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Lets have a discussion, keep it sober!!!!


OK, this is something I wanted to talk about for a long time.
I think we shall keep seed company’s and gear suppliers out of the discussion!!!!

When I were a kid (70´s 80´s), Pot were something, that people were giving away for free. I you were to bye it, the price would be something like 0,5-1 Euro (one gram).
Pot were more or less something people related to survivors of the hippie age. Quality of the herb have improved a lot since, but prices have come to something like 10 Euros... Hippie period is over and a new attitude towards the herb have emerged, to the worse I think. What way will we growers and smokers chose for the future? I’m I way off? What do you think? Whats your POV? Lets have a discussion, but lets leave the economic supporters of this site out of the discussion!
Keep it sober!!!!

Twoshot, the hippie.


Green Mujaheed
Quality of the herb have improved a lot since, but prices have come to something like 10 Euros...

not really, where I live we had lots of imports from Africa, Caribbeans, South America, but it's all gone replaced by indoor buds, which are usually immature, or have been sieved, or dusted with silica powder. Agh...

Hippie period is over and a new attitude towards the herb have emerged, to the worse I think.

Indeed, putting aside the medical use, it's more & more of a dope (or perceived as such), and lots of user have put aside the spiritual value of cannabis. I don't think I can find one single buddy around me who acknowledges cannabis spiritual value. FOr people I know it's a dope, and as long as it get them stone they don't care about what it is, where it is from, how it's produced.

What way will we growers and smokers chose for the future?

I'm afraid a large proportion of people just think about their very own future first, if not only, or even thought thinking wider, still forcing borders on their minds. Take the legalization movements. Is there any GLOBAL legalization movement ? Never heard of. People are still struggling for what's happening in their close environment, when the fight should be at global level. Too many people have their mind stuck on their closet or garden and don't see beyond their own beings. They think about what immediate & private benefit a legalization would bring them, when there is a mean to truly change the world would this plant get legal the right way ( Please note that I judge nobody, it's just what I see around me, no more).

The future will led us to legalization, I believe it, but it's up to us to decide if we only want to secure a right to grow & smoke for ourselves + make some big & easy bucks, or catch the train of History and change the world. Because this plant can change the world if properly used and this is something that has been too much forgotten.

to the worse I think.

Well, not completely actually. Among other things, Internet as made possible for many people around the world who are really passionate about the plant to get in touch together, exchange ideas, knowledge and genetics. Since the start of the decade, so-called "landraces" have gained new interest, with many people involved in their reproduction, spreading & conservation. All in all it brings in more knowledge about the plant, but also their environment, the condition of people growing & using it so this is a very good step ! Even though it's a minority, a great deal of work is done by these people.

Lots of reason to worry, but some very good reasons to keep faith !

Do you guys know what is communism ??? Because there's really nothing commie in Twoshot's post !

Irie !


Mriko, thanks!

I can tell that you took the time to think aboudt this issue. that I appreciate!

Honestly I dont know if people were spiritual about the smoke back then. Many said so, but it was trendy. ( I was a little kid in the early 70's so others have to speak here) But the herb can and should also be used spiritually. It gives us and amazing ability to look through things or at least look at things in a different way.

I can not say that I dont use Cannabis as a drug, I do too often, most days actually... As i see it, it was never ment to be used all the time. It fucks one up and it minimize its ability to give "clear view". Medical users/patients is another thing! Yes I guess the quality haven't changed that much, it have been optimized to grow well under artificial condition and Indicas have added physical power and ease of growing. I live up north and many old "hippies", were still trying to grow sativas from the south as late as the late 80´s, some still do... ;-) Thats why i think it have generally improved, here.

Really the time for an legalization, have never been more right. But also the worst time because a lot of not open minded people have very much influence, these days.

Maybe Iam wrong? But I don't think my country would ever fully legalize Cannabis if the US were not given the thumbs up...

The ability to communicate internationally through the net, like now. Opens op a whole new world, we have only seen the beginning. That is something very fantastic!


My soul don't belong to any ism!
But I like a good discussion, so you commufobics only wants to
Drug yourself, or you have more shots in the gun?? ;-)


Honestly I dont know if people were spiritual about the smoke back then. Many said so, but it was trendy. ( I was a little kid in the early 70's so others have to speak here) But the herb can and should also be used spiritually. It gives us and amazing ability to look through things or at least look at things in a different way.

I am sure you and I most likely have different view of being "spiritual" about the smoke. But I think if everyone who smokes pot took the time to grow at least one plant themselves, the would understand, appreciate and enjoy not only smoking, but the whole plant. Maybe then people would have a better attitude towards it.


"I am sure you and I most likely have different view of being "spiritual" about the smoke"

Ok, let me hear! what's your view of being spiritual?


"I am sure you and I most likely have different view of being "spiritual" about the smoke"

Ok, let me hear! what's your view of being spiritual?

It is kind of hard to describe spiritual... i will try to describe some of what i feel is part of it....
" I am a machine operator in a production line. Constant fast pase, only one 10min break and 30min lunch only, and no leaving the line inbetween.. I am sober during work..

but when i get home from work, i like to pack a deep bowl and smoke it slowly, sit on the portch and watch nature, and enjoy the peace. It is like meditating if you get the drift... Unwindeing... i dont have a specific religion, but i do think "god" has given us this plant to help us fight bad emotions and clear the mind...

This is a brief and partial spiritual Ideation of smoking cannabis. Now i have not personally grown my own, have seen a few people do it. Growing can too be spiritual in the idea of watching it from seed to harvest. Observing the changes the plant make... the care, time, enjoyment to make this pup grow with great quality for your self.

Keep on posting Pass when you finish PUFF PUFF PASS:joint:


"but i do think "god" has given us this plant to help us fight bad emotions and clear the mind..."

-I dont think that we look at spirituality that different!
We have to do it ourselves, but the plant can help, some people.

"Growing can too be spiritual in the idea of watching it from seed to harvest"

-The worst part is killing the plant, revegging gives better conscience:joint:


Lets leave the economic supporters of this site out of it?What does that mean.Hippy smippy I'm almost 50 and thats long ago lol.I love erb even more now since its made me a bundle you can believe that


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Define ''spiritual''

As an atheist..it means fuck all to me. Random jibberish..


Active member
All cannabis use is spiritual in it's own way, doesn't have anything to do with god or dog not the holy spirit he's talking about. If it lifts the spirits that matters, yours, then it is working it's spiritual magic. If it gives you a moment to reflect on things in a different way than might be otherwise then spiritual it is.
I've seen people who don't smoke but only grow and they love the plant, it's spiritual thing for them too. If it's the money that's lifting your spirits then that's still the plant working it's magic. I get a lot more than just weed to smoke from growing and hopefully so does everyone else.

Cookie monster

"Hippie period is over and a new attitude towards the herb have emerged, to the worse I think"

Sadly the attitude is that of the business man, dealers exploit the pot smoker who buys their product, unscrupulous growers who supply the dealers with poorly grown commercial weed thats harvested early, not flushed properly, often sold wet and never cured and over here often adulterated with crap to add weight.

It's all about money and that goes for seeds, , nutes , and equipment not just weed.

Us growers will be ok it's the poor folk who cant/dont grow that are constantly getting screwed when it comes to buying weed.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Personally IMHO the ''hippie period'' was pretty stupid. Emotion based non-sense that could never really work. What's with the attitude that Free = Good ? Nothing is free. Everything costs be it labour or risk (when it comes to cannabis). The attitude of the businessman is FAIR! The attitude of the Hippie is..you guessed it..communist!

A capitalist society is a place where everyone has a choice. Where everyone can vote constantly with their dollar and by that choose the future they want. People don't use that liberty very often. Because they lack self control or even knowledge of what money even is. Who is to blame ? If you can't follow these very simple and fair rules. You deserve nothing. And that's what you will get..

You choose what you consume and at what price you consume it. If you want free weed..by all means grow it and give it away free. That is your personal choice.


Hey 9Lives.
I do agree to some point, except we as people makes the rules. And they change all the time.. Look at history.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hey 9Lives.
I do agree to some point, except we as people makes the rules. And they change all the time.. Look at history.

Im not sure what you are talking about exactly. But yes ''we the people'' make the rules and ''we the people'' suffer the consequences. If we choose to be passive someone will make the rules for us. And that is also our own fault..You get what you put in..


I respect your point of view, as well as any who writes here!

Its just because you say: If you can't follow these very simple and fair rules.
Then I say the rules we make and they are not static. I haven't talked about Communism at all???

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