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Let's say I break into your house

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
If we all considered ourselves part of one planet and not fractionalize ourselves into members of 300 plus nations.......would we need passports?......would we need visa's?

And would we need police to separate UK and Argentinian soccer fans when their teams meet in the World Cup? :D

There's another aspect on the OP:s question; what if you sneak into the house, live there and nobody notices?


Japanese man finds woman living in his closet

A Japanese man puzzled by food mysteriously disappearing from his refrigerator got a shock when he found out a woman had been living in his home for months without permission, police have said.

The 57-year-old man living alone - or so he thought - in the western city of Fukuoka installed a security camera and called the police when he saw images of someone walking around his home while he was out.

"We searched the house in the man's presence. We found the woman in the closet," said a local police spokesman.

The woman, named as 58-year-old Tatsuko Horikawa, was found in a flat storage space only just big enough for a person to squeeze into lying down.

She had sneaked a mattress and several plastic bottles into the cubby hole, police said, adding that the women had been arrested.

"She told police that she had nowhere to live," the spokesman said.

"She seems to have lived there for about a year, but not all the time."

It is unclear how she managed to enter the home undetected. Police suspect she might have been closet-hopping, moving from house to house.



Immigrants lowering your standard of living?

Hardly. Goldman Sax et al are violently raping your standard of living.

A good many folks like bitching up the wrong tree.

(nice test GN)


Active member
If an illegal immigrant broke into my house I would have compassion. If a white person broke into my house, I'll assume there a crackhead and looking for shit to steal so they can pawn it off for more crack. Did I miss something?


cannabis enthusiast
i make my bed, i make my meals, but when i go to work id rather have a person that knows what im saying to get things done right! i would love to be in other countries and have a chance BUT if i did something wrong at work and couldnt speak the language i would be on the streets......only in america


Active member
nationalism is the beginning of separation. It makes us identify with those close around you. It gives an us and them mentality. Get ride of Nationalism and we become a single people.

I'd rather not become a single people, as I believe that quite a few people/regimes/ideologies on this planet are the enemy and we will be taking them out eventually.



You Americans came to "your" country couple hundred years ago. You killed all the natives. And now you got the nerve to whine about "Illegals" coming over border that you have set to land that wasn't yours in the first place. WTF!

+ We can take mexicans, if you take muslim refugees from the countries you have bombed to ground. Are you OK with that?
(we are now taking them to EU)

And it tells alot of you people (in USA) , when you answer the OPs question with what kind of guns you have in your house.
Sometimes I believe that there's some hope with some of you, but no, you guys are hopeless.


Active member
You killed all the natives.

Not true, there's still some around. They sell cheap cigarettes.


And now you got the nerve to whine about "Illegals" coming over border that you have set to land that wasn't yours in the first place. WTF!

That's how the world works.

+ We can take mexicans, if you take muslim refugees from the countries you have bombed to ground. Are you OK with that?
(we are now taking them to EU)

Nope, neither are acceptable or wanted.

And it tells alot of you people (in USA) , when you answer the OPs question with what kind of guns you have in your house.

In the US, you have a right to defend yourself, as opposed to many backwards, Euro-countries where criminals have more rights than the victims.

you guys are hopeless.

Funny, that's exactly what I think of Europe.


cannabis enthusiast
i love how here in us and canada you can go to dinner and usually get a nice smile, but overseas or differant countries they look give you a blank stare and say "what you want?"....i think were too nice


Active member
I rest my case.

You wouldn't even have any case to make if everybody shared your uber-naive way of thinking. Everything is not all rosy and not all people are nice with good intentions, and no, everybody will not just get along and sing songs by the campfire for all eternity.

Many more wars are a coming, that's reality for you son.



cannabis enthusiast
You Americans came to "your" country couple hundred years ago. You killed all the natives. And now you got the nerve to whine about "Illegals" coming over border that you have set to land that wasn't yours in the first place. WTF!

+ We can take mexicans, if you take muslim refugees from the countries you have bombed to ground. Are you OK with that?
(we are now taking them to EU)

And it tells alot of you people (in USA) , when you answer the OPs question with what kind of guns you have in your house.
Sometimes I believe that there's some hope with some of you, but no, you guys are hopeless.

was we alive when that happened........pull yer head outta yer ass mister :whistling: i know you would be welcome here but if we was to come to your country it would be a hard time


Active member
Well, ain't that great. I know that that equals freedom and democracy, so everything is gonna be fine. :huggg:

No, freedom and democracy is clearly not for everybody (certain primitive groups of people are incompatible with such foreign and advanced modern concepts), and I am not one of those people who supports spreading freedom and democracy to our enemies as they do not deserve it, bombs will suffice. They can forget about the freedom and democracy part, it is a bad strategy, they will have to fight for that themselves if they want it with their own blood.



cannabis enthusiast
its ironic, if our fathers and grandfathers from the us that lost their lives to save this place, and never came to your aide against hitler where would you be, maybe they should have stayed at home "because all we did was kill natives, take land, and all that good shit"


Hey.....put yourselves in the shoes (if they have shoes) of other less fortunate humans...

....and if you did would you look to move from the poverty of some dire hovel in some backwards country that you lived in and try to find a better life..... like perhaps your ancestors did at one time or another in the past?

So we have your blessing to redirect them to the UK? :D

We'll pay for the boat ride there and then you can be generous. Consider it an overflow valve.

In reality I'm not affected by illegal immigration. The state I live in simply is too far for most of them to travel without being detected.




i love icmag and its users when it comes to our favorite pastime, but fuck, i dont see how people here can be so ignorant.

thinking mexicans and other illegals are ruining our country, despite the fact that our government and its fat cat politicians (on both sides, this isnt a bipartisan issue, although the red states do love to fight wars and kill terrorists) continue to leach billions (of YOUR money kids) into lobbyist driven campaigns set about to keep rich people rich, and the poor squarely under their thumb.

its so easy to point a finger at someone else (or an entire people for that matter) as the source of our pains, when in fact, the legacy of imperialism, manifest destiny, and outright greed is what has made the US a cesspool of corruption, fear and hate.

the welfare state is a bi-product of 300+ years of slavery, fake freedom, and jim crow laws set up to keep people of color imprisoned in the very country THEY gave their lives (without consent) to build. illegals now make up a large majority of our blue collar workforce, servicing the very backbone of our nations economy-- and guess whos only so happy to pay them pennies on the dollar for such cheap labor? that rich guy at the top.

taking jobs from americans? these are jobs, you wouldnt wish on your worst enemy, and paying you almost nothing for it.

the bottom line is this; MONEY IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, and unfortunately, money talks in america.


ps. buckeye leaf, kaneh is spot on, man. go read about the treaty of hidalgo. thats america plain and simple. take what you want by force (because, uh, thats what god wants :see also manifest destiny) sign a treaty and then never honor it. our history books are a fucking joke, filled with lies that idealize our countries RICH history of fraud, murder and greed. this is the part of the story where you tell me to leave if i dont like it. peace, and i mean that.

Lord Doobie


I don't care about your thread topic but I always have to correct the above statement.
Money is a necessary means of exchange. Every culture has it.
And please don't write me...
I'm busy shooting a movie.