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leonardite...anyone using this?

Does anyone use raw leonardite and have working experience with it's application or know of any studies that show the benefits of using it in raw form?

true grit

Active member
Most everyone is correct in the fact it adds beneficial humic\fulvic acids. Both do a multitude of good things but they mostly help in nutrient uptake by expanding cell walls. There are a few good products to use on the market. I personally use General Hydroponic's Diamond Nectar.

Try out their oganics line, think it is callled Diamond Black in that line.

I've used powdered humid acids in super soil and they are derived from lignite and leonardite....never seems to cause and issue, but when feeding in normal soil, I always add humics...

Kush Farmer

Try out their oganics line, think it is callled Diamond Black in that line.
The diamond black is slightly different (same purpose) and far stronger. Plus the Nectar is almost as organic as you can get. The catylist in it is the only thing that keeps it from being OMRI listed. The only difference is the Black is derrived from bog peat and the Nectar from ligninte. Both excellent sources of humic/fulvic acids.