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Let's hear it for SNOW BONGS!



Okay, I am so stoneded that I couldn't even bother to orient the picture properly.


1.Take one vertical glass bong and fill with snow
2. Fill with favorite smoke and enjoy
3.Allow your lungs to taste pure lovely bud that's only been touched by glass and freshly fallen snow...

The air space throughout the snow crystals make for a cool flavorful smoke with no harshness and no coughing....mmmmm |-)

Post your snow bong pics if you got 'em!



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I think Frank Zappa said it first....... "Watch where the malamutes go, don't smoke through yellow snow"

Mt Toaker

You should try digging a hole the size of the main cylinder then take a stick and shove it on an angle down in the snow so it pokes a hole through the bottom of the hole, shove a bowl in the stick hole and viola snow bong.
you can actually do the same thing as mt toaker describes just using the ground, preferebly a nice grassy area to lie down in after the session. this littel diagram should (crudely) illutrate it. First you make one vetical hole (using screwdriver, paintbrush, whatever you have handy) and then you make a second tunnel at about 45 degrees, which meets with the first tunnel under the ground.the "v" being the bowl, and the slanted line being the cavity from where you smoke. one might use the top of a cut-off bottle as a mouthpiece("A" on the diagram). a substitute or makeshift bowl can be made my adding small stones(not flint) into the vertical cavity(illustrated by the vertical line), and then adding the ganja on top of the stones. I hope this makes sense. but nothing like smoking out of mother earth; I don't hope she finds it ddisrespectful ;)

bowl mouthpiece
__ v__A____
| /
| /
| /

edit: ascii art is not an easy thing with this forum. I hope the diagram make sense none the less.
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So essentially you just packed snow in your waterpipe and your hitting like a pipe correct?

That would be nice, except for even the coldest winters only get about 62f . It may not make good for snowbongs, but the ganja trees sure love the weather...


tenfeet, yep just packed my bong full of fresh snow and smoked through it...nice and cold

I wrap this old fecker up and take it with me snowboarding, it's the perfect shape to load it up and I do think that smoking the snow bong is as much fun as the snowboarding.

Haha, I love it... I believe the stoned mind is capable of so much...If they made this shite legal tomorrow our collective efforts could probably find a cure for AIDS or cancer within weeks.

To paraphrase Denis Leary 'Pot doesn't lead to other drugs, it leads to carpentry'
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
bongasaurus said:
i was hoping you made a bong out of snow. i still want to make an ice bong...

My brother kinda sorta did. A long copper tube. Went straight down and coiled back up. Bowl on one end, hollow bead on the other. Drop it in a tumbler of water and freeze. It was cool. :muahaha: cool? get it? :muahaha: Thank you. I'll be here through Thursday.
Smoking from copper is BIG NO-NO, friend. Copper easily gives up ions in the presence of heat. Those ions being trapped in the smoke, and therefore going into your lungs.

For the love of your health....don't smoke through copper.

The only thing people should be smoking through is glass....its inert(doesn't release ions).

As for the use of snow, you should also watch out, because while it looks clean...its not.

Just had to try to help reduce bad(more unhealthy) smoking technique(irony and a half. :wink:)

Carry on.....


Mr.Botanical said:
As for the use of snow, you should also watch out, because while it looks clean...its not.

Completely agree with your comment on copper--I am a glass bigot, and won't smoke out of metal or wood anything. I use all glass bongs and bubblers, and glass screens. I even use only glass one-hitters.

But, unless you're living in a major city...how bad could snow be to smoke through? Assuming that you only use freshly fallen snow and collect it in a clean plastic bin, as I do---how bad could it be?

I always thought this was one of my 'cleaner' behaviours....haha


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Mr.Botanical said:
Smoking from copper is BIG NO-NO, friend. Copper easily gives up ions in the presence of heat. Those ions being trapped in the smoke, and therefore going into your lungs.

For the love of your health....don't smoke through copper.

The only thing people should be smoking through is glass....its inert(doesn't release ions).

As for the use of snow, you should also watch out, because while it looks clean...its not.

Just had to try to help reduce bad(more unhealthy) smoking technique(irony and a half. :wink:)

Carry on.....

Aw crud, now you tell me. Oh, well, the pipe in question is long gone. Good warning to the class though. Even if at my expense.

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