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Legalize Marijuana Will Be on CA Ballot


Listen Chronjon over there on the east coast. I know you are living vicariously through all of us in cali with this whole legalization initiative and all, but you aren't here.

If the legislature is allowed to expand on this initiative that's all well and good, but it's not gonna happen... They would only create legislature that would limit it if they can't do that they will just leave it alone. You don't know what the political climate is like here in Cali if you don't believe that.

The other way to expand it is through a voter initiative prop which will require signatures to get on the ballot. You really think the public will vote to expand the limits? Yeah in liberal areas they were able to get lots of signatures for a marijuana legalization prop, but if it's legalized people aren't gonna want to vote for a bill thats touted as raising limits blah blah blah they will say it's already legal why do you need more?

So if this initiative goes through thats gonna be it for a long time.
ok you dont know jack you dont think people are gonna vote to raise limits if its found necessery signitures were collected from every contie besides one to get it on the ballot in the first place so thats smoke out your ass
it seems you dont know the political climate in cali
the gov is not just gonna give us flat out what we want they are gonna comprimise cuz they dont wana get screwed for doing us a favor and there not gonna give us somthing we dont ask for and if its legal why wouldnt any one wanna vote for lesser restrictions thats stupid your going on the idea that every one smoking weed legaly is paranoid and dont want people seing them as smokers i dont think so if its legal only idiots like you will be paranoid about smoking and being seen as a smoker cuz you only smoke to be cool cuz its ilegal and if it becomes legal you will lose all your friends cuz your still all paranoid
why the hell would you rather be in jail for any amount of weed when you could have the ability to not got to jail un less you go over an ounce with you but you can stock up as much dry product at you resadence and all the nay sayers are using false info to say this bill is bad
the only thing you get introuble for is caring more than an oz on you or growing in bigger than 25sqft which is alot of bud by the way indoor or out
how is there somthing bad about that huh now that you all know the facts what will you complain about now
the fact you have to buy your own pipe or light your own bowl what next


Active member
its stupid statments like that that are giving this bill a bad name aparently you did not read the ledgistlation
your grow area con be 25sqft no height restrictions no restrictions on indoor or out door you could do a 3x3' bud room and a 2x2 veg room you can do prepetual
and you can only bring an oz were ever you go but at your house your aloud as much as you want it specificaly said no restrictions on possion on your property
the reason they did that is so you cant go slang pounds and shit there trying to make it to were we can smoke frely they just put restrictions on garden size cuz if they just legalized it every dumb mother fucker would grow huge plants in there yard and every were they want for that matter and kids would be able to find weed werever they look and everyones yard would be covered in plants
were i live you have restrictions on how much of my yard can be a garden so its the same thing
just some people are fucking dumb and there gonna complain about paying taxes well if you grow your own like i assume you do already since your on this site you wouldnt have to pay taxes cuz your not buying and with it illegal if you get a ticket for your home grown that cops gonna tax you but if its legal you would be tax freecuz you grew it
no one has anything to complain about mj legistlation its just ignorance there giving you what you asked for why would you turn down legistlation youd rather it be not aloud thats stupid unless you dont like smoking pot
whats it gonna hurt
that its not hurting already
fuck you nay sayers you all should be banned

I still think its a joke, the growing limits they put in. But I suppose its better then nothing, especially since current medicinal laws stay in effect. (no limits)

I was ignorant to the preservation of medicinal laws, and to the part about the 1oz pertaining to outside your house.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but during my review of the bill, I took wording to say that we cannot smoke in public places, or where minors are. So we cannot smoke past our property line? (assume no minors are present on our property).


ypu can smoke mj in all places you can smoke cigs or medical mj but think about how much weed you cand grow in 25sqft and if you did outdoor you could do a tree 5'x5' across and 10' tall i think that would be plenty for each house hold


Active member
ypu can smoke mj in all places you can smoke cigs or medical mj but think about how much weed you cand grow in 25sqft and if you did outdoor you could do a tree 5'x5' across and 10' tall i think that would be plenty for each house hold
Check this out.

(c) “Personal consumption” shall not include, and nothing in this Act shall permit cannabis:

(ii) consumption in public or in a public place;

So once you leave your property line, you are in a public place.

Yeah there are lot of options with the 25sqft. Not enough for me, but I'm medical so I guess I'm still protected..

But it does say you cannot smoke in public places. And you cant smoke medicinal weed outside, at least I'm very very sure you can't but I could be wrong.

Also what does this mean, Harvested plants count as your 25sqft?

(d) Definitions
For purposes of this Act:

(b) living and harvested cannabis plants shall be assessed by square footage, not by weight in determining the amounts set forth in section 11300(a);

Anyways, looks like I will probably vote for it now. Mainly because of the preservation of medicinal laws, but these other things are still sending up red flags. But I guess its better then nothing at this point.


you can not smoke anything in a public place sigs or weed or mencial
do you complain about were you can smoke your medical no your just picking at somthing and theres nothing wrong it
what cuz there legalizeing it you wanna smoke in stores all the sudden thats stupid why not smoke cuz right now its not legal but your complaning about them giving you more fredom thats stupid you will not benifit from it being illegal but you would if it was legal why do you have medical you cant smoke on public property but thats diff right no its not weed is weed is weed
and ive yet to see anybody have a actual reason as to why they dont want it they all are saying no based on false ideals


Active member
you can not smoke anything in a public place sigs or weed or mencial
do you complain about were you can smoke your medical no your just picking at somthing and theres nothing wrong it
what cuz there legalizeing it you wanna smoke in stores all the sudden thats stupid why not smoke cuz right now its not legal but your complaning about them giving you more fredom thats stupid you will not benifit from it being illegal but you would if it was legal why do you have medical you cant smoke on public property but thats diff right no its not weed is weed is weed
and ive yet to see anybody have a actual reason as to why they dont want it they all are saying no based on false ideals

Ok I could hardly understand that post.

and uh yeah, I will pick this thing to death before I vote on it. Everyone should do that.

Yeah, I'm pissed that our chance at legalization does not allow smoking in public places.

Where do you live that you cannot smoke cigarettes on the sidewalk?

Why can those cancer causing sticks be allowed on the street but cannabis cant? YA that pisses me off! Like I said, that isn't stopping me from voting.

ypu can smoke mj in all places you can smoke cigs or medical mj but think about how much weed you cand grow in 25sqft and if you did outdoor you could do a tree 5'x5' across and 10' tall i think that would be plenty for each house hold

Hm, aparently you haven't read the legislation in its ENTIRETY. I have. You should read it before voting. Please dont vote on anything without reading it.

The reason I was so worried before was because I saw no mention of preservation of medicinal laws, so this bill would make ME a criminal and you expect me to sign that? After I found it, I pretty much changed my mind, due to that fact.

18-20 year olds subjected to jail for possession/use? They would get a $100 dollar fine IF THAT these days. Its things like that, that still make me hesitate. But I will still probably vote for it.

Just dont act like this is the best thing, because that is very naive.


i would like to point out im not trying to argue with you personly but we have diff opions and its nice to get both perspectives
so to clear up your cool for iscussing this with me and im not trying to insult you but rather im using you as a naysayer so with that said i dont want any body hating
you can toke mj werver you can smoke a sig is what i was saying so you can smoke a j down the side walk
and this bill has nothing to do with med med users are alloud to posses more than just citicens and thats not gonna change specialy if the bill passes
what are they gonna make med ilegal but non med legal i think not


Active member
i would like to point out im not trying to argue with you personly but we have diff opions and its nice to get both perspectives
so to clear up your cool for iscussing this with me and im not trying to insult you but rather im using you as a naysayer so with that said i dont want any body hating
you can toke mj werver you can smoke a sig is what i was saying so you can smoke a j down the side walk
and this bill has nothing to do with med med users are alloud to posses more than just citicens and thats not gonna change specialy if the bill passes
what are they gonna make med ilegal but non med legal i think not

I understand, and agree with the bold...

I'm still just confused where you got your info saying you can smoke cannabis anywhere you can smoke a cig.
I could go outside and drive a car, and smoke a cig or walk down the sidewalk and smoke a cig. With this new bill, it says you cant go anywhere public with mj. Am I reading it wrong? A sidewalk is a public place.

I want to smoke a j on the street, that is like, my dream (not really, but almost lol) so I want to make sure I understand this.


Active member
if its legal only idiots like you will be paranoid about smoking and being seen as a smoker cuz you only smoke to be cool cuz its ilegal and if it becomes legal you will lose all your friends cuz your still all paranoid

I don't have many friends anyhow haha the ones I do have don't really smoke but they know I do I doubt any of that is gonna change haha. Really though if I was paranoid I wouldn't be doing half the shit I'm doing. I'm a little too old to be smoking for coolness haha... I'll leave that to you asshat....

Anyhow I think legalization is inevitable in the long run... So I'm gonna wait for a bill/initiative that I like and makes sense to me before supporting it. I'm not so desperate for weed to be legal that I'm gonna vote for the first thing to come along.

I don't see the general public voting to expand limits from 5x5 that seems like a lot of garden to your average voter.

It's not about what the government is willing to give us or compromise on... The people vote on an initiative so put up a good one so we can vote it in. The government can't amend initiatives anyhow so why not just vote for what we really want. Instead of being used like pawns by the gang of four in Oakland.

Weed legal uuummm yes.. It's a little more complicated than that though but from reading your posts I'm pretty sure I'm talking to a youngster who can barely express himself intelligibly through his posts so why bother :wave:


Listen Chronjon over there on the east coast. I know you are living vicariously through all of us in cali with this whole legalization initiative and all, but you aren't here.

If the legislature is allowed to expand on this initiative that's all well and good, but it's not gonna happen... They would only create legislature that would limit it if they can't do that they will just leave it alone. You don't know what the political climate is like here in Cali if you don't believe that.

The other way to expand it is through a voter initiative prop which will require signatures to get on the ballot. You really think the public will vote to expand the limits? Yeah in liberal areas they were able to get lots of signatures for a marijuana legalization prop, but if it's legalized people aren't gonna want to vote for a bill thats touted as raising limits blah blah blah they will say it's already legal why do you need more?

So if this initiative goes through thats gonna be it for a long time.

First off, I'm not living "vicariously" thru anybody, you don't know me so don't pretend you do. Do you believe everything you read on the internet?

It's not just the legislature that can change the limits. "local governments" can too. And if you can't get your local government to accomplish something... then you should fucking move or run for office yourself.

And tell me, right now, how much can you grow without being arrested if you're caught? How much can you possess without consequence? I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer.

If youre actually a "med user" don't bother answering cuz this initiative won't affect you anyways, in which case it makes no sense why you're even here spewing bullshit. I'm thinking about all the people who aren't med-users. If anything, med users should support this initiative because it will solve a lot of the problems Cali is having with their medical system. Dispensaries will stop getting hassled, med price will drop, and LEO will finally stop hassling patients. IDK where you see the bad in this :dunno: