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LETTER to my DAD, is gone. at 57 y.old,


Wow. Truly sorry for ur untimely loss
Positive vibes & strength coming ur way.

I was fishing with my dad, a few years back, and he had 2 heart attacks. Got him the to the emergency room and he's ok but it took several heart surgeries/stints to get him to the poiint where he can do normal things again.

Agent orange (Vietnam War) is what caused the issues...


Active member
Condoglianze fratello!! La perdita dei genitori sono la cosa più brutte della vita, e non ci sono mai parole adatte o che servano veramente a qualcosa, ma quello che mi fa soffrire è sempre il rimorso di non aver mai detto di volergli bene abbastanza... ti sono vicino amico mio. Davvero
Thanks for sharing, and best of luck to you. My stepmom just lost her battle with cancer a few days ago. To say we didn't see eye to eye would be an understament. There are many things from my childhood that resent, never felt me and my family where ever respected much less thought of. Even with all this unhappy feelings, it still is not easy. Be strong and know that you can move forward, make that choice to not only move forward, do it and make your Dad proud!



I've only lost my grandpa and it just about killed me and we weren't the closest. Don't know my dad but I couldn't imagine losing my mom or grandma. My deepest condolences

Space Toker

Active member
I do hope you are feeling better now, seems I received a lot of "helpful posts" remarks here and can't find any of them in my user cp, a little strange and hope to find out why but I do wish you well and that is far more important. (just wanted to let anyone wondering why I did not reciprocate know why) good luck man!

bench warmer

My condolences to you and your family killerweed31.

In time, be sure to mourn your grief. That is to say, express your grief somehow when the time feels right for you to do so.., whether by talking, writing, painting, running, building, ,... whatever form of expression that suits you... Just express your grief (in time).

I found mourning to be the most essential phase of the grieving process. Until I expressed my grief (mourned) it felt like the pain would never end.

Wishing you and your dad peace.



Always so hard when it's so sudden and so young. My condolences to you and your family. Take time to reflect on the good things and remember he would have wanted all the best for you. Keep doing the things you love.