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Legalization Debate Takes Off in Latin America


weed fiend
Legalization Debate Takes Off in Latin America

Ethan Nadelmann
Executive Director, Drug Policy Alliance
Posted: 03/10/2012 6:53 pm

Something incredible is happening right now in Latin America.

After decades of being brutalized by the U.S. government's failed prohibitionist drug policies, Latin American leaders, including not just distinguished former presidents but also current presidents, are saying "enough is enough." They're demanding that the range of policy options be expanded to include alternatives that help reduce the crime, violence and corruption in their own countries -- and insisting that decriminalization and legal regulation of currently illicit drug markets be considered.

Guatemala's new president, Otto Perez Molina, is providing important leadership. As a political conservative and former general, he has credibility that others lack. When he started speaking out publicly last month about the need to consider new drug policy options including legalization, many observers thought it was just a ploy to secure greater economic and military aid from the United States. But he's demonstrated a commitment and engagement over the past month that have persuaded fellow presidents that he's serious about this. Within Guatemala, his initiative has been praised by diverse voices including prominent business leaders, Archbishop Oscar Julio Vian and the head of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), Francisco Dall'Anese.

President Perez Molina sent his vice president, Roxana Baldetti, on a tour of neighboring countries two weeks ago to seek the support of other Central American presidents for opening up a new discussion on drug policy alternatives for the region. Most said they were willing to join the discussion. (It probably helped that U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was also touring the region that week, and alienating regional leaders with unsubstantiated claims that the drug war was working.) Now the presidents have agreed to come to Guatemala on March 24 for a wide-ranging debate on the subject.

Meanwhile, Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos, who had been eager to open the debate but reportedly frustrated by the failure of other regional leaders to join him, appears to have been galvanized by the Guatemalan president's initiative. He met yesterday with former presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Brazil), Ricardo Lagos (Chile) and Felipe González (Spain) to talk about the best way to raise this issue at the Summit of the Americas meeting in Cartagena in April. He also said that he would attend the presidents' meeting in Guatemala on March 24.

Mexican President Calderon also seems increasingly willing to engage. Having waged a multi-year battle with criminal organizations whose principal source of revenue is the illicit drug traffic to the United States, no one has greater moral authority to call for alternatives to failed prohibitionist policies. And no one knows better that one cannot win a war against what is essentially a dynamic global commodities market, especially when one's country abuts the largest consumer market in the world. He put his toes in the water last year when he started saying that the United States should consider "market alternatives" if it were unable to reduce its demand for illegal drugs. And he followed up by joining with regional leaders in late 2011 in the "Tuxtla Declaration," which stated that if the demand for illegal drugs could not be reduced, "authorities in the consuming countries ought then to explore possible alternatives to eliminate the exorbitant profits of the criminals, including regulatory or market oriented options to this end. Thus, the transit of substances that continue provoking high levels of crime and violence in Latin American and Caribbean nations will be avoided."

Calls for drug policy reform are proliferating rapidly in Mexico. Calderon's predecessor, Vicente Fox, pulls no punches in saying that legalization is the best approach. Fox's predecessor, Ernesto Zedillo, joined with former Brazilian president Cardoso and former Colombian president Cesar Gaviria in organizing first a Latin American and then a Global Commission on Drug Policy, both of which called for major reform of drug policies, including legal regulation of marijuana, and also for "breaking the taboo" on considering all drug policy options, including legal regulation.
Now business leaders in Monterrey and Mexico City, wary of the growing power of criminal organizations, are joining the debate with sophistication, resources and support for legalization in one form or another. And, from the left, Javier Sicilia, the influential poet turned social justice movement leader, is saying much the same.

It's thus no surprise that Mexican foreign secretary Patricia Espinosa announced at a meeting of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly in late February that her government now supported a debate on legalization. And just a little less surprising that yesterday President Calderon said that he too would attend the presidents' gathering in Guatemala on March 24.

All this presents a dilemma for the U.S. government. When Vice President Biden visited the region last week, he made clear that the Obama administration firmly opposes legalization -- but also acknowledged, as President Obama had in early 2011, that the topic was a legitimate subject for discussion. That modest concession was important, not least in sending a clear message to other federal officials, including the drug czar, senior diplomats and Pentagon officials, that outright rejection of any discussion was no longer required. It manifested yesterday when the State Department's (Acting) Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Mike Hammer, stated that "We are, of course, willing to discuss the issue to express our opinion as far as why we do not see it as the best way in which to address the problem." "It is, he continued, "a serious subject and we are not in any way opposed to discussing it. Our position, though, is very clear." Latin American media quickly picked up on the slight change of tone from Washington.

This all represents a dramatic turn of events in the regional, and potentially, global debate about drug policy. In Latin America, current presidents are now taking the baton from ex-presidents in calling for a new drug policy debate with all options on the table. Respected intellectuals like Carlos Fuentes and Enrique Krauze in Mexico, Sergio Ramirez in Nicaragua and Mario Vargas Llosa in Peru are speaking out. So are distinguished former cabinet ministers as well as leaders in business, media and the arts.

The immediate political challenge will be to sustain this momentum in the face of vigorous behind-the-scenes efforts by the U.S. government to suppress the debate, notwithstanding public statements that they're open to it. The more substantive challenge will be to flesh out proposals for alternative strategies. Presidents Santos, Otto Perez Molina and others know full well that no nation can unilaterally legalize drugs, that any significant changes in direction must be pursued multilaterally, and that major reform of the failed global drug prohibition regime of the 20th century will take years and likely decades. Governments as well as non-governmental organizations in the region are just beginning to look seriously at alternative drug policy options, enlisting scholars and other policy experts.

Fortunately the drug war consensus within the United States is also dissolving. George Shultz, the former Secretary of State (and Treasury) and Paul Volcker are among the members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, whose bold recommendations last June stirred debate worldwide. Former President Jimmy Carter has endorsed the Global Commission's recommendations and former President Bill Clinton has repeatedly expressed regrets for the drug war excesses he condoned when he was in the White House. African-American leaders who previously supported the drug war are coming to the conclusion that it did nothing to lessen drug addiction on their communities but much to incarcerate an extraordinary number of young men and women.

Public support for legalizing marijuana is rising rapidly -- from 36 percent in favor in 2006 to 50 percent in 2011, according to Gallup's polling. And this past week, the conservative Evangelical Christian leader, Pat Robertson, surprised lots of people by saying marijuana should be legally regulated like alcohol, and by endorsing ballot initiatives in Colorado and Washington State that would do just that if they prevail this November.

The biggest obstacle right now is the head-in-the-sand resistance within the Obama administration and Congress to any real discussion of alternative drug policy options. Censorship and self-censorship in this area within the federal government is endemic, driven by fears that any internal policy memos, or even oral discussions, that conclude with politically inconvenient recommendations, are not just unwelcome but dangerous to one's standing and career. One result is that U.S. government officials will be increasingly handicapped in the international drug policy discussions at Cartagena and elsewhere, armed only with defenses of failed U.S. policies but bereft of any in-depth analysis of the options that other governments are putting on the table.

The worst prohibition, it must be said, is a prohibition on thinking -- and that, sadly, is what the U.S. government is guilty of today.



Active member
Our corrupt government will fight this to the end. There are too many people and organizations making money from the drug trade in the US. On one hand they fight it, on the other they profit from it. Aside from that, imagine the prison and employee lobbies that don't wish to find another business to be in.
Thank you DiscoBiscuit. I heard someone say that reversing the drug war is like trying to reverse an aircraft carrier because of the inertia the U.S. has fighting "what is essentially a dynamic global commodities market". Support these guys in Latin America. This is a subject that requires speaking clearly and concisely in the face of the big boat that is the U.S., kind of like standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square. That is the feeling many people often get I am sure once they speak their minds on legalization :(


it's either you legalize or more and more people are gonna die


Kiss My Ring
peeling the onion is never nice work, gotta give these folks credit for standing up to the Bully US.
many times though the Bully get his way...think our 'Bully' isn't above paying for compliance?
those visits by SoS and VP were the Bully doing his work.


Active member
Especially considering the current state of the huge political boondoggle and the monetary profit motive that drives everything now in the US, I am now convinced that the laws associated with cannabis in the US will only change from pressures outside our country, and not come from any of the puppet governments that only seek to appease the US either, but by totally independent nations, places like France or maybe even Germany. Then when the people see how stupid and unjust all this is, the US government will be forced to change it's stance. But without that happening, we will see the same broken promises,and the powers that be (money,big Pharma) will just continue their happy bullshit, and rake in their dough. :tumbleweed:


weed fiend
According to history, it's not a "bully" telling everybody what to do. It's the world wanting to trade with each other.

Anybody familiar with WTO negotiations in the 1970s? In order to become a member of the WTO, you had to agree with the 'world' mandate against the illicit drug trade.

Another stipulation to WTO membership? Finance was no longer considered a service to the real economy. WTO proponents wanted to convert finance into a product that could be sold globally. In order to gain WTO membership, Glass Stegall had to be repealed.

That's like lowering your shield because the guy with the sword says he wont impale you. America lowered it's shield... doesn't sound like a bully to me. Sounds like somebody backed over a barrel in attempts to win enough global trade to manage domestic finances.


Game Bred
sadly the UN will be the real stumbling block to any member country ever legalizing.....

the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances prevents sovereign nations from making their own decisions regarding drugs.


Andinismo Hierbatero
true Disco, in other words: it takes two to tango.

and btw, anyone that believes that in latin america they will end drug prohibition, well, you have been drinking too much of that adulterated kool-aid.

if anything, latin america will be next to last to end prohibition if and when it starts to happen.

eat less propaganda, use more your brains.

signed by a latin american.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well all I can say is they're picking the wrong time if they're looking for support from Obama. There is no way in hell that during an election year and with the Country so divided, that Obama will ever get on board with something like this. Plus being that it is an election year and the country is so divided there is the very real chance Obama won't be in office next year. It wouldn't serve Latin America's cause to have a President get onboard only to be replaced a few months later by someone who's religious views would never allow him to get onboard with legalization. Although realistically Romney's chances of winning are pretty slim.

It really would have been much smarter to wait and hope Obama gets re-elected. A re-elected Obama in his second term might very well entertain a radical change to drug prohibition because he will have much less to lose at that point.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
are you kidding?

obama is an avid drug warrior. his reelection would be a death blow.

That's an unsubstantiated claim. If he was an avid drug warrior he never would have backed off on dispensaries during the beginning of his first term. Rather then saying the states should handle it he would have said that the Federal Government needs to ramp up enforcement. Obama'a anti marijuana positions which have mostly been him not taking any definative positions smacks more of someone not wanting to ruin his chances at a second term then they seem to be because he's an avid drug warrior.

Besides being that this is something being intitiated in other countries by their political leaders the results of Obama's re-election would never be a death blow. Especially when everyone involved knows that realistically there will be no substantive change for decades.

Additionally if in fact you were correct and the re-election of Obama would be a death blow to this push for legalization it would still be a more tolerant position then Romney would ever take. See in Romney's religion he believes God has specifically spoken to the prophet of the church and instructed that doing drugs should be forbidden and that all who do them will burn in hell.


Rubbing my glands together
There are to many leo and support services(treatment programs, courts, judges, etc)depending on the drug war for a paycheck for any president to back off and support legalization. If you think a president, re-elected or otherwise would you need to put down the dream pipe and wake up. Ain't gonna happen.
All through South America citizens and officials are being killed by those involved in the drug trade forcing them to consider legalization. Here in the US it hasn't gotten to that point yet so our elected officials and leo could care less. protection that paycheck and their taxpayer supported benefits are more important!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There are to many leo and support services(treatment programs, courts, judges, etc)depending on the drug war for a paycheck for any president to back off and support legalization. If you think a president, re-elected or otherwise would you need to put down the dream pipe and wake up. Ain't gonna happen.
All through South America citizens and officials are being killed by those involved in the drug trade forcing them to consider legalization. Here in the US it hasn't gotten to that point yet so our elected officials and leo could care less. protection that paycheck and their taxpayer supported benefits are more important!

It's coming though, there have been plenty of cases of violence from drug cartels erupting on the US side of the border and I'm sure there have been some LEO's killed in that violence.

Nor am I saying the the re-election of Obama would guarentee his going along with this. I'm just saying that there is no way in hell any first term President is going to jeapordize his chances of re-election by pissing off the religious right by going soft on drugs.

Also while treatment programs may depend on current drug policy courts and judges do not. There is plenty of non drug related crime in the country to keep the courts and judges and leo plenty busy. To think their jobs depend on drugs being illegal is totally riddiculous.


Rubbing my glands together
Without all the drug cases there would be a reduced need for judges. here where I live there were just 600 separate cases of children in school charged with marijuana possession. They have all got to go through the system some where.
If drugs were legalized look at the number of cases a judge wouldn't have to sit in on. Less cases less judges.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Without all the drug cases there would be a reduced need for judges. here where I live there were just 600 separate cases of children in school charged with marijuana possession. They have all got to go through the system some where.
If drugs were legalized look at the number of cases a judge wouldn't have to sit in on. Less cases less judges.

Well where I am the court systems are overloaded such that all legaliziation would do is free up the courts enough to more efficiently deal with things like rape, murder, arson, theft, assault, etc. No judges would not need to be fired they just might not get as much overtime. Since most judges are paid by salary though I don't think they'd mind the loss of overtime.

Nor would the jails and the industry they represent suffer. As it is due to overcrowding (largely related to imprisoning drug offenders) other criminals are getting released early to free up space. So no layoffs there either and we'd have the benefit of seeing legitimate criminals do all thier time.

Besides, legalization of drugs does not mean it will be okay for anyone who feels like it to start selling drugs on the street corner without fear of being arrested. Those people would be treated much like moonshiners are. Nor would it be likely to be okay for children to use drugs just as it isn't okay for them to use alcohol so those 600 cases of possession you mentioned would likely still go thru the courts and still require judges.


stoned agin ...
just read about prohibition. it says it all. and look at the approach to alcohol that we take today. that's how it would be, only not anwhere near as bad.


Lammen Gorthaur
Legalization will not happen until we stop antagonizing the Republican Party and take responsibility for our own disasters - like the decriminalization vote debacle in California in 2012. Only once we have come together and learned to take responsibility can we then entreat others to consider our proposals for legalization.

You heard it here, first.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Wow I'm so glad they are standing up against this oppression ... I can't remember who said it but it was once said that "injustice for one is injustice for all ".. It's about time all this was stopped and only they can stop it. No one should have died for this. It was never worth it ,,, Anything is better then what they have done so far ..Stop this WAR!! stay safe headband 707