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Lets talk Security beef..


Active member
Yea its not that serious. I can grow more plants...

Unless you prove you were in imminent danger, they call it murder. Its a hard case to beat considering as mentioned they consider most of us criminals, even in med states.

Im talking security ie prevention and alert, not self defense and killing. Thats a whole other ball game there. I find some the most disturbing comments are in this area of IC.



I'd prefer a dog over an alarm. Reason being, while the robber may not want to jump in a back yard with a dog, no one will bat an eyelid at a dog barking. Whereas, an alarm and an open door ... if a neighbor saw they would probably call the cops. Fuck that, i'd rather lose my grow and gear to a robber than get busted.


I saw a youtube video.guy built a motion detection paint ball gun.basically it fires at motion and follows motion.load it up with pepper balls.you ever been shot with I high end paint ball gun,they hurt like hell.they sell kits.


Active member
Id rather deal with things myself than have the cops show up, but my activities are totally legal and I stay inside my numbers. So if they are called Im not worried at all. The closest neighbors are 2-300 yards away and have a birds eye view of the drive up to my place. They wont hesitate to confront anyone who arrives on my property while Im not home with a shotgun and a smile. Living in the country has its benefits :) Good people wide open spaces.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
loose lips sink ships.... under the radar is the best way to roll... make yourself appear like your broke and give nobody a reason to scope you out...

I lounge with a sock puppet sized dog... push the most common whip on the road... dress like a bum...and keep my mouth shut...

If you need to stay strapped up 24-7 fuck that... that's a bust ... just keep the homies that pull triggers on speed dial :)


A lot of keeping yourself safe from rippers and just regular burglars overlaps with counter-surveillance, and that can help in a lot of ways too. I like to be very aware of the things going on around my spot.


How are you all getting broken in to? Have you told people? have people seen you bring in supplies? I mean obv someone knows ur growing right? I have a little setup and im hoping no one will find out and come after me.

No kidding. Most burglaries are inside jobs, meaning someone else other than you knows where your grow is, how many plants, security, etc. Like the guy who drilled through a 12" concrete wall. Obviously he knew when/what/how/who/where and planned accordingly. That means your expensive security setup is worth little more than peace of mind.

Seems like knowing how to judge character is just as important as a security system.


Well-known member
OB, my buddy got a sneak attack, burgled while away. Someone chiseled through a 12" cinderblock wall and then a wooden wall of 3 inches of plywood. Then stole his security system on the way out...

sounds like the ones who robbed your buddy knew what they were going after.

maybe an armed guard.



I agree, the fellow who had his brick wall drilled through sounded like an inside job. Sometimes its just inevitable that people find out though. Like, on my last grow I got some clones off a friend I havn't known too long. He grew 2 ounces off his plant, whereas I grew two and a half pounds off my two plants. This is easily a situation where jealousy could kick in. So, I've fixed him up with a couple of ounces as thanks for the cuttings. I think if you take care of people, they will take care of you in return.


Active member
I agree, the fellow who had his brick wall drilled through sounded like an inside job. Sometimes its just inevitable that people find out though. Like, on my last grow I got some clones off a friend I havn't known too long. He grew 2 ounces off his plant, whereas I grew two and a half pounds off my two plants. This is easily a situation where jealousy could kick in. So, I've fixed him up with a couple of ounces as thanks for the cuttings. I think if you take care of people, they will take care of you in return.

Most o tha time that's true,,,,, But if he knows ya GOTZ 2.5 Bo's, and He IS tha jealous TYPE,,, well that Cocksucker wont be HAPY w HALF Your Shit.
You know the type:moon:

Peace; 1TT:off2: Sorry


Active member
If it was an inside job I would think they wouldnt have made a move in week 3 of flowering. Nothing to take but gear...The location is in a super busy area full of people all day and into the night. Maybe it was an inside job...


ICMag Donor
In the UK you can enter your postcode on a gov site and see the extent , type and pattern of reported crime locally.

As crime goes unreported for many reasons the numbers will be lower than reality.

Mainly oportunist breakins on weekday afternoons to unocuppied property round here , almost none at night which suprised me.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
loose lips sink ships.... under the radar is the best way to roll... make yourself appear like your broke and give nobody a reason to scope you out...

I lounge with a sock puppet sized dog... push the most common whip on the road... dress like a bum...and keep my mouth shut...

If you need to stay strapped up 24-7 fuck that... that's a bust ... just keep the homies that pull triggers on speed dial :)

^^Best advice on this thread!



New member
On page 2 I saw the post implementing a blow gun with palythoa toxin, I assumed this would be made by some how extracting the toxins from the soft corals under the same name or from zooanthids as well. Both are related and are cousins to the anemone. While it's true that certatain levels of said toxin can be harmful, I find it truly hard to believe that you could extract enough to make a viable deterrent. After importing corals and handling all that is available in the ornamental aquarium hobby, it seems to me to be an exercise in futility. As ak-51 stated, premeditation is no good. Just gets you rolled up tighter and deeper. Cameras and keeping the chops shut helps best. And yes dogs are great alarms. Just my 2 cents. Stay safe.


Active member
Dogs are alarms. When I took my dogs to be trained the instructor who trains attack/ drug dogs for law enforcement and personal protection, said this to me: Any person can make short work of a dog, he said your dog is simply there to tell you when something is going on. You dont send your dog after an armed intruder. Men fight men, grab your (insert weapon of choice) and handle the situation.~
He is right, therefore I dont see dogs as a weapon of defense. I would hate to lose my dog to an intruder or any reason for that matter. My dog doesnt bark unless someone is actually there. Dog/owner training is the only option for anyone who owns a large breed dog IMO. Why have a huge animal you cant control? Thats just ignorant. If you cant make your dog instantly stop doing ANYTHING (ie fighting, chasing a cat, eating something) you have a problem. My 2
Dogs are alarms. When I took my dogs to be trained the instructor who trains attack/ drug dogs for law enforcement and personal protection, said this to me: Any person can make short work of a dog, he said your dog is simply there to tell you when something is going on. You dont send your dog after an armed intruder. Men fight men, grab your (insert weapon of choice) and handle the situation.~
He is right, therefore I dont see dogs as a weapon of defense. I would hate to lose my dog to an intruder or any reason for that matter. My dog doesnt bark unless someone is actually there. Dog/owner training is the only option for anyone who owns a large breed dog IMO. Why have a huge animal you cant control? Thats just ignorant. If you cant make your dog instantly stop doing ANYTHING (ie fighting, chasing a cat, eating something) you have a problem. My 2

I'm sorry, I love my pit, but if someone comes in my house, they will be facing a pitbull who will be holding them like a hog while I go get whatever I need. Dogs are there to sell their lives for you in return for all the food, love, and veterinary care you give them. This is OUR house goddammit, you better defend it with your life just as I will, or you have to get the fuck out and hit the streets. Maybe they can come live with you, but you can't live in this place and eat this $50 Taste of the Wild and fresh liver. No sir. Short work of a pitbull, presa canario or other large aggressive dog like a Rott in full attack mode? Not likely. Especially not more than one. And honestly, if that is the case, why can't criminals get away from police dogs, and why have dogs been used to attack for thousands of years? I highly doubt a man who trains protection and police dogs would invalidate his entire career by saying something like that. Men fight men? Then why do cops send dogs? Chances are its dark, you don't know the layout of my house and by the time you MAY shoot my dog, you'll be facing an extremely angry, heavily armed AND armored homeowner who has dealt with 2 burglars before anything illegal was happening at my house.

YOU must have a COMPREHENSIVE security plan or you risk DISASTER. On anything. An alarm by itself is almost useless, you need layers of security, multiple deterrents. After the burglars in the house with my pregnant wife, I went bananas. We had just moved in, were in the process of renovating and had no alarm, no bars, no cameras, the dog was upstairs asleep on the rug in our bedroom, 2 stories above the basement and in the front of the house. The only reason she heard the glass break in the window in the basement was she had paused Monday Night Football and the surround sound to pee. The only reason she was in the back den above the window that was broken is she was recording 2 shows up front in the living room. Otherwise....disaster. I was 2 blocks away watching football. Who knows what they were planning to do, it was obvious someone was at home and one of them was armed. My house is in the city, in a quiet, very affluent, residential neighborhood full of houses built pre-WW2. NOW.....I have wrought iron security bars on ground and basement level windows except the large picture ones which have glass break sensors and are covered by cameras. The same wrought iron security doors are on all exit doors with Schlage locks on them, and Schlage keypad locks on the actual doors. 4 channel 480 tvr 1tb dvr system with 150 feet of night vision and 4 ir cameras and remote internet viewing. Alarm, guns, vests, a large QUIET pitbull, and 2 signs that say "dog bites, owner shoots." 9 foot cedar privacy fence, with a smooth face for no climbing. I got all that BEFORE I started growing and not so I COULD grow. I could not imagine growing without it, and I'm only 1800w, 2 rooms AND I don't sell, I'm strictly learning.

Now, think on this......what if they had robbed me and I was growing before the alarms and bars? Random break in. They ironically broke the side window to what is now my grow room and came through there. Now, imagine my conundrum after the incident where I have to figure out what to do with this fully equipped 2 room growroom in the minute or so I had before the cops came, and I have emergency workers, crime scene techs, detectives and the whole shebang all up in my basement. Like 40 people. My wife called me, then the cops. I would be in prison right now no questions asked. Take your security as a joke if you want to with the no guns and batman taser/spray approach, but "I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6." Especially if a motive for the invasion is something illegal I can't call the cops over. You come in here NOW...ill just be stopping by the hydroponic store for one of those big ass 55 gallon drums. Think TACTICAL, not practical.


Active member
Ok tactical practicality, one shot and each dog is done. One poison piece of bacon thrown in the yard goodbye, fido is out. Say fido locks onto an arm as they like to do, a nice quiet 14 inch blade to his throat and its choking on its own blood. Dogs are not something to rely on for defense. Personally dogs do not scare me no matter the size. Why do police use dogs? Simple. They possess qualities we dont have. Sniffing out, running fast, and they can hold someone until a they get there. Dogs are great but they are only a small obstacle for a determined thief.

"I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6."
How many rap songs is this line in?

LOL you are quite the character.

Personally Id rather be carried by 6 then spend my life in jail over some plants and a murder. Death isnt something to fear, whats to come after this place is far greater than the imagination will allow.

Im up on layered security just not into telling the internet my whole game. Guns x grows = lots of trouble, been there before, I know all too well. If you think you are a highly trained tactical sharp shooter who is going to take out anyone who steps on your property, good luck. Most home invasions or burglaries dont end that way. Thanks for sharing your opinions and security with us right down to the brand of locks you use. Stay safe.

Respectfully Prepared,


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