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Lets talk Security beef..



Years ago when my budget was tighter I had a very helpful patient buy a bunch of rape alarms that hang on key chains. Things were only the size of a walnut but they were very loud. Fixed to small test monofilament fishing line they worked well for ghetto trip alarms. I'll be going with a more advanced system like those mentioned in earlier in the thread for this years garden but the utility/price for those little buggers was great.

Also saw a youtube vid where a guy had a system hooked up to a voice recording of himself yelling "Get the f*** off my property" or something to that effect. Sharp sound quality. I don't imagine many intruders would continue past an alert like that.


I'm in the market for one nice digital video camera that will work in the dark. Any suggestions? Ideally, the cost would be ~$200.
Ok tactical practicality, one shot and each dog is done. One poison piece of bacon thrown in the yard goodbye, fido is out. Say fido locks onto an arm as they like to do, a nice quiet 14 inch blade to his throat and its choking on its own blood. Dogs are not something to rely on for defense. Personally dogs do not scare me no matter the size. Why do police use dogs? Simple. They possess qualities we dont have. Sniffing out, running fast, and they can hold someone until a they get there. Dogs are great but they are only a small obstacle for a determined thief.

How many rap songs is this line in?

LOL you are quite the character.

Personally Id rather be carried by 6 then spend my life in jail over some plants and a murder. Death isnt something to fear, whats to come after this place is far greater than the imagination will allow.

Im up on layered security just not into telling the internet my whole game. Guns x grows = lots of trouble, been there before, I know all too well. If you think you are a highly trained tactical sharp shooter who is going to take out anyone who steps on your property, good luck. Most home invasions or burglaries dont end that way. Thanks for sharing your opinions and security with us right down to the brand of locks you use. Stay safe.

Respectfully Prepared,


Respectfully Prepared,


First off, the judged/carried is a police and military saying, it goes back DECADES. It refers to dealing with a suspect/assailant in a split second decision and what side is safer to err on, caution and possibly risking your life, or risking prosecution. I'm sure you'd shoot it out with the cops :biglaugh: :good:...from my long experience, growers of marijuana are not the most violent people, and to pretend you'd just go out blazing, when even the Leader of the Los Zetas Cartel went Monday without a shot fired, is fucking nonsense. If you are that bout it, why are you wasting you time growing weed, there are MUCH more lucrative games to play. FYI, Cube said it on Lethal injection I think E-40 said it, and I'm sure someone else recently. Honestly, you just really showed your ignorance/prejudice. What is with you people, this is like the third time someone has made some silly rap reference to me, as if I'm some fool walking down the street with my pants around my ass. Highly trained tactical sharpshooter....how do you know I'm not/wasn't? Are YOU well versed in cold bore shots, scoping and doping, mils at various distances, hand thrown bullets and powder mixes dependent on atmospheric conditions? Do you know the finer points of ambush sniping, and which situations it is effective in? Can you hit a target at 1000 reliably without a large caliber? I don't have to pretend I'm Rambo. I know when YOU aren't Rambo. Poison bacon in the yard?
What is this, Breaking Bad? I'm mid 30's and pretty educated, with a full and healthy life OUTSIDE hobbyist level marijuana growing. While I'm sure its all you can think of to do, and probably all you can handle, and most likely your only road to the life I already live, that's not the case over here. While I do love rap, getting me confused with your stereotypical is disaster. Telling the internet my whole game....What am I, posting my address, or various illegal pictures of illegal shit like you are? Nice quiet 14 inch blade...Ok "RAMBO." I certainly didn't say rely on dogs for defense, and if your reading comprehension skills were up to par, you'd have caught that, and several other stupid statement's you assumed I made. I am quite the character...says the guy lurking in an affluent, residential neighborhood with an unknown poison in bacon and a "14 inch blade,".........over an 1800W grow. That's some of the least valuable shit in my house. As for this bacon idea, my dog sleeps in the house to be the second alarm and first active deterrent. If dogs don't scare you, GOOD. I personally think you are a fucking liar, because ANYONE who says they aren't scared of a pit, presa, cane corso, or bull mastiff sized dog in full attack mode is just lying. Stand there with your arm out and let your "14 inch blade" work as my dog latches onto you in his death throes, jaws locked and a 75 pound dead weight on your arm. Please. He died with honor, defending the house, doing his job. Now, knowing someone who talks like you, you didn't bring a knife, you probably sprayed your first clip in a panic and just let me know exactly where you are. Hopefully low on bullets, with my dying pitbull latched on your arm and me heavily armed and 10 feet tall with rage. Brand of locks....What are you a master locksmith? Unless you're making a key, (magically with no serial code) lock picks are universal. I can tell you're not a burglar either "mr tactical." Keep your day job. A simple knock on my front door will reveal what brand of lock I use; one of probably 4 or 5 brands used by 99% of America with a home depot in driving distance, all easily picked with a locksmith kit "mr tactical." Again, 1800 watts in a hobby grow from someone who doesn't sell weed isn't worth risking your life over, nor something to try and make yourself look tough over, as if you would even bust a grape to begin with.

Let me tell you something else Mr "14 inch blade" and don't even know a brand of tactical/fighting knife (try a k-bar)
, sneaking in my yard with some "poison" (you don't even know what kind of poison) bacon and that shitty knife you bought from the bong shop/gun show will get you fucked up. Poison? Sharpshooting? In my neighborhood? Not to be more of a dick than I am already being, but my house cost 730k with the renovation. I don't know where the hell you think you are going to be sniping from, but guarantee one of the 30 white women in my neighborhood who don't work, and who do nothing but jog/pilates in $300 worth of lululemon with $500 strollers will see you and call the police faster than you can say "poisoned Oscar Meyer bacon." Talking like you or anyone else have some plan to just track me down and do something is just nonsense. If you wanted to get in my house, you better bring your A game, some friends, a whole lot of tools, plus be invisible to every security camera on the block, or else get the jump on me elsewhere. Again, I didn't buy all this crap to grow genius, that's just my personal security, for my personal house, things I had before hobbyist weed growing. The same things any home security consultant would tell you to get. As for how home invasions end.... I've already dealt with 2 burglars and if it hadn't been all over the 11 o'clock news with my house/street/city I'd send you the link. I have kids, a wife and I live here, you think my main motivation for security is some silly ass marijuana? Or trying to be a gangster? And then the disingenuous stay safe all of you asshole growers use.....I keep it real, I hope they snitch/snatch one of your loved ones as a hostage to get your grow/stash. They won't do it to me, I don't post pics or grow commercially, becasue I have other ways to make money. When it happens, It'll be someone you know too......enjoy..let's see how much shooting your bitch ass does then. I bet my mortgage that you are in cuffs without a whimper, like 99.9% of everyone else.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
brains over brawn and bravado. cameras and alarm systems all day long. violence begets pigs! no thank you!


Active member
Something you should consider BC
"Sometimes sarcasm cannot be conveyed properly with a keyboard over the internet..."
I couldnt even finish reading your post BC. I had to stop and get some water I was laughing so hard then come back and finish..LMAO....WOW seems like you have a few disorders that need to be addressed. You are certainly taking what I said very personally. Your comment judged by carried by is pretty lame to begin with. Although I must say it lets us peek into your ego filled way of thinking and how it translates into your life.
FYI, Cube said it on Lethal injection I think E-40 said it, and I'm sure someone else recently. Honestly, you just really showed your ignorance/prejudice. What is with you people, this is like the third time someone has made some silly rap reference to me, as if I'm some fool walking down the street with my pants around my ass.
Prejudiced against whom or what?
My comment was prejudiced against repeating ignorance if anything. Don’t regurgitate one of the most common lines in rap music and “ we people “ may not mistake you for this “fool” you speak of.

About the schlage locks,.. it was intended to point out the strange and out of place comment you made giving a pointless detail for no reason at all.

He died with honor, defending the house, doing his job. Now, knowing someone who talks like you, you didn't bring a knife, you probably sprayed your first clip in a panic and just let me know exactly where you are. Hopefully low on bullets, with my dying pitbull latched on your arm and me heavily armed and 10 feet tall with rage.
Wow! BRAVO!!!LOL did you happen to sketch this out in colored pencil to share with the rest of the class?

When you look in the mirror is this how you see yourself?

Poison bacon was something I heard about in another thread. A debate of types of dogs and training for security.
Training dogs to only eat food from their owner, and on command, to prevent a dog from eating poison.
FTR: It was a statement pointing out how easily a dog can be handled, not that Im a trained killer, as you have insinuated.
Also, you have no clue when I said Im not scared of dogs, I really mean it. I own/ owned pits, anatolian shepherds, german shepherds, and I have seen mastiff attack dogs the size of a young horse that could nearly look me in the eye, nada. Im far more scared of heights or large moving bodies of water than I am a dog. Bring a big cat, mountain lion, tiger, or even a bear, Ill be somewhat frightened my fight or flight will certainly be activated. I dont think Im some rambo. I see an animal like a dog and know that it may have me beat in a couple physical areas like running and agility. It certainly does not have the mental capacity to out smart me or know my physical vulnerabilities, outside of its instinct to go for the throat kill. Im not into indulging into fantasy robbery scenarios or how I would wait in the bushes with poison blow gun darts I made out of toad skin, LSD and some rat poison. I can find plenty of that here in this forum if I need it.
I do not watch tv nor do I have any idea about "breaking bad" other than what Ive heard other people talk about it. You make some off the wall assumptions about a lot of things concerning the character of the individuals behind these screen names. You are obviously not a psychologist and are lacking terribly in communication skills.

Worth saying that NONE of the pictures or things I post are illegal in the state I live in. As for the Feds NONE of the things I am doing is even worth snacking on.

Thats as much as Im going to say as Ive already said far more than I should have. You’ve got me beat. I cannot compete with the length of your rant. Nor the great detail of your imaginative scenarios. You have slayed me before I even made it to the front door, and your dog miraculously lives after you preform surgery with only a bobby pin and a neck tie and some organic lemon juice I had in a thermos. Seriously though Have a nice day Benjamin and look into some counseling for the longevity of your own health and mental well being. You need a hug, some good herb, and some meditation. Ill leave you with some quality listening material, that doesn’t inflate the ego or portray violence filled fantasies of grandeur illusion. Lyrics beneath for you to follow and sing along. Clapping, snapping of fingers and moving feet permitted where applicable.

Psych Ops

Watch how the broadcast buss off then
Psych Ops ina the News Department
Shaping the parameters of taboo breaking
To rule Earth corridors of influence
Their determination taking the place of conscience
The inner sanctum of social acceptance
Breaking strong holds of behavior with influence
With all the trappings of affluence and well adjustment
Ridicule anything they consider outmoded
World commerce and trends included
Even if it’s illusion and deluded

any what man counta and oppose dem
He’s on the fringes
Conversation considered irrelavent vent
But when it’s the Heaven and Earth he’s observing
Neither can his observation be remo-ved
Sometime too much price so he silent
Rastafari The Lord of Hosts His Pronouncement
When that Dread Thunder resounded
Everything for shelter was sprinting
But that man dun know him haffe humble to The Head
And this is the source of his silence
Dun accept the Trinity and the Godhead
Pung dung some duel and a grow him dread
Observe the principle first man said
Ina the city where buss nuff coppa shot pon lead

None better than none but must stay ahead
Psychological adjustment cause their rising
Jealousy flare up and bad minded
Specially about divided the dividends
How to adjust to the changes
Hear His Majesty word HIM again
The next wave was dreader then Adowa dread
It was mustard gas rampaging

Watch how the broadcast buss off then
Psych Ops inna the news department
Shaping the parameters of taboo breaking
To rule Earth corridors of influence
Their determination taking the place of conscience
The inner sanctum of social acceptance
Breaking strong holds of behavior with influence
With all the trappings of affluence and well adjustment
Ridicule anything they consider outmoded
World commerce and trends included
Even if it’s illusion and deluded

Hear His Majesty word
H.I.M. again​

Lose Everything


No kidding. Most burglaries are inside jobs, meaning someone else other than you knows where your grow is, how many plants, security, etc. Like the guy who drilled through a 12" concrete wall. Obviously he knew when/what/how/who/where and planned accordingly. That means your expensive security setup is worth little more than peace of mind.

Seems like knowing how to judge character is just as important as a security system.

!!! agreed ,,, honestly. id be sketched that the dude who called u mid night saying he was worried was the dude who set it up.. that's y in this LIFESTYLE we choose its good to not have a partner on a grow.. and if u choose to have a GF or Wife.. its good to find out before they know anything if they understand that its a relationship and no1 needs to ruin anyones life by going to the cops and having some1 locked up..

another thing.. very good way to get people to stay away is to put ur house lamps on timers.. and wen ur not there have them go on from room to room like as if some1 was walking threw the house turning the lights on .. and off as they leave the area into a new area. especially if no1 lives with the grow.. then put a shitty old tv in there and fuckin have the TV and lights setup so it looks like people are home.. and 9 out of 10 times it will keep people from even considering.. u gotta think.. Home Invasion + Kidnapping .. or Home Invasion and Violent Attacks.. only get a larger charge.. or entering during the night time. is even a worse charge... I had this work in a rental home I was growing in and not living in.. worked good for almost 2 years.. before I had some setbacks and ended up not signin the lease..


Active member

Honestly the best thing you can do is Deter most people unless you are willing to fortify your house like a castle.

A big Dog will scare most 2-bit smash and dash robbers from even trying your place, so much easier to hit the house next door without the 90lb ball of teeth and fur wanting to rip their face off.

A determined thief who still targets your house and deals with your dog...well at that point your screwed cause you probably aren't home (knows routine)...and odds are you have been cropping.

I'm legal, so I have the alarm, dog, 870....To be used in that order, plus camera's, bars, etc. etc. etc...


I'm sorry, I love my pit, but if someone comes in my house, they will be facing a pitbull who will be holding them like a hog while I go get whatever I need. Dogs are there to sell their lives for you in return for all the food, love, and veterinary care you give them. This is OUR house goddammit, you better defend it with your life just as I will, or you have to get the fuck out and hit the streets. Maybe they can come live with you, but you can't live in this place and eat this $50 Taste of the Wild and fresh liver. No sir. Short work of a pitbull, presa canario or other large aggressive dog like a Rott in full attack mode? Not likely. Especially not more than one. And honestly, if that is the case, why can't criminals get away from police dogs, and why have dogs been used to attack for thousands of years? I highly doubt a man who trains protection and police dogs would invalidate his entire career by saying something like that. Men fight men? Then why do cops send dogs? Chances are its dark, you don't know the layout of my house and by the time you MAY shoot my dog, you'll be facing an extremely angry, heavily armed AND armored homeowner who has dealt with 2 burglars before anything illegal was happening at my house.

YOU must have a COMPREHENSIVE security plan or you risk DISASTER. On anything. An alarm by itself is almost useless, you need layers of security, multiple deterrents. After the burglars in the house with my pregnant wife, I went bananas. We had just moved in, were in the process of renovating and had no alarm, no bars, no cameras, the dog was upstairs asleep on the rug in our bedroom, 2 stories above the basement and in the front of the house. The only reason she heard the glass break in the window in the basement was she had paused Monday Night Football and the surround sound to pee. The only reason she was in the back den above the window that was broken is she was recording 2 shows up front in the living room. Otherwise....disaster. I was 2 blocks away watching football. Who knows what they were planning to do, it was obvious someone was at home and one of them was armed. My house is in the city, in a quiet, very affluent, residential neighborhood full of houses built pre-WW2. NOW.....I have wrought iron security bars on ground and basement level windows except the large picture ones which have glass break sensors and are covered by cameras. The same wrought iron security doors are on all exit doors with Schlage locks on them, and Schlage keypad locks on the actual doors. 4 channel 480 tvr 1tb dvr system with 150 feet of night vision and 4 ir cameras and remote internet viewing. Alarm, guns, vests, a large QUIET pitbull, and 2 signs that say "dog bites, owner shoots." 9 foot cedar privacy fence, with a smooth face for no climbing. I got all that BEFORE I started growing and not so I COULD grow. I could not imagine growing without it, and I'm only 1800w, 2 rooms AND I don't sell, I'm strictly learning.

Now, think on this......what if they had robbed me and I was growing before the alarms and bars? Random break in. They ironically broke the side window to what is now my grow room and came through there. Now, imagine my conundrum after the incident where I have to figure out what to do with this fully equipped 2 room growroom in the minute or so I had before the cops came, and I have emergency workers, crime scene techs, detectives and the whole shebang all up in my basement. Like 40 people. My wife called me, then the cops. I would be in prison right now no questions asked. Take your security as a joke if you want to with the no guns and batman taser/spray approach, but "I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6." Especially if a motive for the invasion is something illegal I can't call the cops over. You come in here NOW...ill just be stopping by the hydroponic store for one of those big ass 55 gallon drums. Think TACTICAL, not practical.

"Any person can make short work of a dog" This is true . Even your precious pit can have his "hog holding" mouth and jaws broken by the simplest push with two hands.All it takes is moving that assembly, that is supposed to move up and down, to opposite sides. A grab of a dogs leg and a strong sideways push can break the dog's arm irreparably. An elbow can come from the top ,, crushing his skull and scrambling his brain. A direct stab to the connection between skull and spine will end him. A stab to the eye into the brain will end him. If you are attacked by a dog, fight the dog and kill it.

Multiple dogs is another story. In a one on one battle between home invader, and your dog, if the home invader decides to fight the dog, accept the savagery of breaking it's bones, and leave behind the "nasty" feeling of using 100% of your strength (not 50 cause it's "gross") to start breaking your dog. It's over for him.


If it wasn't for that they would run into the woods to find the guy, try to subdue him, have their throat slit all over their little vest and found later. But since they wanna throw the book at you people won't do it anymore. They usually also use the dogs in conjunction with their efforts.