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Legalities in Philly


Active member
Does anybody know bout how the LEO's in Philly are treating growers? Im planning on moving back and I was just wondering how hard they trying to bust folks like me. I mean, if Im really careful, how*much of a chance do I got of getting busted?
Plus, How are the laws there? Whats the chances of herb getting legalized? I know that they lax'ed up a bit since I lived there. I been gone bout since 2008.
Thanks for any help or reply's I get.


ICMag Donor
Sorry....don't live in that region. Maybe Google your query, click on cyber newspapers alternative news to check activity. Hope you find solid answers before moving back.


Active member
You'll probably be okay growing, most of us have grown or do still grow in non med or rec states.
Your issues will come from tryin to get rid of it out there.


Active member
Thanks Indocult. I preciate the input. I grew for years in Philly, but I owned the house I grew in. Now I think I may have to get a rental. That's kinda my concern. I never grew in a rental. Im not sure yet if Im gonna have to rent but its a possibility. I guess every move ya make has its risks so I guess Im just gonna have to keep security the biggest priority and get growing! Its still possible that I mite be able to buy a place or get a lease to own. Its still up in the air. We wont know for sure for a fyew months yet. Damn I want a chicken braclarabe an a wudder ice! Im wearin a Tony Lukes shirt rite now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have lot of family from west Philly near Overbrook. PoPo has their hands full with serious crime in all parts of the city and they prioritize that. Hope something good works out.

Enjoy the hoagies!


Active member
I have lot of family from west Philly near Overbrook. PoPo has their hands full with serious crime in all parts of the city and they prioritize that. Hope something good works out.

I've grown in Philly and I agree, they have real crime to deal with and don't really bother growers that much. There was a bust near Temple a few years ago, but hardly any grow busts in the city lately.


Active member
Not sure about growing in Philly , but getting caught with an oz or less is only a $25 fine. My helper was stopped skating in the middle of the nightby some cops and they wanted his id --sent him home to get it and kept his backpack. When he got back one of the cops was smoking one of his prerolls. Gotta love Philly.

Gone Camping

Well-known member
Yep, Philly decrim'd and made it a fine for an oz or under. New Gov signed medical but I'm not sure where it's at right now..

I'm in the burbs outside NE, hoping the state goes legal soon.


Active member
Born and raised in south philly ( west) relocated real close in 96
Spend half my time there still ( work) and (family)

Police in Philly are real laid back and really are not like little townships that need to keep the cash flowing in.
Don't be stupid and they won't mess with ya
Too busy scurrying along the H dealers
18th Wallace , 4th diamond and all the other good drug corners
Some of the stories I could tell about cops turning their heads the other way would amaze ya , I have had some nice breaks from Phillys finest
A) allowed to leave after a 10 bag coke arrest with a get the fuck out of here and don't come back.
B) allowed to roll off after being in the middle of a working girls work
C) drinking and driving at least 3 times just told to be careful
The benefits of being white and Italian I suppose

But in all honesty I was young then and didn't grow , you just need to be smart like anywhere
No cops are not looking for grow ops as tbh there are not a lot around but with the times that is changing. Medical mj is a possibility in philly again as of this week. A new htg supply store has just opened in the heart of Delaware county and it's actually getting business.
Mayor nutter and Ramsey ( commissioner) are just about done and a good old boy from south philly is probably gonna win the next election.
So look for legal pot and the return of the mafia .......I can even get on a plane in philly without being totally harassed because of my last name which for years was comical


Active member
Good looking out HomeSlice! Thats just the info I was looking for! Im So Philly too. Rite round Shunk an Fairhill. Been to 4th an Diamond quite a few times too back in the day. Now Im just liking herbs an shrooms tho. Then I moved to the SW. Rite round 70th an Woodland. I bet we know somma the same people. Il pm ya once I get enough posts if thats ok. Either that or ya can pm me if ya like. Thanks again Soserthc1!