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I have an acquaintance who is wanting me to help them setup a large indoor garden under medical laws. His county has opted out of rec laws or he would file for a microbusiness license. His ultimate goal is to sub-divide his property and have a second grow for a veg room deeded to his wife on the second parcel.

My question is to the lurking attorneys on here...

Given the grey area surrounding cg'ing and sales, I don't want anything to do with that end of things. If I were to setup an LLC as a consulting firm, draw up the proper contracts stating my limited involvement in his personal hobby would that protect me should he ever do anything illegal or should I just avoid the situation altogether? With the ways the law is written, it seems like allowing a consultant into the garden would be a violation. Is this the case?

Just want to make the right choice. Thanks!
I've seen a couple "known" pot lawyers on here from time to time though, that's why I asked...

Usually I'd totally agree with you! lol... So much misinformation.


Active member
The general rule in those "iffy" situations is that they arrest everyone and let the lawyers figure it out.


Active member
I would be concerned about getting roped in should they ever charge him with a conspiracy to manufacture charge? Sure, it's nominally a legal med operation, but if you're somehow involved and it's partially out of compliance... Potentially hairy?