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Legalization conference in LA


We're working on a Next Steps to Legalization conference in Los Angeles like the one CANORML put on in Berkeley a few weeks ago and are trying to get an idea of the interest to determine the size of the venue. The leaders from across the country will be there to talk about what went go/bad last time, what are the issues we need to deal with, what is possible, and what we can all do. Raise your hands if you want to attend!


Active member
The amount of attendance depends on the speakers you have. CANORML's Berkeley conference was a success (sold out) because it was put on by NORML. What would be the official sponsor group of this conference? And who would be attending to speak?


It's the same people as the CANORML PLUS, DPA, MPP, NCIA, ASA, and possibly SSDP. The speakers will have some overlap plus we'll bring more Southern California voices into it. The original Yes on 19 people are heavily involved as well and want to hear our voices.


Get two birds stoned at once
The tide is in our favor and with the narrow defeat last time I believe this time it will succeed. Hopefully all the people in favor of it who stayed home will reconsider this time around.


I have 2 venues to choose from. One is really cool but seats 1000. The other is ok and seats 299. The bigger one is available on Saturday and the smaller one only on Sunday. The guys from the orgs think we should do the smaller one. LA? What do YOU think?


the Berkeley conference had no time to promote either and it sold out a week and a half before the event with no advertising. We've got pretty good email lists!


Here's the first release:

Save the Date!

MARIJUANA REFORM: A Continuing Conversation
Next Steps Southern California
A statewide conference to discuss the future of marijuana reform efforts in California.

Saturday, March 19, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Ricardo Montalban Theatre
1615 Vine St, Hollywood

Sponsored by CaNORML, Drug Policy Alliance and Marijuana Policy Project, this conference builds on the success of a similar gathering in Berkeley in January and will feature a public discussion with drug policy reform leaders, medical marijuana advocates, legislators, attorneys, physicians and marijuana reform activists from across the state. All welcome!

Registration, ticketing and parking information will be available by March 1. (A modest registration fee will be charged.)

Event sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact: Susan Soares, Vibenation MultiMedia LLC [email protected]; or Dale Gieringer, CaNORML [email protected].


Tickets are on sale now. Only $20 for the conference.
We're looking for volunteers to help staff the event. Let me know if you want to help. Also, if you can print up flyers and pass them out, let me know and I'll email you the file.


Marijuana Reform: Next Steps for California

Marijuana Reform: Next Steps for California

Please download this image, print it up, and distribute it everywhere you can! Be a part of the solution!!


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Here's another poster that 420 Times generously put in their mag and is letting us pass out. We're going to have gourmet lunch trucks outside the theatre. You're going to be able to eat inside the conference.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dale Gieringer: (415) 563-5858
March 11, 2011 or Stephen Gutwillig (323) 542-2606

Conference on Future of Marijuana Reform in California Will Draw Broad Coalition to End Failed Prohibition Policies

Saturday, March 19th at Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood

"Next Steps for Marijuana Reform in California," a day-long gathering of marijuana reform advocates, will take place March 19th at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood. In the wake of Proposition 19’s remarkably strong showing at the polls last year, this conference will address ongoing efforts to end failed marijuana prohibition in California, steps to reform the state’s medical marijuana laws, and priorities for marijuana reform in the coming years.

The conference is presented by California NORML, Drug Policy Alliance, Marijuana Policy Project, Americans for Safe Access, and VibeNation MultiMedia. Confirmed participants include leaders of the Proposition 19 campaign and other ballot initiative proponents, Latino Voters League, California NAACP, United Food and Commercial Workers, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, and California Church Impact as well as political consultants, attorneys, medical marijuana advocates, and public officials.

The event is open to the public, and the audience will have the opportunity to comment and weigh in on competing proposals. A party and reception, featuring live music, other entertainment and refreshments, will be held at the Montalban Theatre immediately following the conference until 10 pm.

The conference follows up the sold out "Next Steps" conference in Berkeley in January (http://www.canorml.org/nextsched.html).

What: "Next Steps for Marijuana Reform in California"

When: Saturday, March 19th, 9 am to 6 pm

Where: Ricardo Montalban Theatre, 1615 Vine St., Hollywood

Conference Schedule: www.canorml.org/LAConfSched_Online.html

Tickets: www.drugpolicy.org/nextsteps or http://bit.ly/enYQJX

Admission: $20 for the conference; $20 for the reception. A $30 discounted ticket for both events is available online in advance only.

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