gars est la pour une proposition commerciale...

sinon, pourquoi viendrait-il poster içi et en englais en plus....

Mais quel boulette de ouf !!! ils ont du y foutre au moins 1Kilo de feuilles de manucure blindée de résine (voire des tetes) c'est pas possible... Ils s'y sont mis a plusieurs...


How much trim did you used and what was the final total weight, did you used popcorn buds or just leaves.

Also why did you use a Meat grinder, amd what are those 2 'machine' each side of the sink ?



Active member
The amount of trim varied for each process. the amount of water hash that you see in the tray was extracted from a very large amount. The total weight you see there is over 1 kilo of pure 73um resin. Usually with good close trim or small buds you can expect to extract about 10% resin.

I prefer the brand PAYLOAD BAGS for water extraction, comes in a 9bag kit with 220um.190um,160um,120um,100um,90um,73um,45um, and 25um. In 20 liter and 80 liter sizes.

The 2 machines you see are Large Portable washing machines with a capacity to wash 1000g of trim in one wash. So with these 2 machines you are able to wash 2000g of trim into one 32 gallon bag filteration system.

The use of the meat grinder was a experiment to see how the resin would react. In this experiment the really pure resin turned into something very similar to Jelly Hash without the oil added. The lesser qualities turned out really nice, with a lot of bubbling action. I would not recomend doing this with with good pure quality resin, only with the lesser qualities does it help make for a better looking, more action product.

The reason I am posting here in the French Forum, is because I specialize in making quality Water Extractions. I live in Spain and sell all professional water extraction equiptment. I would like to help France improve there Cold Water Resin Extraction skills.
Feel free to ask any questions.
Merci & Salut,



Thx for the answer.

Bon, en gros, il dit qu'il utilise des sacs PAYLOAD BAGS qui viennebt en kit de 9 sacs (220um.190um,160um,120um,100um,90um,73um,45um, and 25um) format 20 ou 80 litres.

Les 2 machines blanches sont des machine a lavé portable d'une capacité de 1000 g. La grosse boule est un kilo de résine a 73um.

Pour ce qui est du hachoir a viande, c'est une expérience qu'il fesait et ne le conseille que pour lees grades inférieur de Hash, ca donne une belle apparence au produit.


ok thank for the precision .. but what it s the goal of washing machine ???
its better to wash trim than to use a mixer ??
where do u put ice ?? in the washing machine ? or in bag ?
ouais je comprend po trop pkoi il utilise des machine a laver quelqune peut mexpliker ?

En fonction de ton volume de manucure, tu remplis d'eau la machine et de glaçon, température préco 4°, après tu verse ta manucure dans un sachet que tu met dans la machine, tu ferme et fais tourner un certains temps, sur le bubbleator, timer de 1 a 10mn je crois...

Ensuite, a l'aide du tuyeau sur le coté de la bécane, tu vidange dans tes sacs Ice O pour récupérer la résine, principe de la machine donc, éviter d'utiliser un mixer, c'est plus pratique je le reconnais et assez simple d'entretien.


oki merci et les deux type de machine qui sont la sonrt des bubbleator ? ou des simple machine a laver portative ?? si jer prend une minimachine a laver pour fere ca ca le fera po ?


Active member
Washing Machines

Washing Machines

The use of Washing Machines greatly improves the quality of water extractions. It is a much better process then using the Mixers. The mixer breaks down the leaf making for contamination. A Washing machines process is a matter of air and water circulating causing a whirlpool effect. When using a Washing Machine you need a 220um Zipper Bag to place the Plant Material into. This helps control the plant material in the washing machine and helps the washing process. It is best to fill your washing machine with Cold water 2/3 full. Then add some ice to get the water close to freezing. But not to much Ice for it will not let the bags move properly. You want to add you plant material to the 220um Zipper bags then also add ice to the 220um Zipper bags. It is best to have different size pieces of ice, for this helps in the knocking off of the resin trichomes. Zip the bags tightly so NO plant material can escape causing contamination. Then turn the machine on. Remember the less time your Resin is in the water the more flavor you will have. So with this in thought, you can run the washing machine once for 6 minutes stop, drain and filter through your set of filter bags. Collect the resin. Then start a second run for as long as you like, though I prefer to wash it for 30 minutes and stop and collect the resin. Some people wash for different times and as many as four washes. Although quality and percentage will decrease.

With this style machine you can wash 300 grams very nicely.

This machine can wash 1000 grams.

A normal American household machine Wash capacity 1 to 2 kilos.

220um Zipper Bags


Last edited:


Je lui demande ca.

Hey Ilife, some of us wonder what at trhe price range of some of your equipement, you got a website or any link for us ?


thank for all those info .. so i can use a simple household washing machine ??
where can i get the 220 micron zipper bag ??
any link for those machine ??
c u


Active member
Instructions for Using Fresh Dried Cannabis Material in Ice-water extractions.

Instructions for Using Fresh Dried Cannabis Material in Ice-water extractions.

Sorry this is in English, If somebody would like to translate it to French we would all be greatly appreciative. Thanks

Instructions for Using Fresh Dried Cannabis Material in Ice-water extractions.

You have three options in preparing your Cannabis material for Ice-Water Extraction. Here are my instructions for using fresh dried cannabis material. These instructions are for using dried cannabis in extraction purposes only.

This process is intended for somebody with basic knowledge in Ice-water extraction.

First you want to harvest the plant at the peak time. Remember your main goal in hash making is to harvest the fruit of the cannabis plant, the Resin Glands. In these instructions the goal is to not "bruise the fruit" until the time of smoking.

With this process there is no settling time or squeezing/pressing of the wet resin to “get the water out”

"When making ice-water extractions the less time your resin is in the water the better your resin will be."

The tools I prefer to you with this system are:
1. Super quality indoor grown resin covered cannabis material.
2. 1 / 150um silkscreen and 1 / 100um silkscreen
3. Mini-washing machine
4. 220um Zipper bags with Zipcro lock
5. Payload Bags PRO-KIT 13 bag set
6. 3 buckets (5gal(19L) or 32gal(80L)) depending on the size of filter bags.
7. Bath tub and shower nozzle with hose attachment
8. Kitchen shami and paper towels
9. 23um silkscreen with custom feet attached on the corners. (To raise screen for air circulation)
10. Ice and water (RO preferred)
11. Plastic credit card style card
12. Stainless steel trays or bowls

This process with the second run included should take no more than 1.5 hours. Including setup and clean-up time. Although after 24 hours or when all tools are completely dry you will need to pack and store until your next water extraction.


1. Clean the plant before it has wilted of all the non-hash making leaves. (These can sometimes be used for cooking purposes.)
2. Hang plant upside down in a clean, low temperature, with air circulating environment. 5 to 10 days depending on area temperatures.
3. Trim all Hash making material off of plants over a 150um silkscreen to catch all resin powders that are broken in the manicuring process. Save resin powder in freezer to be cleaned up later with a 100um silkscreen.
4. Try and store all resin covered cannabis material on a stainless steel tray or bowl until you make your ice-water extraction. (To help collect any broken resin easily)
5. Place you filter bags in the bucket. Then add cold water until the bucket is a little over half full of water. Then add ice then your resin covered cannabis. (If using zipper filter bags for the inside of washing machines fill zipper bag with ice then fill with resin covered cannabis and place in the washing machine with cold water and ice already in it)
6. If you have outdoor, dirty or small pieces of cannabis material, you can double the top screens for extra protection from contamination. Example-220um,190um,190um,160um,160um,120um......
7. Agitate for 6 minutes for a nice personal quality with flavor!!.(If using kitchen mixer agitate on no more than medium speed.)
8. Filter resin water through filter bags/screen

9. When using a mini-washer drain the resin water into the filter bags, but at the same time grab all the bags together and pull up softly bouncing them up and down at the same time the water is draining. By the time the machine is finished draining, your bags will also be drained. (Less time resin is sitting in the water the better the quality) (Rinse machine with cold clean water to retrieve any resin that is left in the machine)
Note: total time your resin is in the water using the mini-washer on the 6-minute run is around 10-minutes and for the 30-minute run about 35-minutes.

10. Now take your complete stack of drained bags and place them in the empty bucket.
11. Before taking the bags out from each other rinse the bag with water, because wet resin will stick to the bottom of the top bag from sitting on top of the wet resin in the bag below. (If you live where you have water with a lot of calcium you should think about using RO water.)
12. Rinse every screen individually with clean water.
13. When rinsing screens individually I prefer to do this in another empty bucket with one 160um and one 25um screen in the empty bucket. (Work bucket) I do this because you will force some resin through the screen when rinsing, but do not worry because it will be caught in the 25um bag.
14. After rinsing each bag individually let the water drain out until you have nothing more than a few drops coming from the pile of resin in the bag. (Do not squeeze/press the resin; trying to get the water out, this will only bruise the resin) Do not “bruise the fruit”
15. Place the bag with the resin in it on a shami or stack of paper towels. To absorb all the loose water. Pick bag up and move to a dry spot on the shami.
16. Use a plastic credit style card to collect (harvest) the resin from the bag.
17. Place the wet resin on a 23um silkscreen with little legs placed on the top four corners so you can flip it over and use the inside to dry you wet resin on.
18. Take empty filter bag that you just harvested from and rinse all the resin caught in the screen into the "work bucket" the bucket with the 160um and 25um filter bags. Then hang filter bag up to dry.
19. Do this for the 120um, 73um, 45um, 25um and you will have a nice mixed pile of resin in the end. You can also filter all the resin water that was filtered once a second time through the "work bucket" the 160um and the 25um screens to catch any resin that was forced through the screen. Doing this step will make a higher percentage of quality resin.
20. The 160um bag makes excellent food grade resin.
21. Go back to the 23um drying silkscreen with all your wet resin qualities on it. Take the plastic card and break up the wet resin so it can dry evenly.
22. Take a couple of paper towels and fold them up in to a square. Then take the folded paper towels and gently press up under each pile of wet resin. From underneath the 23um silkscreen absorbing any more loose water. Do this a few more times along with breaking up and moving around the wet resin powder until you can absorb no more loose water. (Touch paper towel if wet than do it again a little later)
23. Start second run and agitate for 30 minutes. (Follow same process.)
24. Leave your 23um silkscreen/drying screen in a dry, dark air-circulating environment for 24 to 48 hours. If you plan on storing your resin powder then let it dry for 5 to 7 days and then place it in the freezer until wanted.

I only do one 6-minute run and one 30-minute run, in total 2 runs. With this I am satisfied with the overall quality and quantity of my Ice-water extractions. With these instructions your percentages should be around 12% to 13% on normal. Although I have made 17% and 18% often. You can process it more times, but quality and quantity will decrease greatly.

With this method and using quality resin covered cannabis you will end up with a superior resin powder that is amber in color and can be pressed between the fingers into a thin transparent sticky piece of hashish. This piece of hashish should snap when broken.

My instructions will change with time, for I am always looking and trying new ways to improve my Ice-water extraction techniques. High-Tech Hash making is a never-ending adventure. You will always be seeking the highest quality resin you can make. With every resin making experience you will keep on progressing with knowledge.

Your other options although I do not prefer these are:

2. Using really dry cannabis material: It will have more contaminants and will not be as soft and oily.

3. Using Frozen Fresh cannabis material: when using frozen fresh cannabis material you will more than likely end up with a white clump of resin that will never feel like it has dried completely. And will crumble at the touch. Never sticking together properly.

This is just my opinion from my own experiences.



Active member
Sorry for the delay. We are working on the website, it should be completely finished in 2 more months. We will have everything you need for ice-water extraction.
Thanks for waiting.....

