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Legal grow states are not setting good examples!!!



Anybody else in the states feel like the few states that have regulated marijuana are abusing it and putting off bad views of us as smokers? What im talking about is the people that are growing way more than there allowed and then selling it, having huge smoke outs in broad daylight, Giving anybody in the world a medical card, and the list goes on and on...

I just feel like there representing all of us in a negative manner. And to all the legal growers and honest patients, keep up the good fight!!:thank you:


Active member
the law and reality are different. it was supposed to be for sick people with documented medical history that had tried other meds and found them unacceptable. well thats what everyone fighting for it believed. rip steve mcwilliams. instead in cali you can wake up deciede you want to get a rec and get stoned. pay your 40$ and your stoned the same day.you dont have to be from cali or have cali id even.


Registered Non-Conformist
Another Divisive thread concept.. FYI, even in Mendocino County, almost no one smokes in plain view of anyone.. Maybe at a Reggae concert, or a Harvest Festival. OK.

As it turns out, in Medical MJ states, almost EXACTLY the same issues are being 'hashed out,' every time... In every MMJ state.

We all know that most of us want to see complete legalization, and if MMJ is the route to that 'end,' well we all know we are for it. (profiteering concepts aside - I believe there will then be a Boutique market, just like Wine)

All my life, I have hoped for legalization. How about you..?


just like ANYTHING else in america the lunatic fringe on both sides of this issue have picked up the ball and started to run with it.

in some ways the fools who have sign spinners outside their dispensaries piss me off as bad as the anti MMJ lobby does.

IMHO 80% of us could sit down and get this clusterfuck figured out in about 10 minutes, but the 10% to the far left and the 10% to the far right are not going to let that happen ......... i am not even sure which 10% is the bigger turd in our collective punch bowl anymore.


New member
A lot of "us" being portrayed in a negative light is symptomatic of American lifestyles.

The culture that we know now evolved under the consideration that cannabis was an illegal narcotic, and the prohibitive laws make the plant a beacon for the greedy and ambitious.

We by and large in this nation hold the plant in very little regard; most Joe-Smokers are just trying to get baked, while those of us who hold the plant in a sacred or spiritual light are certainly the minority.

We Americans don't have the respect for ANY life forms to really begin to treat cannabis appropriately. We're in Monsanto's arena here, in a nation that has decreed that one man or a collective of men can hold the property rights to something that lives and breathes because they "made" it...

Our ganja culture and our obsession with marketing and profiteering within ALL subcultures is really the driving force behind those peoples' actions. Respect for the plant will always be superseded by its ability to make individuals money within American cultural and social paradigms.

Bleh, it makes me sad, I'm gonna go toke.


Active member
i think co and maine are doing ok.cali is a joke. i aint complaining but it sure aint a role model for medical mj.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have had rec in 3 states they where all as easy to get as filling my gas tank.. Everyone loves blaming Cali when there is no difference in many of the 16 states that have MMJ. Cali has alot of bad apples but I dont shit on us all because of them.. Cali has always got the most attention. When your on top everyone trys to bring you down..


Active member
i aint leaving LOL the more smokers the better reguardless of why they smoke. if the feds would recognise the medical benefits then any doctor would treat it like any other prescription and solve alot of problems. but sham doctors giving a rec without any physical,review of records and charging 40$ aint a model system.


Active member
Prop 215 from Ca., states that Medical Marijuana can be recommended for ANY Illness which Marijuana provides relief.
This is why most of the people that THINK they're 'just getting high' all the time are ok in my book for a medical card.

Most of those people would be slammed on Rx pills in 10 minutes at any mental health facility. Ordinary folks too... The mental health field is ridiculous.

Leave em alone!

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I have had rec in 3 states they where all as easy to get as filling my gas tank.. Everyone loves blaming Cali when there is no difference in many of the 16 states that have MMJ. Cali has alot of bad apples but I dont shit on us all because of them.. Cali has always got the most attention. When your on top everyone trys to bring you down..

Yeah.. the thread title kinda got me. Setting a 'good example', are you kidding me? I am reminded of the time one of my neighbors called me to tell me I shouldn't let my dog play with this other neighbor's dog (I shit you NOT here, it really happened), because, get this, the other dog was going to be a bad influence on my dog. And why was this other dog going to be a bad influence on my well-trained, loving dog? She killed a deer. So, she's a bad influence, and a bad example of a dog.

My life became so surreal when I moved up here.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Prop 215 from Ca., states that Medical Marijuana can be recommended for ANY Illness which Marijuana provides relief. Based on the law it is the decision of the Doctor. People who grow, and distribute outside of Prop 215 and SB 420 are in Violation of State Law. I personally have no problem with the way the law is written. Link to Prop 215 http://www.chrisconrad.com/expert.witness/Prop215.html#215text

This is a totally incorrect interpretation of the law as it is written. The part that you are quoting is at the very end of paragraph (A), and refers back to the group defined at the beginning of the paragraph. That group is seriously ill Californians. Legislation is alway written with the most important, broad strokes first, and less consequential details last.

I have no problem with cannabis consumption, whether medical or recreational. However, this law was voted into law as a compassionate relief measure primarily aimed at aids and cancer patients, and ran off the rails long ago.
ALL use of CANNABIS is MEDICAL. PERIOD. End of Story.

Setting a good example???? What the fuck does that even mean?? Whatever it means, we're not raping little boys in the name of God.

Abusing medical marijuana??? yeah, i abused it really bad last night and woke up covered in cheetos

and my favorite " putting off bad views of us as smokers" We are outlaws...always have been...always will be...that stupid little card don't mean shit when the Man comes around.

Sorry about the rant. The premise of this whole thread pisses me off. It's almost trying to say unless you have cancer or aids or smoke for the "spiritual" experience you are a lesser human being dragging down the whole cause.


We need not fight ourselves, when our true enemy is the WAR ON DRUGS. There is no room in our cause for this holier than thou bullshit.


ALL use of CANNABIS is MEDICAL. PERIOD. End of Story.

Setting a good example???? What the fuck does that even mean?? Whatever it means, we're not raping little boys in the name of God.

Abusing medical marijuana??? yeah, i abused it really bad last night and woke up covered in cheetos

and my favorite " putting off bad views of us as smokers" We are outlaws...always have been...always will be...that stupid little card don't mean shit when the Man comes around.

Sorry about the rant. The premise of this whole thread pisses me off. It's almost trying to say unless you have cancer or aids or smoke for the "spiritual" experience you are a lesser human being dragging down the whole cause.


We need not fight ourselves, when our true enemy is the WAR ON DRUGS. There is no room in our cause for this holier than thou bullshit.

i can't say i disagree with what you are saying, but when the conservative tools that don't want the drug war to end are lobbying in the next state that is talking about legalizing on any level they pull up the worst examples possible ......... and lots of them come to easy.

they lost the drug war and they know it, but you are not going to get their unconditional surrender by pissing in there face.

our side sure as fuck didn't quit because they were doing it to us, so i think that the "in your face" mentality might actually give them ammo


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
IMO Cannabis is the only Drug that can make big Pharma sweat bullets at how much money they would lose if it was legalized. Until that 1% is told there profits wont be lost do to cannabis being legalized it wont happen. We just dont have the connections and money to put up a fight. Normal is worthless. They need to get some organization going. Get events scheduled bring in lots of Dollars. Put the truth in adds everywhere TV,Radio,Magazines.


Registered User
Compared to stripping a person of their property and freedoms... For having on em, smoking, or growing the herb... Just for the end effect of increasing profits to the private companies and gov't budgets...

What are we comparing again? That is uglier than...? I'd say any non-medi state gives us all look like fools... And the medi-states are a bit embarassing... Cuz they aren't full decriminalizing yet. First one to do this, the only one that would seem reasonable.

If u can afford a card... Get it. Offers a little bit of protections against the system. Call it a lesser form of civil disobedience... Perhaps a moral imperitive... Lol


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
ALL use of CANNABIS is MEDICAL. PERIOD. End of Story.

This is bullshit. I've been using cannabis in one form or another for well over 40 years, and about the first 30 or so was purely for recreational reasons. For the last decade, it has been medical, and if you can't tell the difference, then I suspect that you haven't experienced medical usage yet. As I said in a previous post, I have absolutely no problem with any cannabis usage, but this attitude is destroying access in California for people who are true medical patients, and as the OP inferred, is keeping other states from following in our footsteps. I completely understand the civil disobedience side, and concur to a point. However, the epidemic of large grows in residential areas and "carpet baggers" coming into rural areas for huge seasonal outdoor grows has caused the inevitable reaction of the straight populace reacting with zoning bullshit that is eliminating access for people who have no other recourse.


New member
ALL use of CANNABIS is MEDICAL. PERIOD. End of Story.

Setting a good example???? What the fuck does that even mean?? Whatever it means, we're not raping little boys in the name of God.

Abusing medical marijuana??? yeah, i abused it really bad last night and woke up covered in cheetos

and my favorite " putting off bad views of us as smokers" We are outlaws...always have been...always will be...that stupid little card don't mean shit when the Man comes around.

Sorry about the rant. The premise of this whole thread pisses me off. It's almost trying to say unless you have cancer or aids or smoke for the "spiritual" experience you are a lesser human being dragging down the whole cause.


We need not fight ourselves, when our true enemy is the WAR ON DRUGS. There is no room in our cause for this holier than thou bullshit.

I agree with this guy. Seriously calling people that smoke bud a bad people and junkies just becuz they smoke bud for recreational purposes is bit out of the line.

I personally know a guy who used to b a meth addict/dealer and got off that shit by just smoking bud.

And you kno what? I rather love to see people smoke than drink liquor acting stupid as hell driving retarded. or smoking some crazy shit like meth.

I remember Arjan mentioning that he knew a guy in S. Asia that used to treat heroin addicts with cannabis.

Those that dont kno, heroin is a crazy addictive drug that if you are off of it for awhile, You will get this thing called heroin sickness that seriously puts your life in danger unless you inject more heroin.
(saw it on Drug Inc. Heroin on youtube. opened my eyes up)

Just becuz i dont have Aids/Cancer, and i love to toke that makes me a junkie? I dont think so.

What about people that drinks on regular basis.

My friends we need to open our perspectives lil bit wider.

God has given YOU free will to be able to make choices in YOUR life. whether its good or bad. Thus making us grow from our mistakes.

remember, what dont kill you makes you stronger.

but if you are addicted smoking 10 blunts a day like i used to, i say snap out of it for a week or something.

I been off for few weeks now and side effects arent crazy or w/e.
Work for 12 hours a day plus 2 hour work out and tell me you cant fall asleep :D

eventually you wil crash out homie. keep up the good fight ppl and dont give up hope. PEACE~

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