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Legalise Cannabis Ireland to speak on Newstalk Thursday 27th Jan


Legalise Cannabis Ireland to speak on Newstalk Thursday 27th Jan PLEASE SUPPORT

An interview with an Legalise Cannabis Ireland Cork representative on Newstalk 106-108 FM is taking place next Thursday night between 10-11pm on a show called 'Culture Shock'. Please take part in the discussion on the night via text, emails or twitter

Text: 53106
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: culture_shock
Thursdays: 22:00 - 00:00



i listened to the interview and tho he made excellent points on hemp and generation of capital from it,anytime he was asked about health risks he kept referring to physcosis why i dont know,the interviewer didnt bring it up once but he brought it up at least 3 times and blamed it on skunk and high thc varieties of cannabis without any further information,like it only brings about phycosis in people already vulnerable to it sometin like <5%.he used to many of his personal opinions i feel and didnt seem to use many facts or findings other than in the relation to hemp.in my view it went very poorly in that aspect.

just my 2 brown coins tho!

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
the fact it's being talked about seriously is a good thing, a step in the right direction no matter how big or small
Puff on


misinformation is worse than none in my opinion,but he did make really good points on hemp so i agree with you in the respect that,half a loaf is better than no bread.
Any of ye seen the documentary "What if cannabis cured cancer" ?

It goes through quite a bit more than just cancer, probably the best documentary ive seen on weed. How it reacts with the body etc. Definitely worth a watch if ye havent come across it yet (its pretty new)

Anyways, a doctor in it talks about the whole psychosis debacle and actually brings around some studies that show cannabis has the opposite effect of bringing on pyschosis, and actually that it could lessen it. He says the fact of the matter is these people have smoked weed and probably unwittingly started self medicating as they found the state to be mch easier to deal with than normality, now it may or may not come on stronger, and thats down to environment. But its not down to cannabis .....


Any of ye seen the documentary "What if cannabis cured cancer" ?

It goes through quite a bit more than just cancer, probably the best documentary ive seen on weed. How it reacts with the body etc. Definitely worth a watch if ye havent come across it yet (its pretty new)

No Grim, Havnt seen it. Didnt know if it was anygood. Thanks for the heads up. :wave:

Rick Simson's, "Run from the cure" and "the Business" are both by far the best documenteries ive seen on the subject at hand. Most of the others discuss the same ol shite over n over n over